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OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome

Darth Nihilus

V.I.P. Member
We would be better off making our own Star Wars iteration than wait on someone else to fuck it up

It ain't about her orientation or her gender or her gotdamn pronouns

It's about what happens when you put the wrong motherfucker in charge of handling business

Business doesn't get handled and money gets wasted

A once united house is further divided


V.I.P. Member
We would be better off making our own Star Wars iteration than wait on someone else to fuck it up

It ain't about her orientation or her gender or her gotdamn pronouns

It's about what happens when you put the wrong motherfucker in charge of handling business

Business doesn't get handled and money gets wasted

A once united house is further divided
The director and the leading actress in an interview asked them about the problem of making SW gay, then they said that all nerds are gay, that they don't know gays who aren't gay.

Darth Nihilus

V.I.P. Member
The director and the leading actress in an interview asked them about the problem of making SW gay, then they said that all nerds are gay, that they don't know gays who aren't gay.

I don't care if she's gay

Just leave that shit where you found it and check your shit at the door before you decide to force your worldview onto the rest of the world

We all see the world through different lenses

No sense in having the same vision to look at the same horse shit that they are spewing

Bad enough when it's like they're trying to make gay the new black like they did orange a few years ago on Netflix
Last edited:


Man of Atom

Also, that card is straight cheeks. Even as a Super Poly target, Mudragon and Garura more or less cover anything already.

Magistus continuing to be the definition of a mid archetype. Total waste of a series getting a manga spin-off and more support over both better and more interesting themes that deserve it
Yeah its unfortunate as hell, they should have done another popular archetype like they did with sky strikers instead

Why I never use Pot of Desires anymore

they dont call it pot of -10 for no reason
We would be better off making our own Star Wars iteration than wait on someone else to fuck it up

It ain't about her orientation or her gender or her gotdamn pronouns

It's about what happens when you put the wrong motherfucker in charge of handling business

Business doesn't get handled and money gets wasted

A once united house is further divided
Ask ChatGPT to think of a story and characters
### Review of "The Forgotten Enclave"

A hidden enclave of Force-sensitive individuals who were never discovered by the Jedi or Sith. They have developed their own unique traditions and abilities, completely independent of the known Force doctrines.

Key Themes:
1. Exploration of Alternative Force Philosophies: The enclave's unique approach to the Force offers a fresh perspective on its use and understanding, distinct from the Jedi and Sith teachings.
2. Balance Between Light and Dark: The enclave's philosophy emphasizes harmony between the light and dark sides of the Force.
3. Cultural Clash and Integration: The story explores the integration of new members and philosophies into the enclave, highlighting conflicts and resolutions.

Main Characters:
1. Eldrin Voss:
- Race: Mirialan
- Role: The charismatic leader of the enclave, Eldrin Voss believes in harnessing both the light and dark sides of the Force in harmony. He advocates for a holistic approach to the Force, teaching that all aspects are natural and should be embraced.
- Background: Descendant of the original founders of the enclave, Eldrin has spent his life preserving its traditions and protecting its secrets.

2. Lyra Windrider:
- Race: Human
- Role: A young, headstrong warrior who discovers the enclave after fleeing the remnants of the Sith. She struggles with the enclave’s unorthodox views but gradually becomes a bridge between them and the wider galaxy.
- Background: Formerly a student of the Jedi, Lyra escaped during an attack by the Sith and found refuge in the enclave. Her experiences make her a pivotal character in integrating the enclave with the larger galaxy.

3. Taraq:
- Race: Ithorian
- Role: A mysterious, elder member of the enclave who is deeply connected to nature and uses the Force to communicate with wildlife. He becomes a mentor to Lyra, teaching her the ways of the enclave.
- Background: An expert in the enclave's unique Force techniques, Taraq's wisdom and connection to nature are crucial in guiding Lyra and other new members.

The story is set between the era after Luke Skywalker’s establishment of the New Jedi Order and before Cade Skywalker’s time in the "Legacy" comics. This period allows for new developments in the galaxy without interfering with the established timelines of major Star Wars characters.

The story is set in the Skyriver universe (Legends canon), maintaining continuity with the established Star Wars lore while introducing a new, unexplored element.

