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Ranked One Piece Thriller Bark Mafia


I don't really see you making any convincing hard sticking town reads though, something a few others have commented on as well which I'm sure your aware of course.

If Flower is scum then I would flip him/push his lynch yes; he's in the periphery to me based on Flower.
i am aware that im not doing that. im also aware that has nothing to do with my scum play and i often have hard sticking town reads as scum because 1) it's easy to do as scum 2) keeps people in your good graces.

if flower is town you wouldn't push tweet? can you provide the logic


i am aware that im not doing that. im also aware that has nothing to do with my scum play and i often have hard sticking town reads as scum because 1) it's easy to do as scum 2) keeps people in your good graces.

if flower is town you wouldn't push tweet? can you provide the logic
You think Tweet could be town independent of Flower flipping non-town/indie/mafia? So your suggesting he's deep wolf potentially here? Also don't reference your own scum meta, its usually better to have others to comment then indicate yourself as it just goes to end up looking as self-serving.

If Flower flips town, would you still have Tweet in PoE?


i was probably wrong on pein too. ill concede that position because in negima mafia he also called scum lethal lhf and called out rdk for going after just him(similar to what he did with flower/luka this game).

also i thought it was weird the two didnt bicker or fight at all this game and lethal just gave him a town lean and just left it, but they barely had any interaction in negima mafia either(outside of lethal saying pein should be shot for being a useless waste, which is still inflammatory but nothing really in depth).

he actually proposed to vote lethal early on in day 3(didnt end up voting there but i dont he'd dangle it on a scum teammate when it wasn't really happening).


orca generally follows polar if he's as confident as he appeared to be with lethal. he didnt even make a remark about polar's comments about lethal being lock scum and just voted rugrat.

Vote lethal. Lock scum

Lethal is scum dont forget this though.

I mean I put in to visit magic last night so unless I was randomly redirected or randomly blocked, lethal just flat out lied

Its in the gif. Vanilla unicorn zombie thing, unigoro or something like that

Still too much info, so gonna pass.

Vote lethal everyone

Sticking here

Vote Rugrat

He hasn't fought anyone, just been a lurker in a corner
this is all within 50 posts. polar says luka is lock scum, orca is the thread doing his version of a claim(lol), and orca just ignores polar saying lethal is lock scum then eventually votes rugrat shortly after.

in comparison with:

Vote Luka

We need the rest if his claim or he can go today

How about we get Luka's usage before any more info comes out so he can't lie anymore

Vote Luka

What did Luka claim?
orca immediately following here with pretty similar context.


You think Tweet could be town independent of Flower flipping non-town/indie/mafia? So your suggesting he's deep wolf potentially here? Also don't reference your own scum meta, its usually better to have others to comment then indicate yourself as it just goes to end up looking as self-serving.

If Flower flips town, would you still have Tweet in PoE?

i think he could be scum independent of flower yes. i have quotes for that too as he backed lethal quite a bit prior to him being mech confirmed as scum.

well obviously it's self serving but if no one else bothers to point it out then i obviously will. you know who town is as scum, making strong town reads isn't hard. in fact it's often what people tell me when im making town reads!


Lethal seems obvtown imo
this was after the duel started and a second lynch was needed. shortly prior to this tweet was telling me we shouldn't focus on getting claims from potato/polar because the focus should be on lethal/xadlin but once the opportunity for a second lynch came up he declared him obvious town.

Magic, T-Pein and you are never lynch territory

Gram and Lethal seem likely town on play

That'd be my temporary towncore, I still haven't reread anything or checked who wanted Xadlin dead d1 yet

also this. he wasn't the only one stating lethal was town btw

I think Luka is coming off pretty genuine from this encounter with teh Pein, won't lunch today

Or probably ever
he backtracked from this without much contention but again he wasn't the only one.
RB flipped IIRC so this oughta be town

this is a point in his favour as he seemingly was unaware that xadlin wasn't a vote blocker and got it confused with roleblocker, but tweet can feign ignorance as scum tbf.
Had a look through Lethal’s posts and I think he’s town. So happy personally to not focus much more on that

what did you see in lethal's posts that made you conclude he was town.


Anyway I’d like some consideration over my points about rugrat and look forward to reading them when I wake up!


For reference these are the questions rugrat actually had, everything else after asking me to unvote is a response to something posted afterwards:

So which of these was pressing for you at the time?
it's weak and saying he's just going to sheep me is a bit weak as well combined with rugrat not really making any town reads of his own which he tends to do.

he also did do the "ill follow someone else" as indy in xmas mafia but that's because i think he wasn't trying to attract much more attention than he already had from scum. id imagine if he's phoning it in this hard his team is weak and he doesn't see a real path to victory.


