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Game Ranked OLF Members Mafia

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So unreliable.
Oh fuck the duel started and you shot it at the wrong person :francis:

This is probably t/t going by my read of you Hime, sorry
Vote Sky to win


Im fairly certain you just dropped 3-4 town in your poe.
Can you elaborate on reasonings please? Thank you!
u disagree with all of them?
well, thats a first

xadlin honestly mostly due to his hammer yesterday more than the weird no modkill thing
we were discussing the fact that he c/p part of a role when claiming and he hadnt been modkilled
then suddenly outta nowhere, he comes in and randomly hammers alco without saying anything
i am sure that some of alco's remaining teammates had to have bussed him
xadlin felt like he was almost trying to stop discussion while also gaining the townie points associated with lynching scum
i also think his ability can fit as scum too

u and tweet r on there bc of the janitor kill on gram the night before last
at that point, only u, tweet, and lethal were unclaimed
only one (or multiple) of u 3 could really benefit from the janitor
i am leaning towards believing lethal's claim and also the fact that he misunderstood it so that leaves u 2 remaining
u were very active earlier in the game and then suddenly went inactive last dp when we were talking abt u needing to claim and stuff which i found sus
it seemed like a way to duck the thread and any attention on u

sky is sus bc she was very quick to hop on my wagon when it started rolling and say that more votes should be on me
she eventually switched off but to me, it felt like fake defeatism?
she mentioned that it didnt look like i would gain any traction anyway and thats y she was switching to alco
this wasnt true as a lot of ppl were still willing to vote me that day (probs almost everyone who was on alco's wagon tbh)
it felt like scum decided to switch to bussing rather than pushing me more as a counterwagon so that i could still exist in mislynch territory and so that the remaining scum would have a chance of looking good if they end up on the right side of the lynch


Polarized Noob
u disagree with all of them?
well, thats a first

xadlin honestly mostly due to his hammer yesterday more than the weird no modkill thing
we were discussing the fact that he c/p part of a role when claiming and he hadnt been modkilled
then suddenly outta nowhere, he comes in and randomly hammers alco without saying anything
i am sure that some of alco's remaining teammates had to have bussed him
xadlin felt like he was almost trying to stop discussion while also gaining the townie points associated with lynching scum
i also think his ability can fit as scum too

u and tweet r on there bc of the janitor kill on gram the night before last
at that point, only u, tweet, and lethal were unclaimed
only one (or multiple) of u 3 could really benefit from the janitor
i am leaning towards believing lethal's claim and also the fact that he misunderstood it so that leaves u 2 remaining
u were very active earlier in the game and then suddenly went inactive last dp when we were talking abt u needing to claim and stuff which i found sus
it seemed like a way to duck the thread and any attention on u

sky is sus bc she was very quick to hop on my wagon when it started rolling and say that more votes should be on me
she eventually switched off but to me, it felt like fake defeatism?
she mentioned that it didnt look like i would gain any traction anyway and thats y she was switching to alco
this wasnt true as a lot of ppl were still willing to vote me that day (probs almost everyone who was on alco's wagon tbh)
it felt like scum decided to switch to bussing rather than pushing me more as a counterwagon so that i could still exist in mislynch territory and so that the remaining scum would have a chance of looking good if they end up on the right side of the lynch
I'll respond to this fully later, however yesterday I gave excuses for. I never AFK just to duck thread, I would promise that but last time I made a promise Abbi said it was ew >.<


Oh fuck the duel started and you shot it at the wrong person :francis:

This is probably t/t going by my read of you Hime, sorry
Vote Sky to win
u wanted me lynched yesterday
wdym by ur read of me


He said it was with a BP. Why are you saying this when he didn't say it was left alone?

I have no idea what the fuck your post meant

They arent claiming desperado alone

I know? That was the point of my contention

infuriating trying to play with people who are functionally illiterate

@Luka finish the sentence you retard

Try to use a capital next time if you want to berate others for being illiterate. Also literally nothing changes.

What do people think of this interaction between CP and Luka?


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
What do people think of this interaction between CP and Luka?
It's weird af. Would say CP wouldn't refer to his team mates that way, but it was D2 with him likely to flip, so I doubt we should put much stock into his interactions at that point. D1 interactions are much more useful I feel.


It's weird af. Would say CP wouldn't refer to his team mates that way, but it was D2 with him likely to flip, so I doubt we should put much stock into his interactions at that point. D1 interactions are much more useful I feel.
My issue is mainly that the interaction is so awful because what CP was getting at was so obvious and I don't really understand how Luka could have misinterpreted what he was saying. I don't really know if I believe there was actually such a big disconnect here. I could see them having leaned into it a bit even after it was apparent where the disconnect was


Polarized Noob
My issue is mainly that the interaction is so awful because what CP was getting at was so obvious and I don't really understand how Luka could have misinterpreted what he was saying. I don't really know if I believe there was actually such a big disconnect here. I could see them having leaned into it a bit even after it was apparent where the disconnect was
I can't really defend myself other than I misinterpreted it.


My issue is mainly that the interaction is so awful because what CP was getting at was so obvious and I don't really understand how Luka could have misinterpreted what he was saying. I don't really know if I believe there was actually such a big disconnect here. I could see them having leaned into it a bit even after it was apparent where the disconnect was
Yeah I see what you're saying, but I think it would be a weird way to go about distancing, particularly from CP's side. Not really conclusive either way



Yeah I see what you're saying, but I think it would be a weird way to go about distancing, particularly from CP's side. Not really conclusive either way

It's just the way :

A) CP never stops to explain the misinterpretation which I'm sure he would have recognized, instead going for insults and ridicule

B) Luka never went back to clarify the misunderstanding and just let himself by ridiculed and insulted

I don't think the plan was originally to distance, but I think the reason A and B never happened could be because they probably figured that the back and forth from the inital misunderstanding was distancing them quite nicely.


Polarized Noob
B) Luka never went back to clarify the misunderstanding and just let himself by ridiculed and insulted
The reason why I parked my vote on him from D1 was due to the insults and ridicule. I already dismissed everything he said by that point.
I don't think the plan was originally to distance, but I think the reason A and B never happened could be because they probably figured that the back and forth from the inital misunderstanding was distancing them quite nicely.
I don't really play with a plan, so unless I was coached(Which I probably wouldn't accept), I wouldn't come up with this strategy. I would only accuse them if I genuinly had a misunderstanding, which I did.

Lord Melkor

Ratchet/RDK/Flower all get to be towncore tbh because they'd have to be INSANE to sign off on Evans and Alco faking a PR of their real scum character. Scum probably among the inactives and shitters

Xad/Luka both good shouts

What do you think about Tweet?
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