1. Darth Maledictus:
- Role: Primary antagonist.
- Motivation: Seeks to uncover and exploit the powers of the Forgotten Enclave.
- Personality: Ruthless, cunning, and power-hungry.

2. Jossara Tahl:
- Role: Renegade Jedi with extreme views on the Force.
- Motivation: Believes the enclave’s balanced approach threatens true balance and seeks to destroy or convert them.
- Personality: Fanatical, determined, and intelligent.

3. Korran Vex:
- Role: Mercenary leader.
- Motivation: Hired to locate and capture members of the enclave.
- Personality: Greedy, pragmatic, and ruthless.

4. The Children of Nihilus:
- Role: Dark side cult.
- Motivation: Seek the enclave’s Force abilities to amplify their dark rituals.
- Personality: Fanatical, dangerous, and mysterious.

5. The Shadowed Hand:
- Role: Rival enclave.
- Motivation: View the Forgotten Enclave’s approach as a threat and seek to eliminate them.
- Personality: Power-hungry, strategic, and ruthless.

### First Chapter Summary

Title: The Forgotten Enclave

Chapter One: Hidden Sanctuary

The hidden planet Eriadu, shrouded in mystery and concealed by natural Force-concealing properties, houses the Forgotten Enclave. Eldrin Voss, the enclave's wise Mirialan leader, senses a disturbance in the Force. Alongside Lyra Windrider, a young Human warrior with a tumultuous past, and Taraq, a serene Ithorian elder, he sets out to investigate. They encounter Jossara Tahl, a former Jedi turned renegade, who challenges their philosophies and threatens their existence. As tensions rise, the enclave’s members must confront their beliefs and defend their sanctuary against external threats.

This summary and review ensure the story remains consistent and engaging, while providing ample opportunities for character development and exploration of new Force philosophies within the established Star Wars universe.


V.I.P. Member
Yeah its unfortunate as hell, they should have done another popular archetype like they did with sky strikers instead

they dont call it pot of -10 for no reason
Generaider together with Runick would make for a pretty sweet Elder Scrolls style story
@Darth Nihilus
### The Galactic Frontier

Set on the fringes of the galaxy where law and order are scarce, this area is a melting pot of species, cultures, and ideologies, creating a Wild West atmosphere. The story explores the challenges and opportunities of living on the edge of civilization, where survival and morality are constantly tested.

Key Themes:
  • Survival and Morality in Lawless Lands: The characters must navigate a world where traditional laws don't apply, making personal codes of ethics crucial.
  • Frontier Justice and the Building of New Societies: The struggle to establish order and justice in an anarchic environment is central to the plot.
  • Cultural Exchange and Conflict: Diverse species and cultures collide, creating both rich exchanges and intense conflicts.

### Main Characters:

#### Captain Jarek Steel
  • Race: Human
  • Background: Formerly a respected Republic officer, Jarek turned to bounty hunting after becoming disillusioned with the Republic’s bureaucracy and corruption. His ship, the Starhawk, is his home and base of operations.
  • Personality: Jarek is principled yet pragmatic, often torn between doing what is right and what is necessary for survival. He possesses a strong sense of justice but is willing to bend the rules to achieve his goals.
  • Skills: Expert pilot, skilled marksman, and tactician. His military training gives him an edge in combat and strategic planning.

#### Mara Tek
  • Race: Twi'lek
  • Background: Hailing from a remote desert planet, Mara grew up scavenging and repairing old technology. Her dream is to explore the galaxy and escape the harsh conditions of her homeworld.
  • Personality: Resourceful, optimistic, and fiercely independent. Mara’s mechanical genius is matched by her adventurous spirit and curiosity about the galaxy.
  • Skills: Expert mechanic and engineer. She can repair and modify almost anything, from ships to droids, and is always looking for ways to improve the Starhawk.

#### Zorin Korr
  • Race: Chiss
  • Background: Once an ambitious officer in the Imperial Navy, Zorin turned rogue after the fall of the Empire. He sees the Galactic Frontier as an opportunity to build his own empire and enforce his vision of order.
  • Personality: Ruthless, cunning, and charismatic. Zorin is a master manipulator who uses his military experience to control and expand his influence over various factions.
  • Skills: Strategic mastermind, experienced in military tactics, and skilled in political maneuvering. Zorin excels at both direct confrontation and subtle manipulation.

