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Game Ranked OLF Christmas Mafia 2023 (Day 9)



my play this game is polar opposite of 2022. i was HARD power wolf there. most post count. bussed every teammate. lead every lynch. there is 0 similarities
2021 then, the SK one where Pein threw the game to you
I'm being nice in 2024. You can shove your elitist attitude please and thank you. It's glaring how you woke up and started to get involved once it got towards the pointy end.



How do you know Flower is even town lol?
You've said it as has everyone else. The governor won't be scum with the day shortener and execute. Every single tier 1 from Ultra to poyser to Tempest knew it.

Stop the silliness.

vote rugrat

Im out. Rugrat thought he was lynched, claimed sk, and went down as if he was the sk.

Split would be 5/2/1 going in next day phase which is essentially a single mislynch. Still better than it being potentially 4/1/1/1 Good job @Flower spectacular play, really.



He's just a bully crying about not getting his way
Deny it. Deny the position we're in. Tell me how its better lethal. Go for it. Explain with words how the current situation is better in ant way

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
I'm getting lost in the sauce here with the solve, so what the fuck ever - everyone has the power to push my vote to either lead to a mislynch or try to convince me to trust fall with them

Of course scum won't kill me endgame because it's what I struggle most with

Job and apartment hunting takes precedence, have been sporadic due to that, but don't be mad at me specifically for that


Magic rocks up on D7 insults everyone and offers nothing himself.

At any rate he’s outed himself and should be the lynch


And if he isn't? Then we're an extra person down which is exactly what you were fabricating towards the entire phase.


SK and wolves both went safe targets last night too to allow this nonsense discussion to continue
Oh ya? So it's better now right?

You suspected both x and fuji, what Made them nonsense targets. You repeatedly tried sussing X last phase and pein had cleared fuji.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Here's an olive branch

Vote Rugrat


And if he isn't? Then we're an extra person down which is exactly what you were fabricating towards the entire phase.
He claimed sk and thought he was lynched. Why be dense intentionally?

Seriously. He claimed sk. You lynched ral with no issues but someone claims sk and you want to keep them alive to what end? Who else is sk?


Oh ya? So it's better now right?

You suspected both x and fuji, what Made them nonsense targets. You repeatedly tried sussing X last phase and pein had cleared fuji.
I've re-suspected everyone. People commented on both and helped me adjust my reads. I didn't start trying amateur hour of flavour solving when a) it's stupid and b) advised against. You've woken up after 6 days of idle and went SK hunting rather than wolf hunting. Once Rugrat started trolling or admitting, you showed your hand.