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OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2

how u can summarize og zack vs nu zack, lmao

rick gomez zack = 😎

caleb nu zack = 🤓


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
i mean how hard was, to literally copy/paste the old voice files and and add them to the remaster game? lmao

the only thing had to do later, was add the remix songs and that was it, lmao, sometimes, most of those big studios, cant even bother to make an easy cashgrab, even, lel


thats why the current next gen game state is stagnant and dry, i mean, most of the games atm are either remakes or remasters, only a few amount of them are good anymore

all they care is mah dlc, mah patches, etc

i am so glad i only dl games, and not giving them any $, it aint worth it, lmao, vgames are hobby, where peeps are supposed to have fun, they must not feel like chores and investing $ on every patch/dlc/fix/new stuff/more content which aint even good, lmao


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
as long as you have a strong pc/laptop with good specs, you can emulate so many games from the snes era up to ps3 one, upscaled, color corrected, etc and most of all, free

fans doing those great stuff that those devs/big companies fail to do, cuz they respect the fan community and want everyone to have, fun

Crimson Dragoon

San Francisco, California, seems to be a multiversal sufferer of Transformers-related abuse. It has been targeted for nukes at least twice—once it was hit successfully, and another time it was "only" contaminated by nuclear fallout.
According to Jim Sorenson, in the Beast Wars: Uprising continuity, San Francisco was destroyed from space during the Great War. They just can't catch a break, even in authorial intent.
still funny :mjlol


V.I.P. Member
I really shouldn’t be making fun of this blatant elder abuse being put on Sleepy Joe, but the guy himself regardless of his age, is such a corrupt crook, asshole and racist, etc whose outright had people killed over his decisions with no regard for Americans, I could give a damn if he gets put in the hospital or worse at this point