By diversifying the races of the main characters, the story will not only embrace the rich diversity of the Star Wars universe but also create a more inclusive narrative. This setting in the Galactic Frontier allows for exploration of new cultures and races, making the story more dynamic and engaging.

### Setting and Plot:

#### Location:
- The story is set in the Outer Rim and Unknown Regions, far from the influence of the New Republic and any centralized authority. These areas are characterized by uncharted planets, hidden dangers, and a mix of isolated communities and bustling trade hubs.

#### Plot Outline:
1. Introduction:
- Opening Scene: The Starhawk lands on a bustling, lawless spaceport on the planet Tatooine. Jarek Steel takes on a bounty to track down a notorious smuggler.
- Meeting Mara: Jarek meets Mara Tek, who is repairing ships at the spaceport. Impressed by her skills, he offers her a place on his crew.
- First Conflict: Jarek and Mara track the smuggler to an abandoned mining colony. They engage in a fierce battle, showcasing their skills and establishing their partnership.

2. Rising Action:
- Encounter with Zorin: Zorin Korr arrives on the scene, attempting to recruit or eliminate the smuggler for his own purposes. A tense standoff ensues, highlighting Zorin’s ambition and ruthlessness.
- Building the Crew: Jarek and Mara gather a diverse crew of individuals, each with unique skills and backgrounds. These include a Rodian sharpshooter, a Wookiee warrior, and a Twi'lek medic.
- Exploring the Frontier: The crew embarks on various missions, encountering new allies and enemies. They help fledgling settlements, thwart criminal enterprises, and uncover ancient secrets.

3. Climax:
- Showdown with Zorin: Zorin makes a bold move to seize control of a key trade route, threatening the stability of the entire region. Jarek and his crew must rally the disparate factions of the frontier to stop him.
- Battle for the Frontier: An epic battle unfolds, involving space combat, ground assaults, and personal duels. The stakes are high, and Jarek faces a moral dilemma about how far he’s willing to go to defeat Zorin.

4. Resolution:
- Aftermath: The battle ends with Zorin’s defeat, but at great cost. The frontier begins to rebuild, with Jarek and his crew playing a crucial role in shaping its future.
- New Beginnings: Mara realizes her dream of exploring the galaxy, now with a seasoned crew by her side. Jarek reflects on his journey, finding a renewed sense of purpose in bringing justice to the frontier.

### First Chapter

Chapter One: The Price of Freedom

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the bustling spaceport of Mos Eisley. Captain Jarek Steel stood at the edge of the landing platform, his eyes scanning the chaotic scene before him. The Starhawk, his beloved ship, gleamed under the fading light. Behind him, the ship's engines hummed softly, a reminder of the many adventures it had carried him through.

Jarek adjusted his worn leather jacket, feeling the familiar weight of his blaster at his hip. He was here on business—a high-profile bounty that promised a substantial reward. The smuggler he was after, Korrin Vex, had crossed too many lines and made too many enemies. It was time for justice, frontier style.

As Jarek made his way through the crowded market, his attention was drawn to a small workshop tucked between two towering buildings. Sparks flew from under a speeder as a young woman with grease-streaked cheeks and determined eyes worked diligently. She glanced up, catching his gaze.

"Need something fixed, or are you just gonna stand there staring?" she called out, her voice carrying a mix of challenge and curiosity.

Jarek smirked and approached. "I hear you're the best mechanic in town. Name's Jarek Steel. I could use someone with your skills on my crew."

The woman stood, wiping her hands on a rag. "Mara Tek. And what's a bounty hunter like you doing recruiting mechanics in a place like this?"

"Opportunity," Jarek replied. "I've got a ship that needs constant attention and a galaxy full of jobs that need doing. Interested?"

Mara studied him for a moment, then nodded. "Alright, Captain. You've got yourself a mechanic."

Their conversation was interrupted by the sudden blare of alarms. Jarek's hand instinctively went to his blaster. "Stay close," he ordered, leading Mara through the throng of panicked beings.

They arrived at the spaceport's security office, where a holo-display showed a live feed of Korrin Vex and his gang raiding a nearby warehouse. Jarek cursed under his breath. "Looks like we found our bounty."

Mara's eyes widened. "That's Korrin Vex? He's got half the port under his control."

