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Ranked One Piece Thriller Bark Mafia


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
And to void every excuse you can make I just claim, too!

I‘m a 1-shot ability destroyer! I can take a shot off a multishot role and am informed when I destroyed something. Targetted Yoho and destroyed nothing. Coupled with his VT claim and his play man‘s just Town.

(That‘s why Yoho was the only correct target @Magic . I won‘t risk randomly taking shots off a PR kek. Vanilla claims are the only correct choice for this).

I am out of shots anyway, but I refuse to give scums the opportunity to push a guy I cleared.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
You are all over the place. Calm down.
Fucking claim. If you had any interest in actually solving my slot you‘d remember my flavour claim which has been out there since D1. I‘m fucking sick and tired of nothing being done here and people discrediting everything I do.


Stop playing the appeal to authority card with your ranting and trying the emotional manipulation card on me. It won't work.

If anyone else thinks I should claim, I'll do so. But I have no reason otherwise simply because you SAY SO. I was on Xadlin from out the gate in case you forgot


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Fuck no. Luka and me were the first and only ones who wanted him lynched D1.