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In fairness we do constantly have the royals and the people who make it their business to know what's going on in the world, discussing the Blight and how fucked the world is. The Townspeople wouldn't really know much as their only exposure to the Blight would be the refugees who flee to their towns and they would be more focused on that aspect.

A bit disingenuously he tries to use FFX and Sin as an example. Saying that there are points where people don't seem concerned about Sin (while showing clips of Luca scenes). The problem there is that the game makes it explicit that Spirans use Blitzball as an escape, a chance to forget the pain Sin brings and just cheer on their favourite team. Wakka explains this pretty well in Kilika and Yuna clarifies it's the reason the Crusaders (usually) defend Luca with everything they've got..

If you go back to Luca after the tournament is over, pretty much all NPCs mention Sin in some way. He's never not at the forefront of everyone's mind and he's a lot harder for anyone, high ranking officials and ordinary citizens alike to ignore than something like the Blight which while spreading quickly, hasn't yet reached those places.

It doesn't help we actually DO find out the reason why Sin primarily leaves Luca alone is because of Yu Yevon's own memories of Zanarkand is just enough to completely refuse to destroy Luca and take away that one hope of escape for Spira. Even what we see happen in Dream Zanarkand is primarily because of Auron and Jecht's plan to get Tidus out of there to defeat him.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
It doesn't help we actually DO find out the reason why Sin primarily leaves Luca alone is because of Yu Yevon's own memories of Zanarkand is just enough to completely refuse to destroy Luca and take away that one hope of escape for Spira. Even what we see happen in Dream Zanarkand is primarily because of Auron and Jecht's plan to get Tidus out of there to defeat him.

The memories of the individuals that make up Sin's core are also largely the reason the temples go un-attacked since the Hymn would reach Jecht and the other Sin's and allow them to restrain themselves. Unfortunately lending the Yevon religion even more credibility in the eyes of the people.

For a game that's often described as convoluted (usually regarding the dream shenanigans), it's amazing how well the story fits together.

Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member


V.I.P. Member
So Bandai released a Tamagotchi from Harry Potter, Tamagotchis share a multiverse with Digimon and Tekken shares a multiverse with Digimon so Harry Potter shares a multiverse with Tekken which in turn had a crossover with Street Fighter and Naruto Storm, which in turn had a crossover with Asura's Wrath, Capcom, Marvel and Shonen Jump, not forgetting that Dante crossovered on SMT, SMT crossovered with ToAru, Bayonetta, Durarara & Berserk.

Come every moment the All Canon to see itself is more real.


Just a shadow
V.I.P. Member
So Bandai released a Tamagotchi from Harry Potter, Tamagotchis share a multiverse with Digimon and Tekken shares a multiverse with Digimon so Harry Potter shares a multiverse with Tekken which in turn had a crossover with Street Fighter and Naruto Storm, which in turn had a crossover with Asura's Wrath, Capcom, Marvel and Shonen Jump, not forgetting that Dante crossovered on SMT, SMT crossovered with ToAru, Bayonetta, Durarara & Berserk.

Come every moment the All Canon to see itself is more real.
didn't some of that also share a crossover with Transformers.

:eksip So the all canon is truly there.

The memories of the individuals that make up Sin's core are also largely the reason the temples go un-attacked since the Hymn would reach Jecht and the other Sin's and allow them to restrain themselves. Unfortunately lending the Yevon religion even more credibility in the eyes of the people.

For a game that's often described as convoluted (usually regarding the dream shenanigans), it's amazing how well the story fits together.

Honestly, outside of a few plot beats in VIII, I wouldn't say any FF game has been convoluted... till FF7 Remake. That's when it went from a pain but it's still fine to what the fuck Squenix!
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