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Yup pretty much. There’s nothing wrong with a protagonist being the Chosen One in itself. It’s just bad when it goes against what’s previously established.

Naruto was never the “underdog” in Part 1, just a late bloomer that was destined for greatness from the start by inheriting not just Kurama but the chakra of a literal demigod alongside fellow Fate Brother Sasuke.

Destiny isn’t a thing and hard work always beats natural talent though, amirite?

Can’t say how bad One Piece handles this for Luffy because One Piece bored me and I couldn’t get into it
That’s mostly my problem with Naruto. You root for Naruto at the start because he was dealt a bad hand, but then it becomes a completely different Manga

One Piece has been consistent imo.
Yeah the thing is Luffy was never really treated as an underdog lol

he's been freakishly strong since chapter 1 and stomped most of his opponents prior to the timeskip
This is true, i remember popular YouTubers like Penguin0 and Comicstorian (kek) criticizing how Luffy isn’t an underdog and doesn’t “really” struggle.

Luffy is supposed to be a big fish in a small pond at first. Then later he sees how small he really is.

Naruto is more a straight forward struggle to rise through the ranks.

That pic basically summarizes Arlong Park Forums the last decade. I don't know about current Arlong Park Forums because I don't visit the site. But I remember their Naruto thread where they mocked about all this. And, like a curse, the same is happening to One Piece now. Also, not represented in the pic, they criticized the fact that Pain and Karin were Uzumakis. And, ironically, the same is happening with the D's in One Piece.
They’re reading a completely different Manga.

How are they even reconciling Roger oassing down the strawhat, and the entirety of Skypea?

D have been special since Drum Island
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