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OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome


V.I.P. Member

@Top59 @Paxton Wow, they actually did Mathers spells better then Coronzon. That Ultimate is probably in my Top 10 so far in the whole game.

Yes, I’m still salty about how they literally took Coronzon’s Flaming Sword to mean it’s an actual sword as well as it not even being her ultimate.


V.I.P. Member
The second one is Michael Knight?
yes it is^^
I agree. yugi vs bakura on battle city is one of my fave duels to go back and watch over and over again.


V.I.P. Member

My post pointing out the irony to a libtard on there calling Trump and his supporters Nazis when it’s the liberals that are the ones right now supporting and celebrating the slaughtering of Jews by Hamas and doing their best Hitler Youth impressions by attacking and harassing Jewish students on college campuses got deleted

That whole section really is just a liberal shithole of an echo chamber



V.I.P. Member

Every time I hear a liberal call a conservative a Nazi, I’m reminded of that one barista dyke who harassed and tried to publicly shame a guy wearing a MAGA hat, which included calling them a Nazi.

A guy that just so happened to be Jewish


Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member
Going into the cafe