"Not for long," Jarek said, determination hardening his features. "Come on, we're taking him down."

With Mara by his side, Jarek navigated the narrow alleyways, their footsteps echoing off the walls. They reached the warehouse just as Vex's men were loading crates onto a skiff. Jarek signaled for Mara to take cover.

"Vex!" Jarek shouted, stepping into the open. "You're coming with me."

Korrin Vex turned, his scarred face twisting into a sneer. "Steel. I was wondering when you'd show up. Too bad for you, I've got backup."

As if on cue, a dozen armed thugs emerged from the shadows, blasters aimed at Jarek. He glanced at Mara, who was already working to disable the skiff's engines.

"Nice and easy, Vex," Jarek said, raising his hands. "Let's not make this any harder than it needs to be."

Vex laughed, the sound grating and harsh. "Harder? You have no idea what hard is, Steel."

In a blur of motion, Jarek drew his blaster and fired, dropping two of Vex's men before diving for cover. The warehouse erupted into chaos, blaster fire ricocheting off the walls. Mara, now armed with a blaster wrench, took down another thug attempting to flank Jarek.

The fight was intense but brief. Vex's men, unprepared for the ferocity of Jarek and Mara's assault, quickly fell. With a final, desperate lunge, Jarek tackled Vex, pinning him to the ground.

"You're done, Vex," Jarek growled, cuffing the smuggler's hands.

Mara approached, breathing hard but smiling. "Nice work, Captain."

Jarek nodded, hauling Vex to his feet. "Thanks, Mara. Let's get this scum back to the ship."

As they made their way back to the Starhawk, the setting sun cast a golden hue over the spaceport. Jarek felt a surge of hope. With Mara on his crew and a new sense of purpose, he was ready to face whatever the Galactic Frontier had to throw at him.

The adventure had only just begun.
### The Lost Species

A newly discovered species with a deep, ancient connection to the Force that predates the Jedi and Sith. This species holds secrets that could change the understanding of the Force forever.

### Key Themes:

1. Ancient History and the Origins of the Force:
- Explore the lore and mythology of the Star Wars universe by delving into the history of the Force before the known Jedi and Sith orders.
- The discovery of the lost species provides insight into the early civilizations that first learned to harness the Force.

2. The Ethics of Exploiting Newfound Knowledge:
- The moral dilemmas of using ancient secrets for personal gain versus the greater good.
- Conflict arises between characters who want to protect the lost species and those who seek to exploit their knowledge and abilities.

3. Coexistence and Understanding Between Vastly Different Cultures:
- The interaction between the lost species and the known galaxy presents challenges and opportunities for mutual understanding.
- Themes of cultural exchange, respect, and the consequences of misunderstanding or prejudice.

### Main Characters:

#### Aylin Thorne
  • Race: Human
  • Background: Aylin Thorne is a renowned archaeologist and historian specializing in ancient civilizations and the history of the Force. Her dedication to uncovering the truth has led her on many adventures across the galaxy.
  • Personality: Inquisitive, determined, and ethical. Aylin’s passion for knowledge is tempered by her strong sense of morality and respect for other cultures.
  • Skills: Expert in ancient languages, archaeology, and history. She is also a capable negotiator and diplomat, often using her knowledge to resolve conflicts.

#### Eldara
  • Race: Member of the lost species, the Caelari
  • Background: Eldara is a wise and powerful member of the Caelari, a species that has lived in seclusion for millennia. She possesses ancient Force abilities and knowledge that are unknown to the wider galaxy.
  • Personality: Calm, wise, and empathetic. Eldara embodies the harmony and balance that the Caelari seek to maintain with the Force and their environment.
  • Skills: Unique Force abilities such as deep empathy, Force healing, and manipulation of nature. Eldara is also a skilled teacher and guide.

#### Darth Malvex
  • Race: Zabrak
  • Background: A ruthless Sith Lord who has spent years searching for ancient artifacts and knowledge to increase his power. He sees the Caelari’s secrets as the key to ultimate domination.
  • Personality: Ambitious, cunning, and merciless. Darth Malvex is driven by a desire for power and control, willing to destroy anything in his path.
  • Skills: Master of dark side Force abilities, including Force lightning, telekinesis, and mind control. He is also a formidable warrior and tactician.

