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OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
if sparking zero doesn't have this as a what if story I'm not buying it



V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2

Alright, I took a break but I'm back(it wasn't because of Blade's stream, honest lol)
@Blade @Darth Nihilus @Claudio Swiss @Masterblack06 @NostalgiaFan

Now back to my torture session:

- Samurai/Axed 8 Chapter 6(I could be reading You Are Double-08...)

...You know? I asked for a chapter that wasn't as boring as the others... but I didn't ask for virtually a fucking repeat of CHAPTER FUCKING ONE!!! Instead of some actual training to go along with the exposition, we literally get nothing BUT exposition for the entire fucking chapter! We get told what is the Samurai "Trinity", how important a "Princess" is to a "Samurai" and how together, they can gain "Courage". We get a shitty dick joke when Hachimaru tries to use his "True Samurai Sword"(So it's confirmed that compared to it, any actual blade is like "a blunt toy"... but if that's the case, then why are the trainee Samurai Swords ID Locked?! This makes no sense), more jokes of Hachimaru being a massive shit(again not "haha funny" or even like Yusuke or Yuri Volte Hyuga, it's just being a literal shit refusing to listen to Daruma).

We even get a really pointless ass look into potential future characters, an old man samurai and an old princess knowing Hachimaru is a new Samurai and his Princess is nearby and we get introduced to Ann and I feel so much "Nu-Sakura" vibes that I want to vomit. It's more clear she's written closer to Hinata but it's pretty clear that it's just another attempt at his wi- I mean Sakura. She's the one who somehow lost a Locker Ball that ultimately ended up turning Hachimaru into a Samurai but somehow, it's not fated by the Princess(I think) that oversees her but everyone else(Daruma and the old couple) act as if it is so I'm not sure why Kishimoto made more needless comedy attempts that can confuse gullible people.

- Samurai/Axed 8 Chapter 7

We get more of Hachimaru being a shit for "comedy", and my first impression of Ann has to change, she's neither "Nu-Sakura" nor a better attempt at Hinata, she's literally Kishimoto's attempt at Orihime(Which does that mean Hachimaru is Kishimoto's horrific attempt to ape Ichigo?!) except shy. While there is no real exposition in this chapter(thank fuck), we get a look into another Samurai/Princess pair: Hagamichi(The typical handsome knight) and Ooin(The latter basically acts like the typical slacker when he's not around) and they inform Ann that her Locker Ball has been claimed and a new Samurai, Hachimaru is born.

We get even more of Hachimaru being a failure at training, getting his True Samurai Sword jammed into his head and even failing on getting the right amount of armor and just covering himself like a snowman. Ann and Hachimaru meet and it's basically love at first sight for the former(Seriously with the Hinata vibes) and we end off with the first look at Ata, Blade has been going on about him so hopefully he livens this shit up.

- Samurai/Axed 8 Chapter 8

Okay yeah, scratch that, this chapter just went back to shit again...
I don't even really feel like describing it and I swear to god, I'm not even trying to hate this, it's just boring as hell and when it's not going into such insane exposition and stupid shit(Like Hachimaru having to ask Daruma what fate is... I do not believe for a second Hachimaru would not know what fate is... but considering he's never seen a female despite being glued to games and TV, I have no idea how the fuck that works). Ann suddenly acts like a bitch around Hachimaru in an attempt to seem strong(I do not understand why the fuck authors do this) to him, Daruma has to basically tell her at the end of it to not go that deep as Hachimaru is not type of Samurai and outside of random funny bits, that's literally the entire chapter.

Well, outside of Ata actually coming off a bit interesting, he legit saved it. Outside of the technobabble, Ata displays a mini-Susanno ability before he goes after Hachimaru and at the end of the chapter casually goes through a big ass Asteroid so hey, we got a truly imposing villain for once how about we actually focus on him instead of shitty lore, exposition and awful character interactions?