I think Aurelian is town so don’t really have any further opinion tbh

Feel free to use that as evidence when the time inevitably comes today!
and tweet?

let me rephrase this since i already know you sus me so outside of rugrat/i, how else do you fill out the scum team?

watson on play still looks scum but her AtE felt genuine. orca looks a lot worse on play and the biggest thing he has going for him is indifference than anything else.


Let's see if someone claims the rolecrush on me down the line then

For the time being, Magics point that me claiming right now is a dumb idea is just a no-brainer
why did you assume someone would claim a rolecrush on you and it wasn't scum that rolecrushed you?


and tweet?

let me rephrase this since i already know you sus me so outside of rugrat/i, how else do you fill out the scum team?

watson on play still looks scum but her AtE felt genuine. orca looks a lot worse on play and the biggest thing he has going for him is indifference than anything else.

Poe is exactly the same as it was two days ago - you’ve probably taken Lukas spot and I very much doubt Aurelian/tweet was a work, so pick 2 from 4 of rugrat, you, Watson and orca

Orcas just trolling and I only expect a formative level of effort from rugrat, Watson is playing like a space cadet for reasons no one understands, and then you look like you’re trying your ass off to find angles you can sell. I don’t begrudge you that and if I’m wrong then I’m wrong


@Flower how did you know that polar bear was the bodyguard before he claimed bodyguard?

@Rugrat why did you think luka had his usage wron and were trying to work it out with him opposed to thinking he was lying scum or lethal was lying like everyone else? you kept asking him if he got the nights wrong.
I wanted to get him to open up and give some reads and interact with people because he is very transparent to me when he does that. It is how I tied him and Odo together last time in Xmas mafia, so encouraging him and getting him to talk when he had little time alive was going to be my way. I am aware it possibly looked a bit scummy, but I’m aware my time is borrowed so wanted a good chance of a better solve since there was the info on him.

I thought Lethal was town, but I didn’t think the info on Luka had a non-zero chance of being wrong either as it was mech based and I’m not terribly certain of the mech on this site. I also thought Luka was town based on play in the phase prior to the info as you will see below and even AFTER the info, I wasn’t exactly convinced.

This is why I thought he was town, PRIOR to the info

You’ve said it about Luka.

I asked where it’s going because I’m relatively unfamiliar with Luka. I’ve played twice with him both scum. One game he was incredibly amiable and won, the second game he was incredibly hostile and caught relatively soon on. For obvious reasons, I don’t suspect that the latter meta would be the one that he’d adopt - so had pause on his alignment for this.


I will stick by the salient point that he’s been more amiable in the scum game two games ago which was effective, and more obnoxious in the last game (which is fresher in memory), so less likely to be his method.
This is me later still having pause on him AFTER the info - it was my last post in the phase. Nothing really screamed scum to me. Possibly could have been more bullish but I’d not read a ton of the game and was in a sus slot.
I’d expect outed scum to go for the throat on Lethal tbh with the fake info


Poe is exactly the same as it was two days ago - you’ve probably taken Lukas spot and I very much doubt Aurelian/tweet was a work, so pick 2 from 4 of rugrat, you, Watson and orca

Orcas just trolling and I only expect a formative level of effort from rugrat, Watson is playing like a space cadet for reasons no one understands, and then you look like you’re trying your ass off to find angles you can sell. I don’t begrudge you that and if I’m wrong then I’m wrong
That is what it is, but I'd implore you to look into tweet as an alternative.


this was after the duel started and a second lynch was needed. shortly prior to this tweet was telling me we shouldn't focus on getting claims from potato/polar because the focus should be on lethal/xadlin but once the opportunity for a second lynch came up he declared him obvious town.

also this. he wasn't the only one stating lethal was town btw

he backtracked from this without much contention but again he wasn't the only one.

this is a point in his favour as he seemingly was unaware that xadlin wasn't a vote blocker and got it confused with roleblocker, but tweet can feign ignorance as scum tbf.

what did you see in lethal's posts that made you conclude he was town.
He had a long bickering exchange with Flower which isn’t something scum tend to do, as it guarantees one person isn’t going to be inclined to vote with you and will be doubly inclined to vote against you. In addition, it makes the other party look town if you flip before them - which ruins a chance of a mislynch.

lethal had been fairly active as opposed to his “online 30 minutes a day” meta as scum I’ve also seen with him.