### Plot Overview:

#### Chapter 1: The Discovery
Aylin Thorne and her team uncover a hidden temple on a remote planet, leading them to the first contact with the Caelari. The initial interactions are tense, but Aylin's respect for their culture earns their trust.

#### Chapter 2: Learning the Secrets
Aylin is introduced to Eldara, who begins to share the history and unique Force abilities of the Caelari. The Caelari reveal that they have been watching the galaxy and are aware of the Jedi and Sith but chose to remain hidden.

#### Chapter 3: The Threat Emerges
Darth Malvex, through his spies, learns of the discovery and sets out to seize the knowledge of the Caelari. His arrival brings chaos and conflict, forcing Aylin and Eldara to defend the enclave.

#### Chapter 4: The Ethical Dilemma
Aylin struggles with the ethical implications of sharing the Caelari's secrets with the galaxy. Meanwhile, tensions rise within the team as some members see the potential for personal gain.

#### Chapter 5: The Battle for Knowledge
A climactic confrontation between Aylin's team, the Caelari, and Darth Malvex's forces. Eldara uses her ancient abilities to protect her people, while Aylin must find a way to outsmart Malvex and prevent him from exploiting the Caelari's knowledge.

#### Chapter 6: A New Understanding
The aftermath of the battle leads to a deeper understanding and respect between the Caelari and the wider galaxy. Aylin and Eldara form a lasting alliance, ensuring that the Caelari's secrets are protected and used for the greater good.

### Conclusion:
The Lost Species explores the rich history and diversity of the Star Wars universe by introducing a new species with a unique connection to the Force. Through the lens of these characters, the story delves into themes of ethics, cultural exchange, and the true nature of power.
### The Exiled Guardians

A group of former Jedi and Sith who have abandoned their respective orders and formed a coalition. They seek redemption and a new purpose, trying to bring peace to war-torn regions of the galaxy.

### Key Themes:

1. Redemption and Forgiveness:
- Characters seek atonement for their past actions, striving to find inner peace and forgiveness from those they have wronged.
- The narrative explores the personal journeys of the exiles as they confront their past deeds and work towards redemption.

2. The Gray Areas of Morality:
- The coalition operates in the moral gray areas, neither fully adhering to Jedi nor Sith principles.
- Themes of moral ambiguity and the complexity of right and wrong are central as characters navigate difficult choices.

3. Unity and Cooperation Despite Differences:
- Former enemies must learn to work together, overcoming deep-seated prejudices and ideological differences.
- The story highlights the power of cooperation and unity in the face of adversity.

### Main Characters:

#### Kara Starlighter
  • Race: Human
  • Background: A former Jedi Knight who left the Order after a crisis of faith triggered by the actions of the Jedi during a particularly brutal campaign. She becomes the de facto leader of the exiles, driven by a desire to make amends for her past actions and to find a new way to bring balance to the Force.
  • Personality: Compassionate, determined, and reflective. Kara’s leadership is rooted in empathy and a strong moral compass, though she is haunted by doubts about her past and the choices she has made.
  • Skills: Mastery of traditional Jedi techniques, including healing and defensive Force powers. She is also skilled in diplomacy and negotiation, often acting as the group's mediator.

#### Darnic Taluun
  • Race: Zabrak
  • Background: A former Sith Lord who became disillusioned with the Sith's constant power struggles and betrayals. Seeking a more meaningful existence, he joined the exiles, providing a pragmatic counterbalance to Kara's idealism.
  • Personality: Pragmatic, cunning, and disciplined. Darnic is driven by a desire to use his skills for a greater good, though he struggles with his darker instincts and past ambitions.
  • Skills: Proficient in Sith combat techniques, including aggressive Force powers like lightning and telekinesis. Darnic also has a keen strategic mind, often devising practical solutions to complex problems.

#### Varek Rann
  • Race: Mandalorian (Human)
  • Background: A rogue Mandalorian warrior who joins the exiles out of a sense of honor and duty. Disillusioned with the endless cycles of violence among his people, he seeks a new path that aligns with his personal code of ethics.
  • Personality: Honorable, stoic, and fiercely loyal. Varek values strength and integrity, often serving as the group's enforcer and protector.
  • Skills: Expert in hand-to-hand combat, weapons mastery, and tactical planning. Varek's Mandalorian armor and combat experience make him a formidable warrior.

