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Game Ranked OLF Members Mafia

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Bad reasoning. Rugrat was an easy Town read and Rej was a claimed invest role.
rugrat was being sussed by some ppl and played scummy around X last dp
also rej wasted 1 of his shots np1 and his invest role was simply to check whether or not someone did an action
scum has 3x bd and roleblocker (im assuming)
they can work around his invest and possibly keep him around as either a potential mislynch or a later night kill


The Nexus
rugrat was being sussed by some ppl and played scummy around X last dp
also rej wasted 1 of his shots np1 and his invest role was simply to check whether or not someone did an action
scum has 3x bd and roleblocker (im assuming)
they can work around his invest and possibly keep him around as either a potential mislynch or a later night kill

Vote alco.
You aint gonna lynch Ratchet unless alco flips town


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
rugrat was being sussed by some ppl and played scummy around X last dp
also rej wasted 1 of his shots np1 and his invest role was simply to check whether or not someone did an action
scum has 3x bd and roleblocker (im assuming)
they can work around his invest and possibly keep him around as either a potential mislynch or a later night kill
I didn‘t find Rugrat scummy at all kek. Besides, his role is strong, it‘s basically like my role in Sky‘s game and can check the validity of Vanilla claims. And Ekko even claimed Vanilla, I assume some other scum did, too, so this makes his role a threat for them.


If this is the best you have I suggest we just put you out of your misery.

1 - what have I apparently enabled here that leads you to putting the blame from yesterday onto me? I wanted Alco lynched more than Orca, I broke down why, you didn't even respond to the case so why is it "forced" now?

2 - Your kill angle is garbage, why do you think Rugrat was killed for being town read exactly?

u r so defensive lmao

take it as a compliment
i think town u wouldve caught scum left and right by this point in the game

its forced bc u arent really considering his motivations behind his claim
what exactly is the scum motivation for claiming flavor so incredibly sus?
no matter how townie he is on play, he will almost certainly never make it to end game bc he will need to be poe'd at some point
esp as the days go on and the more experienced/better mafia players r killed who would probs be able to see past it better
thats how i view it

as for the rugrat kill, i think its sus that he was killed before u
y wouldnt scum kill u?
u were town reading me correctly yesterday
scum would know that and im easy mislynch today
u r not being scum read by a single player
out of the remaining players, u would be able to find town most easily imo
how would they know u would suddenly deem me as sure scum today?
for all scum could know, maybe u would still vouch for me this dp and persuade players against my lynch
so really, y dont they kill u? that is so weird to me

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Townchet has lasted a prolonged period of time in the game before tho

You could easily apply your own logic to Gram yesterday - "well, it's quite weird Gram lasted this long because he's one of the big boys, isn't it? Pretty wolfy!"

That in itself cannot be the sole reason for what actually aligns with someone's scumplay, just a part of it


take it as a compliment
i think town u wouldve caught scum left and right by this point in the game
But it's not a compliment. You're just passing the blame onto me after ignoring what I'm proposing. It doesn't make any sense.
its forced bc u arent really considering his motivations behind his claim
what exactly is the scum motivation for claiming flavor so incredibly sus?
no matter how townie he is on play, he will almost certainly never make it to end game bc he will need to be poe'd at some point
esp as the days go on and the more experienced/better mafia players r killed who would probs be able to see past it better
thats how i view it
Okay, can I remind you that it's *Evans* we're talking about here? The guy who duelled his own team mate? Why are you acting like he plays entirely within the confines of convention - if all you have to town read someone by Day 4 is speculative WIFOM then I'm happy with my read where it's at.
as for the rugrat kill, i think its sus that he was killed before u
y wouldnt scum kill u?
u were town reading me correctly yesterday
scum would know that and im easy mislynch today
u r not being scum read by a single player
out of the remaining players, u would be able to find town most easily imo
how would they know u would suddenly deem me as sure scum today?
for all scum could know, maybe u would still vouch for me this dp and persuade players against my lynch
so really, y dont they kill u? that is so weird to me
Probably because I'm wasting my time getting overuled time and again.

Like can we just contextualise this. Day 1 I push for Retro (who you think is scum) and I get overruled. Day 2 resolved itself. Day 3 I wanted Alco and he ended up neither lynch. You're not even giving me a chance - you're criticising how effective I've been this game while pushing against the directions I'm after. Absolute dross.



Townchet has lasted a prolonged period of time in the game before tho

You could easily apply your own logic to Gram yesterday - "well, it's quite weird Gram lasted this long because he's one of the big boys, isn't it? Pretty wolfy!"

That in itself cannot be the sole reason for what actually aligns with someone's scumplay, just a part of it
no the argument is that rugrat was killed before ratchet so no it wouldnt have applied yesterday
scum kills went in this order: ultra -> magic -> gram -> rugrat
by analyzing the pattern alone, ratchet shouldve been the 4th
rugrat kill sticks out weird


Like look at this shit. Day 3 I'm begging people to read my case and get nothing, the only one who gave any sort of response to it was Rugrat. Otherwise zilch. Now you come in today and call it "forced", why was it not forced yesterday? Nothings changed.

