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OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

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Darth Nihilus

V.I.P. Member
you are one of the very few who enjoy it :mjlol

most fans, have it on last places levels even :mjlol tbh, it doesnt have tension and stakes like y0-y2 have, but its meh, i wasnt fan of it, not cuz its a bad game, but cuz it is zzzzz levels

It's very chill but it's still Kiryu nigga

Plus I like the side stories and games

You gotta take in the good with the bad

Searching for Hirose right now in Onomichi


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2

inside the sega arcades of the game, it has the ps3 version, but upscaled :mjlol

Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member

TrueG 37


I will never not laugh when the hack Kishimoto actually did bring back the Uchiha Family dynamic... with the MCs.

Because that basically is what Boruto now became at it's core:
It's just another Uchiha wankfest... except this time, include the Okutsuki because everyone loves them right?
That's what gets me the most. They made a sequel series based on and expanding on the alien bullshit that everyone hated :heston.

I just realized this shit:
Orochimaru just became a bitch made version of Mayuri Kurotsuchi! :heston

Like seriously, it feels like Kishimoto saw what Kubo did(Not realizing not everyone liked Mayuri getting off for the slaughter of the Quincies but again, atleast he was still with the Seiretei the entire time) and then tried to desperately hodgepodge some absolute bullshit so now Orochimaru is an okay guy that's just under "house arrest".

Even his "son" is literally just Nemu if you truly think about it.:jordangif
Jesus Christ, he's stealing from his own mates, not cool my dude, not cool.


V.I.P. Member
Yeah Stephanie Nadolny

She lost roles at Funi because her ex-boyfriend (who people think is Sabat) got salty they broke up and started badmouthing her/spreading lies at the company

That’s why she doesn’t voice Kid Goku or Gohan anymore
I met her to get a signed autograph and can confirm this. She left Funi on bad terms around the time Sabat and Sean started abusing their powers and pushing people like her out to replace with old college buddies and people with the “right politics” instead of talent.

Vic Mignogna is an example of what happens to those who refuse to leave
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