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Game Ranked OLF Christmas Mafia 2023 (Day 9)


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member

my play this game is polar opposite of 2022. i was HARD power wolf there. most post count. bussed every teammate. lead every lynch. there is 0 similarities


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Hmm so if an Ekko town flip dooms me, then by the same token an Ekko scum flip exonerates me.

I don’t know why he’s so sure I’m the SK either or how I can be both SK and mafia lol.
like i said mafia wont block me then claim blocked, knowing full well i am an invest role who claimed blocked

also ur case to gram lead me to that u are not aligned. everyone arrived at this in thread. u killing gram checks out the most, another reason to belive u are sk

u pretty much open claimed sk yeaterday. the one possible scenario u r not is if u r teammate with flower and knew she wud use her governor to save u

but that doesnt explain blockgate. flower was the one to keep bringing it up and lead me to find u as sk. she wont do that her last teammate for no reason cuz i was sk hunting magic at the time

The Orca

So Flower lied about being Gov...

She shortened the day like Ichigo could or just ended it early with no majority meaning no lynch. Probably the real SK or mafia grave robber


There is 11 people left and if rugrat is sk and hasn't just been trolling then that means after night there's 10.

7-2-1 split. If there's a no lynch due to governor then it's still just 6-2-1, which is still two mislynches the same as 7-2-1(at which point we are at mercy of the survivor).

There's no net loss. @Ekkologix right my boy.
All you had to do flower. Yet you decided to go solo because what?

Now we lost two town, it's 6-2-1-1. Please check the split before and after your decision and tell the class how you're the one herding cats.


I don't care what you think about Rug, really

For me, he's a wildcard too
He admitted to being sk and thought he was lynched. There is no lack of care. There is no counter argument. You voted no one and there was a no lynch. The game isn't in a better state.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
You threw the game.

I'm not going to flame you because it is what it is and it's the holidays but my lord that's the second dumbest and most selfish play I've ever seen.

@Lethal @Ekkologix @Dr. Watson @Hans Tweetenberg yall wanna explain why none of you voted the sk?

It was in the hours I was sleeping

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻

my play this game is polar opposite of 2022. i was HARD power wolf there. most post count. bussed every teammate. lead every lynch. there is 0 similarities
Which is why tonally I'm conflicted at this stage

The solves for most PoE's make sense, but I want to see what definitively connects the dots because Sky is still an unknown
Do any of us have a solid read on her as town or scum? Or are we not sure?



It was in the hours I was sleeping
No it absolutely wasn't. I tagged the entire game and you came in and posted yet didn't vote. You could have voted.

There is no excuse. Even now trying to say rugrat is a wild card when he isn't and you have literally no experience with him is just whack.

Anyway it's new years. Happy new years everyone. If you're Town and didn't vote rugrat last phase you essentially fucked the game and all effort by everyone. It's in the math and this isn't some disputable point. The only one that shouldn't have wanted the sk lynched last phase was prof cause he's indy.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
He admitted to being sk and thought he was lynched. There is no lack of care. There is no counter argument. You voted no one and there was a no lynch. The game isn't in a better state.
Of course it is r

I'm confused, so clarify
Is he backtracking from his claim to shade Flower on being a potential SK?
Did I misread?

I'm aware he got caught - I don't remember if after where he thought he was about to be hammered he started feigning ignorance and hunting you and Flower

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
No it absolutely wasn't. I tagged the entire game and you came in and posted yet didn't vote. You could have voted.

There is no excuse. Even now trying to say rugrat is a wild card when he isn't and you have literally no experience with him is just whack.

Anyway it's new years. Happy new years everyone. If you're Town and didn't vote rugrat last phase you essentially fucked the game and all effort by everyone. It's in the math and this isn't some disputable point. The only one that shouldn't have wanted the sk lynched last phase was prof cause he's indy.
I should've voted, yes, I'm not disputing that

So fine, suspend me from playing the next game