### Plot Overview:

#### Chapter 1: The Gathering
Kara Starlighter, having abandoned the Jedi Order, wanders the galaxy seeking purpose. She encounters Darnic Taluun, who has similarly left the Sith. Despite initial distrust, they realize their shared goals and decide to form a coalition. Their first mission is to save a war-torn planet from a ruthless warlord.

#### Chapter 2: A New Purpose
Kara and Darnic are joined by Varek Rann, who helps them defeat the warlord's forces. The trio begins to establish themselves as peacekeepers in the frontier regions of the galaxy, gaining a reputation for their unconventional methods and willingness to work together despite their pasts.

#### Chapter 3: The Moral Dilemma
The Exiled Guardians face their first major ethical challenge when they must decide whether to ally with a corrupt planetary governor to stop a greater threat. The decision causes internal conflict, testing their unity and individual beliefs.

#### Chapter 4: The Sith Remnant
A faction of Sith remnants, led by a former rival of Darnic, targets the exiles. The group must confront their pasts and the darker aspects of the Force to protect their newfound purpose and each other.

#### Chapter 5: Redemption's Path
The Guardians discover a plot to destabilize multiple planets in the region, orchestrated by a powerful crime syndicate. They must navigate complex political landscapes and build alliances with local resistance groups, further testing their resolve and commitment to their cause.

#### Chapter 6: Unity in Diversity
As they continue their mission, the Exiled Guardians face their greatest challenge yet: an existential threat to the entire region. They must unite disparate factions and cultures to fight a common enemy, proving that unity and cooperation can overcome even the deepest divides.

### Conclusion:
The Exiled Guardians explores the complexities of redemption, the gray areas of morality, and the power of unity. Through the journeys of Kara, Darnic, and Varek, the story delves into themes of forgiveness, cooperation, and the potential for individuals to change and find new purpose beyond their pasts.
### The Cosmic Voyage

A grand expedition beyond the known galaxy, seeking to discover new worlds and civilizations. This story explores the vast unknown and the challenges of space exploration.

### Key Themes:

1. The Spirit of Exploration and Discovery:
- The narrative celebrates the insatiable human (and alien) drive to explore the unknown, highlighting the excitement and dangers of venturing into uncharted territories.
- It delves into the scientific curiosity and adventurous spirit that propel the expedition forward.

2. Inter-species Diplomacy and Conflict:
- Encounters with diverse alien species lead to opportunities for forging alliances and understanding different cultures, as well as potential conflicts and misunderstandings.
- The story explores the complexities of diplomacy, cooperation, and conflict resolution among species with vastly different worldviews and technologies.

3. The Unknown Dangers and Wonders of the Cosmos:
- The expedition faces various unknown threats, such as hostile alien species, environmental hazards, and mysterious cosmic phenomena.
- Conversely, they also discover incredible wonders, from thriving alien ecosystems to ancient, advanced civilizations.

### Main Characters:

#### Admiral Lucina Farr
  • Race: Human
  • Background: A seasoned leader with a distinguished career in the Galactic Alliance Navy. Admiral Farr is known for her strategic brilliance and diplomatic skills. She is chosen to lead the expedition due to her unwavering determination and experience in handling interstellar missions.
  • Personality: Pragmatic, resolute, and compassionate. Admiral Farr balances her military discipline with a deep respect for the unknown and a genuine desire to foster peaceful relations with new civilizations.
  • Skills: Expert in tactical command, diplomacy, and conflict resolution. She is also a skilled negotiator, often mediating disputes within the crew and with alien species.

#### Dr. Thalia Wynn
  • Race: Mirialan
  • Background: A renowned scientist and xenobiologist from the University of Coruscant, Dr. Wynn specializes in alien ecosystems and advanced technologies. Her academic achievements and passion for discovery make her an invaluable member of the expedition.
  • Personality: Curious, empathetic, and intellectually driven. Dr. Wynn is fascinated by the potential discoveries and approaches each new encounter with a desire to learn and understand.
  • Skills: Proficient in xenobiology, exo-ecology, and advanced scientific research. Dr. Wynn is also adept at developing technologies and methods to study and interact with alien life forms.

