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OBD Convo #45: Roll For Initiative

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OR maybe it's just a Yeti. :mjpls



V.I.P. Member
OR maybe it's just a Yeti. :mjpls

Christ these people would look at this image and probably see a monsterized Black Man (or possibly a Native American given the axes), while all I and most people see is a cool Yeti based Digimon about to go ham on your ass with twin dual bladed axes. :awesome
cant wait for them to start claiming charizard to be black or something....
oh wait

ngl, hes pretty lackluster.

he looks very stiff when hes "locked" into his gun shooter move. voice acting is pretty meh.
in comparison to anythign from SF6, tekken 8 or granblue 2B, its pretty low on DLC to get

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
cant wait for them to start claiming charizard to be black or something....
oh wait
Clearly a racist black stero-type just like Mr Popo. :kobeha
ngl, hes pretty lackluster.

he looks very stiff when hes "locked" into his gun shooter move. voice acting is pretty meh.
in comparison to anythign from SF6, tekken 8 or granblue 2B, its pretty low on DLC to get
I don't really have an opinion myself since I don't play these games, just bringing it to people's attention.
Though as a spectator who occasionally watches pro-fighting game tournaments, MK1 is definitely the most boring of the current crop.


V.I.P. Member
Clearly a racist black stero-type just like Mr Popo. :kobeha

I don't really have an opinion myself since I don't play these games, just bringing it to people's attention.
Though as a spectator who occasionally watches pro-fighting game tournaments, MK1 is definitely the most boring of the current crop.
Honestly, these people associating Orcs with Black people or Native Americans or JK Rowling’s Goblins to Jews off their own perception says more about themselves being the racists that only go by stereotypes than anyone else.
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V.I.P. Member
lol if i ever get my hands on it i want to try "make slave driver"
bet it will make uncle ruckus
It actually was a thing for some freed slaves that earned their citizenship to than go on to be slave masters themselves

Of course, all these people today demanding reparations from the white man and the white man only will leave ugly little details such as that or the fact that slavery is still practiced today in Africa out to preserve the narrative

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V.I.P. Member
It actually was a thing for some freed slaves that earned their citizenship to than go on to be slave masters themselves

Of course, all these people today demanding reparations from the white man and the white man only will leave ugly little details such as that or the fact that slavery is still practiced today in Africa to preserve the narrative

Its just anti-white hate and pure making themselves victims to get privileges and other bullshit, niggas go out of their way to believe white people have no culture,never got enslaved and 3442432 other bullshit,and it doesn't help all medias like to paint it that way too :smh
Its just anti-white hate and pure making themselves victims to get privileges and other bullshit, niggas go out of their way to believe white people have no culture,never got enslaved and 3442432 other bullshit,and it doesn't help all medias like to paint it that way too :smh

Hey, hey, hey... those are what we call Hoodrats, don't put all Blacks under that brush.
There are them, those that just want the opportunity for some free cash and that's it and those that know better and want to stay out of it.


V.I.P. Member
Its just anti-white hate and pure making themselves victims to get privileges and other bullshit, niggas go out of their way to believe white people have no culture,never got enslaved and 3442432 other bullshit,and it doesn't help all medias like to paint it that way too :smh
Denzel Washington literally spelling it all out for these types of idiots in this scene



Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
Its just anti-white hate and pure making themselves victims to get privileges and other bullshit, niggas go out of their way to believe white people have no culture,never got enslaved and 3442432 other bullshit,and it doesn't help all medias like to paint it that way too :smh
Hey, hey, hey... those are what we call Hoodrats, don't put all Blacks under that brush.
There are them, those that just want the opportunity for some free cash and that's it and those that know better and want to stay out of it.
Hoodrats, race-hustlers, virtue signalers, etc. They all employ the same, tired old tactics of blame and shame, especially with the race card. Something that's seriously losing power fast, as people are more and more beginning to see through the bullshit.

I think they attempted this once in Ireland, as well... only to quickly realize that Irish history's most prominent section focuses on our enslavement by the british and all the bullshit we had to put up with, with them at the helm, and that most of my people were at least semi-aware of this, and thus, their little guilty trip about us being 'slavers'(which we were, just as everyone else was... like over a thousand years ago) was ineffective and only succeeded in annoying us.

Then, I guess, someone brought up how Irish and blacks were put in the same area by the british in Britain as the 'problem people', so to speak, where not only were the Irish seen as the worst of the worst, but they also had zero issue inter-breeding with the blacks. Suffice to say, the nonsense narrative fell apart faster than a company going full woke and burning millions/billions of dollars for 'the message' and they were forced to pivot into something else, to try and control us. :mjlol


V.I.P. Member
Hoodrats, race-hustlers, virtue signalers, etc. They all employ the same, tired old tactics of blame and shame, especially with the race card. Something that's seriously losing power fast, as people are more and more beginning to see through the bullshit.

I think they attempted this once in Ireland, as well... only to quickly realize that Irish history's most prominent section focuses on our enslavement by the british and all the bullshit we had to put up with, with them at the helm, and that most of my people were at least semi-aware of this, and thus, their little guilty trip about us being 'slavers'(which we were, just as everyone else was... like over a thousand years ago) was ineffective and only succeeded in annoying us.

Then, I guess, someone brought up how Irish and blacks were put in the same area by the british in Britain as the 'problem people', so to speak, where not only were the Irish seen as the worst of the worst, but they also had zero issue inter-breeding with the blacks. Suffice to say, the nonsense narrative fell apart faster than a company going full woke and burning millions/billions of dollars for 'the message' and they were forced to pivot into something else, to try and control us. :mjlol
The Irish Catholics that immigrated to America had it even worse than the slaves.

A slave master buying a slave was an investment so they were usually taken care of well enough to ensure they lived and the slave master got their money’s worth.

Irish Catholics coming over to America founded by Protestants were outright expendable and given all the shittiest, most dangerous jobs possible and horrible living conditions. Was so bad for them in that time, I remember reading how wagons going house to houses and being filled with workers that died the previous night either from the job or the unsanitary living conditions they had to settle for was a daily occurrence
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