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OBD Convo #44: Happy New Year. Lets Start the year with a bang.

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Nice we got an arcade enthusiast

Yep si senor.

and since I'm going on a trip to East Asia/Southeast Asia starting this Sunday for most of February...

Here's another underrated light gun game produced by Taiwan at Tom's World:

Monster Eye is about on par with Sega's Let's Go Jungle and Namco Bandai's Deadstorm Pirates or just slightly below them at least in regards to gameplay, aesthetics, and quality.

Too bad I still haven't seen this game available anywhere in my area stateside.



This actually looks pretty good. Considering LA One Piece was solid and LA YYH was okay(it should have been 2-3 more episodes longer), I have hope this will turn out well
hotd has also a class cheese voice acting, especially the old games :mjlol
Oh yeah the voice acting isn't the best, but I liked the first and second one the best. The fourth wasn't so bad, I have no comment on the fifth.

Imma be honest with y'all, the primary and main reason I think Scarlet Dawn is the best game in the HotD series so far is because of one thing:




Yeah I'm deadass serious here. She's the biggest reason I love the game more than anything else. Besides the assload of weapons and new gameplay mechanics and the story.


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
and we continue the story mode parts

- jin and the crew assemble to fight true mode majin kaz, kaz easily overpowers the cast, reina does for the most part well, even better than hwo and lars
true majin mode kaz then fights her, she gets stomped for the most part, but thats show her insane dura and damage soak levels, managed even to land few hits, but obv, kaz easily tanked them and easily beat her in the end, claudio managed to halt kaz for a while with his best spell, but still it wasnt enough, kaz cuid him, as well, although after claudio got cuid, his spell started to have effect, thus it helped them to gain them more time to find a way to fight back again, kaz retreated, cuz the spell effect were had effect on kaz

- jin has a spar with ling, she holds fairly well on her own, obv base jin, still stronger, jin also later senses jun's presence and goes for another inner training arc/zenkai time

- reina endures a direct strong blast from true majin form kaz, for her own reasons, it will be a key to her later awakening, once kaz defeats them, all of this going on, while jin is training for the final fight

reminder that, even from chapter 1 of this game, standard mode majin kaz (true form kaz is even stronger, as we see, obviously) had this impressive cloud part feat = country levels


hwo beat rampaging majin jin on his own, obv kaz beat jin easier, but hwo also gets the country level scale, since he managed to fight for a while against a stronger controlled majin jin

the power scale, pre-final fight against true majin form kaz, goes like this, that counts for all of them

true form mode majin kaz > standard majin kaz >= post first fight again kaz-jin > reina (although reina's dura is above jin's, at this point) > hwo/lars > first fight against kaz-jin > ling for the fact, not being pasted from a post-first fight kaz base jin, even in spar > possibly lee and victor, since they aimdodged a blast from true form majin kaz

as for claudio, claudio with his best spell can halt/restrain true form majin mode kaz, so yeah, without it, he is like lee/victor tier, with it, he is > reina, only for the fact, that it did some damage on kaz's internally with its magical properties

to remind again, the story mode here is like an anime, it has arcs and variations, with each arc, the power scale changes, lol

in the final arc, obv jin and kaz are on another level, and these two gonna get the continental+ scale, in the final fight
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Man of Atom
In "Jujutsu Kaisen," Domain Expansions are a unique and powerful form of cursed technique that reflects the user's inner world and abilities. If Goku from the "Dragon Ball" series were to have a Domain Expansion in the "Jujutsu Kaisen" universe, it would likely reflect his characteristics, such as his immense power, fighting spirit, and his quest for constant improvement. Here's a conceptualization of Goku's Domain Expansion:

Domain Expansion: Saiyan's Limitless Arena

  1. Appearance and Atmosphere: The domain would resemble a vast, boundless cosmic arena, filled with nebulas and stars, symbolizing Goku's connection to space and his Saiyan heritage. The area would pulsate with vibrant energy, mirroring Goku's own boundless energy and fighting spirit.
  2. Sure-Hit Effect: The domain's sure-hit effect would be "Spiritual Pressure." It would manifest as an intense, overwhelming aura that exerts psychological and physical pressure on opponents, akin to Goku's intimidating presence during his powerful transformations. This pressure could potentially paralyze opponents with fear or awe, making them more susceptible to Goku's attacks.
  3. Powers and Abilities:
    • Enhanced Strength and Speed: Within the domain, Goku's physical abilities would be amplified, allowing him to move at extraordinary speeds and deliver devastatingly powerful attacks.
    • Ki Manipulation: Goku's control over ki would be at its peak, allowing him to effortlessly create and manipulate energy blasts and defensive barriers.
    • Adaptive Combat: Reflecting Goku's ability to quickly learn and adapt in battle, the domain would grant him enhanced perception and reflexes, enabling him to counter and anticipate his opponent's moves more effectively.
  4. Effects on Enemies:
    • Energy Suppression: Opponents within the domain would find their energy or cursed energy being suppressed, making it harder for them to use their techniques to their full potential.
    • Battle Instinct Disruption: The overwhelming presence of Goku's domain would disrupt the enemy's battle instincts and focus, making it difficult for them to fight at their usual capacity.
  5. Effects on the User:
    • Stamina Drain: Maintaining such a powerful domain would be taxing on Goku, gradually draining his stamina the longer it's active.



V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
this is also another trend that needs to be stopped

stop remaking/remaster series, and make instead new ip's, new games, put effort, again, this gaming era, needs new and good games, if i want to play the og versions, i can play them, upscaled and all, the emulators even make better remasters, if you add the hd textures packs and all 🤷‍♂️
time crisis 5 and hotd sd are truly some of the best arcade shooter games, there is also ways to emulate them, so props to the fans, again
Yeah if I also want to interject here a bit: I still actually miss the other old light gun games we had from iconic Japanese devs from the 90's and early 2000's.

I miss the days when the light gun games of American arcades were predominantly if not exclusively dominated by House of the Dead and Time Crisis games AND all of Sega, Namco (Bandai), and Konami as a whole. And maybe Taito to a lesser extent.
Nowadays at Dave & Buster's or any place that has an arcade section in America, it's a fucking shame and pity that as far as modern light gun games go....

All we get are just mostly crap developed by corporate American developers like Raw Thrills such as licensed shit like Terminator: Salvation or Jurassic Park.

Which range from being bland and mediocre shit at best to being downright ass and terrible shit at worst (don't even get me started on Halo: Fireteam Raven, that shit is at the absolute bottom of my list).
I thought that was non canon :randywhat
Did I miss something
You missed the moment where Hakan yeeted Honda towards an incoming meteor, (previously calculated to be country level due to a report which stated had the meteor crashed against the planet, it'd been devastating) which he destroyed and survived re-entry into the atmosphere just fine (This happened in SF V)

Which means Akuma's meteor destroying feat is now legal, since he's leagues avobe both
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You missed the moment where Hakan yeeted Honda towards an incoming meteor, (previously calculatd to be contry level due to a report which stated had the meteor crashed against the planet, it'd been devastating) which he destroyed and survived re-entry into the atmosphere just fine (This happened in SF V)

Which means Akuma's meteor destroying feat is now legal, since he's leagues avobe both
You mean this thing I mentioned before in the thread?


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2

sometimes i want to powerbomb you nigs, for saying obvious stuff, but i know, we nakama, even with young noobs like shirake :wow

i know that one way or another, we all gree, anyway, now carry on :mjpls


Man of Atom
this is also another trend that needs to be stopped

stop remaking/remaster series, and make instead new ip's, new games, put effort, again, this gaming era, needs new and good games, if i want to play the og versions, i can play them, upscaled and all, the emulators even make better remasters, if you add the hd textures packs and all 🤷‍♂️
or at least if your gonna remake something dont take away from it, add to it, improve upon whats already there. theres a reason why people loved Heart Gold and Soul Silver
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