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Game Ranked OLF Members Mafia

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So unreliable.
Hello Polar Bear

Are you planning to solve this game early but be undermined by bad townies like the last game we played together?


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
It‘s weak af Ik, but it‘s such small things which are hard to ignore.


So unreliable.
He reacted to the part in the OP in which it says Town is Manosphere aligned like it‘s the first time he has seen that. You don‘t need a host post to see what alignment Town is, you know that from your Role PM.
It's something to potentially consider later but you should absolutely not be hunting off tenuous shit like this. Bad Flower

Lord Melkor

He reacted to the part in the OP in which it says Town is Manosphere aligned like it‘s the first time he has seen that. You don‘t need a host post to see what alignment Town is, you know that from your Role PM.

You think Ultra of all people would slip like this?


Is it in Sky's scum playback to slightly shade two players soft town defending her?

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻

The point was read to past the kweh's/PR or whatever and see how he's engaging with others and if you sense there's someone he's emulating.

Post restrictions/quirks alone tells us nothing in my opinion.

For example, why would a PR be something one would want to make it easier for them to be found early on? It is easy to speculate on a post restriction; it is not so easy to see whether the post restriction or quirk has relevance alongside how a player is acting/LARPing.

A very specific example: If you identify someone as X or Y based on one aspect alone, you do what Fl*wer does and increase chances of false hope on alignment.

Quirks help, but they do not tell the whole story.

Emulating Melkor, for instance, does not necessarily mean anything beyond me LARPing. The content anyone or myself post matters.

For Ratchet in particular, a question should be asked as to why he's doing this and what for. Is it to out his role, to distract, or to signal to someone else who he is? Why?
This is stuff that needs to be dug into *after* this phase. Like you, I do not think this speculation should be dismissed just yet. It could be nothing, it could be something. It depends on the player. Ratchet is one of those players that calculate. So we dig deeper into that later.


So unreliable.
Not following you here. You think Gramm would not defend you if he rolled scum?

Not sure if I agree with this take.
Quite the opposite, I'd consider it out of character for him to give me an inch as town - just considering our overall history together

But again, maybe that's me being a pessimist


Except Ratchet confirmed in the positive he does have a PR I didn't however make a case it's AI.


He reacted to the part in the OP in which it says Town is Manosphere aligned like it‘s the first time he has seen that. You don‘t need a host post to see what alignment Town is, you know that from your Role PM.

These reads of yours are always lacking in nuance. Acknowledging the wincon is not a "slip" lmao
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