#### Korran Thal
  • Race: Twi'lek
  • Background: A skilled pilot and former smuggler with a checkered past, Korran joins the expedition for the thrill of exploration and the promise of adventure. His extensive experience navigating uncharted territories and dealing with various factions makes him a crucial asset.
  • Personality: Charismatic, daring, and resourceful. Korran's street smarts and quick thinking often get the crew out of tight spots, and his adventurous spirit keeps morale high.
  • Skills: Expert pilot, adept at evasion and combat maneuvers. Korran is also skilled in smuggling tactics, negotiation, and improvisation, often using his past connections to the crew's advantage.

### Plot Overview:

#### Chapter 1: The Launch
The story begins with the launch of the starship Aurora from Coruscant. Admiral Farr, Dr. Wynn, and Korran Thal are introduced as the core leadership of the expedition. The crew's diverse backgrounds and expertise are highlighted, setting the stage for their journey.

#### Chapter 2: First Contact
The Aurora makes its first significant discovery: an inhabited planet with a technologically advanced but isolationist alien species. Diplomatic attempts to establish contact are met with suspicion and resistance, leading to a tense standoff that tests Admiral Farr’s negotiation skills.

#### Chapter 3: The Alien Menace
As the expedition continues, they encounter a hostile alien race known for its aggressive expansionism. The crew must defend themselves while attempting to find a peaceful resolution. Korran’s past experience with similar threats proves invaluable.

#### Chapter 4: Wonders of the Void
Dr. Wynn leads a team to explore a planet rich in unique flora and fauna. The scientific discoveries made here have profound implications for understanding the Force and life in the galaxy. However, the team faces environmental hazards that put their survival at risk.

#### Chapter 5: The Cosmic Anomaly
The Aurora encounters a massive cosmic anomaly that threatens to disrupt the fabric of space-time. The crew must work together to navigate the anomaly and uncover its secrets, revealing ancient knowledge and technologies that could alter their understanding of the universe.

#### Chapter 6: Diplomacy and Unity
The expedition faces its greatest challenge when multiple alien factions converge on a contested planet. Admiral Farr and her team must broker peace among the factions while defending against external threats. The resolution of this conflict highlights the themes of unity and cooperation.

### Conclusion:
The Cosmic Voyage is a grand space exploration epic that delves into the spirit of discovery, the complexities of inter-species diplomacy, and the unknown wonders and dangers of the cosmos. Through the journeys of Admiral Farr, Dr. Wynn, and Korran Thal, the story explores the themes of unity, curiosity, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge, offering a fresh and thrilling perspective on the Star Wars universe.


V.I.P. Member

What’s really annoying is the current lore with Snake-Eyes and shit.

From a game perspective, Snake-Eyes is one of the most boring, braindead, and by the numbers Yugioh strategies to date that’s ruined two formats now

And the story isn’t even that interesting either. Sorry, not even Diabellestar can save the blandness that is the rest of the theme


Man of Atom
The fuck you talking about? Albaz together with World Legacy was peak Yugioh card lore
It was just how MUCH shit all tied in together that when I thought it was new lore it was actually just more of the same lore


What’s really annoying is the current lore with Snake-Eyes and shit.

From a game perspective, Snake-Eyes is one of the most boring, braindead, and by the numbers Yugioh strategies to date that’s ruined two formats now

And the story isn’t even that interesting either. Sorry, not even Diabellestar can save the blandness that is the rest of the theme
Everytime I see snake eyes I wonder how the deck even became meta everytime I see its endboard cause i'll watch someone put up one negate against the snake-eyes end board and the deck just fucking dies


V.I.P. Member
It was just how MUCH shit all tied in together that when I thought it was new lore it was actually just more of the same lore
I thought that’s what made it so grand. Especially to make up for the lack of Yugioh anime that isn’t Rush Duel these days

Everytime I see snake eyes I wonder how the deck even became meta everytime I see its endboard cause i'll watch someone put up one negate against the snake-eyes end board and the deck just fucking dies
You’ve been playing some bad players. Deck consistently goes through a number of hand traps to still vomit out 1 card combos into full boards when used with other engines like Horus, Melodious, R-ACE, Fiendsmith when that braindead 1 card combo engine comes out now, etc.