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Game Ranked OLF Christmas Mafia 2023 (Day 9)


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I‘m also Green Town. Literally look how I handled Gad‘s Town slip. You only even consider that a slip if you‘re Green Town yourself ffs.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member


Sky - Ekko: Think we can exclude that pairing since he was going after her right off the bat previous day.
Watson - Sky: Idk kek.
Tweet - Sky: Yeah, no. She wouldn’t torture her team mate like that.
Magic - Sky: Possible I guess.

Magic - Ekko: Absoutely possible. He also once said that if Ekko didn‘t want Ratchet or Gram offed, then WTF, but never pushed that further (???)
Magic - Watson: Nah. If he‘s scum he clearly set her up.
Magic - Tweet: Think Tweet would have at least voted Rugrat there if they were. Also the card thing.

I think Magic - Ekko or Magic - Sky are the best and most feasible pairings.

If Magic‘s scum, the Census is also correct btw since he never expressed doubts there and also worked with it.


I‘m also Green Town. Literally look how I handled Gad‘s Town slip. You only even consider that a slip if you‘re Green Town yourself ffs.
As a counter point, scum have used a janitor so will have seen Bachi’s PM (which could easily be green town)


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
As a counter point, scum have used a janitor so will have seen Bachi’s PM (which could easily be green town)
Bruh. If you‘re Green Town you can easily forget that Red isn‘t a scum colour. Gad slipped because he called Alco the scum Cop. Which you would only know and think of as Green Town. That was the slip.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Gad is also literally my sheep, so there is no world in which I ever kill him. He‘s a free +1 VP kek.


Bruh. If you‘re Green Town you can easily forget that Red isn‘t a scum colour. Gad slipped because he called Alco the scum Cop. Which you would only know and think of as Green Town. That was the slip.
I’m saying you shouldn’t be ascribed a town confirm as Green town, for recognising his “town slip” scum very well may have a janitored player’s pm


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I’m saying you shouldn’t be ascribed a town confirm as Green town, for recognising his “town slip” scum very well may have a janitored player’s pm
TFW you think I have TMI because I singled you out as the SK kek.

And then you also killed somebody else to still create WIFOM .


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Sorry, but if anyone still thinks you aren‘t SK after your break down they need their heads checked.


TFW you think I have TMI because I singled you out as the SK kek.

And then you also killed somebody else to still create WIFOM .
You’re probably scum because you cancelled a day phase after another player outed himself who you now are calling scum


Anyway, I’m sticking my vote on Magic

I’m away most of today with NYE stuff and he’s outed himdelf

Vote Magic


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Anyway @Lethal if anyone not PoE gets killed tonight, get Rugrat out. I‘m 100% sure he‘s the SK, so either his kill gets used in a pro Town way or he loses here. You can flame me after the game if I‘m wrong on him, but the guy isn‘t Town.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
2/6/1/1 today.
1/6/1/1 after today.

If it‘s 1/4/1/1 after tonight we lynch Rugrat.

1/3/1 the day after.

We can technically afford a mislynch.

At worst it‘s 1/1/1 and then Prof decides.