Fuck off, I've just about had it. I'm doing the best I can and I am, by and large, just getting ignored. Coming in here and then blaming me for it is absolute nonsense, I don't believe you believe that for a second.



But it's not a compliment. You're just passing the blame onto me after ignoring what I'm proposing. It doesn't make any sense.
Okay, can I remind you that it's *Evans* we're talking about here? The guy who duelled his own team mate? Why are you acting like he plays entirely within the confines of convention - if all you have to town read someone by Day 4 is speculative WIFOM then I'm happy with my read where it's at.
Probably because I'm wasting my time getting overuled time and again.

Like can we just contextualise this. Day 1 I push for Retro (who you think is scum) and I get overruled. Day 2 resolved itself. Day 3 I wanted Alco and he ended up neither lynch. You're not even giving me a chance - you're criticising how effective I've been this game while pushing against the directions I'm after. Absolute dross.

so if i say lets lynch retro today, will u actually go thru with it?

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
End of Day 3

X (10) - Gram, Melkor, Nibel, Luka, Sky, Tweet, Hime, Ekko, Alco, Flower
Alco (6) - Ratchet, T-Pein, Rugrat, Melkor, Watson, The Orca
LYNCHED:The Orca (10) - Xadlin, Gram, Hime, Alco, Ekko, Nibel, Sky, Flower, Lethal, RDK
Sky (1) - X
Hime (3) - The Orca, T-Pein, Rugrat
Luka (1) - RDK
(We need to be careful going forward with people who have yet to claim after Gram's janitor)

The reason people aren't respecting Ratchet's direction is due to scum having the upper hand, you can literally see it in the two mislynches here - he has had no pull. That's more than likely the reason for why he hasn't been killed.

That's the simplest explanation I can provide and that's coming from *me*

I'm not going to pull out the "I was just scum with this dude" card, I'm going to use my "this isn't how he plays as scum" card

Scum is also in a perfect position to induce paranoia over Ratchet's slot considering how late in the game he has survived, so yeah I'll vouch for this guy


so if i say lets lynch retro today, will u actually go thru with it?
No because I have her lean town now. I think you should be the lynch, I personally would prefer Alco because I'm more confident on that. If I were to give Alco as a compromise, would *you* go with it? Because you seem to be insistent on telling me how badly I'm doing without actually giving me my lynch.


Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Like look at this shit. Day 3 I'm begging people to read my case and get nothing, the only one who gave any sort of response to it was Rugrat. Otherwise zilch. Now you come in today and call it "forced", why was it not forced yesterday? Nothings changed.

Fuck off, I've just about had it. I'm doing the best I can and I am, by and large, just getting ignored. Coming in here and then blaming me for it is absolute nonsense, I don't believe you believe that for a second.

I agreed with you fwiw

And that's precisely what I'm being proven here, you haven't had any pull so there isn't any real reason to prioritize killing you

Does hime usually do the scum tactic analyses thing or

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Leave scum tactic analyses to me, let me rip through people's brains and be right about it

Stay in your lane people


I agreed with you fwiw

And that's precisely what I'm being proven here, you haven't had any pull so there isn't any real reason to prioritize killing you

Does hime usually do the scum tactic analyses thing or
She's never come at me as scum so this would be a first for her, but I don't believe she thinks I'm going to be lynched today off the back of night kills so it doesn't do much for me.



Like look at this shit. Day 3 I'm begging people to read my case and get nothing, the only one who gave any sort of response to it was Rugrat. Otherwise zilch. Now you come in today and call it "forced", why was it not forced yesterday? Nothings changed.

Fuck off, I've just about had it. I'm doing the best I can and I am, by and large, just getting ignored. Coming in here and then blaming me for it is absolute nonsense, I don't believe you believe that for a second.

this feels like fake frustration tbh
i already said im not blaming u for yesterday and ive been calm thru this whole interaction
ur reaction to me sussing u comes off extremely defensive

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Only thing of Tweet I've seen is him commenting on is when Rugrat voted me and he said 'so that's how you treat your top town read'. Thought maybe it was slight suss on Rugrat for voting me. Tweet wolf can probably just let me die here without saying a word.

Melkor tried to engage me earlier but I don't really remember for what? Think maybe my vote on Flower. He also changed his vote onto me with no reason. Wolf Melkor wouldn't want me around so I'd lean him slight wolf here.
This was a legacy response toward Ekko's questions

Two scenarios imo:
1. These aren't mates at all and he didn't name them, they were only name dropped for the sole purpose of inducing paranoia
2. Scum got cocky and assumed these two slots are unlynchable

Not sure
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