- Samurai/Axed 8 Chapter 9

Great, we get more exposition on what the secret ability Princesses have that makes them so valuable and need to be protected(They can locate Locker Balls)... but I can't get mad at it because atleast it's done PROPERLY this time(by having her do it and THEN explain it or atleast after) but considering Kishimoto kept constantly writing there is something Princesses can also do in the last couple of chapters, I can't cut him no goddamned slack for this. Hachimaru and Ann continue to act stupid towards each other(ugh) and go and get it and I swear to god, we get a random fucking MONTAGE about getting the Locker Ball and then celebrating getting it.

When Ann basically asked what unit he's in and where he trained, he basically lies so he can look cool infront of her(I won't get mad at what Kishi did, that makes sense... but this makes no sense when Hachimaru has not met a girl, has only recently socialized with people and thus would have no reason to lie to look good towards her. Basically it's at odds with Hachimaru's lifestyle that Kishi showed us, especially when he spilled it to Nanashi no problem). Again chapter is saved by Ata literally flying into the nearby Moon, crashing into it and then using his own momentum to propel THE FUCKING MOON ON A CRASH COURSE WITH THE PLANET! Why in the fuck is it the villain that looks the best here. I didn't even mention that the last chapter had Hachimaru have his True Samurai Sword finally be truly straightened right? It's supposed to be showing he's improving with Ann there but I could give a fuck less.

- Samurai/Axed 8 Chapter 10
So we get a small page where Hachimaru admits he lied... but again, it makes no sense given his lifestyle whatsoever... whatever, we get more ATA TIME!
So I'm wrong, while his crashing into the Moon is gonna push into the Planet, it's only a byproduct of him doing so to destroy the Planet after getting Hachimaru and we get the confrontation between the Head Samurai who is Mujina(The old Samurai I talked about earlier) and Ata and we find out the entire ship they are on is actually his Keyholder and he becomes a fucking GIANT and confronts Ata, holy shit, this is gonna be aw-

And after needless crap from Hagamichi and Daruma(hyping up Mujina some more), it's fucking offscreened! You fucking serious?! You can't even establish anymore why Mujina is a huge threat(With his "Yokozuna rank Key Holder" and Immortal) and we just have Ata basically destroy him, kill his Princess and everyone else in it without even seeing it?! Fucking lame!

Hachi's Dad gets a bad feeling and looks for Hachi through his tracker(I forgot to mention earlier his dad didn't find out at all that Hachi long left the house... so again, Hachimaru is such a fucking shit) at the same time Ata is now on the Planet. His father finds him first and basically exposes Hachimaru's lie to Ann(Seriously, why the fuck did it happen at all? Why would Hachimaru lie to Ann about it when he stated it without issues to Nanashi? Why would his entire lifestyle of having no real social contact with anyone and not even leaving the house recently would he care how she thinks about his circumstances?) and Hachi continues to act like a prick(Seriously, what the fuck is with this brat) but surprise, Daruma goes on the offense against Ata as he arrives and Hachi's dad knows who Ata is and we find out that Hachi's Dad is... Professor Furuta and he's looking for "Hachikaku"!

Seriously, outside of Ata, these chapters have been terrible and even then, we missed a reason to care about how Mujina is power and how strong Ata is compared to anyone(This is like having Orochimaru kill Hiruzen offscreen, we can atleast forgive not seeing him kill Gaara's Father because it was heavily implied to be by surprise, this was a legit head on fight) so instead of making Ata a truly powerful threat, it's just offscreen and thus, there's nothing to merit how strong Ata is compared to any other powerful Samurai near his level or why Mujina is so strong past Daruma blowing him up(And we haven't seen Daruma at his best either so it's even more worthless).

That's it for today.


Man of Atom
I thought that’s what made it so grand. Especially to make up for the lack of Yugioh anime that isn’t Rush Duel these days

You’ve been playing some bad players. Deck consistently goes through a number of hand traps to still vomit out 1 card combos into full boards when used with other engines like Horus, Melodious, R-ACE, Fiendsmith when that braindead 1 card combo engine comes out now, etc.
Maybe its cause I play Melffy King Tiger that I'm just not impressed by the deck
if sparking zero doesn't have this as a what if story I'm not buying it
