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Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia


Lonely at the top
tell me you didn't read EOD without telling me you didn't read EOD
I didnt read it yeah but I saw the vote counts and checked isoed the votes.
also I'm not a huge busser at all lol, I frequently go to bat for teammates and very rarely bus them unless it's 100% necessary
I still remember you asking Reloaded to out himself so you could bus him for credit lol.


I don't think RDK will be scum after this unless he's a big busser.
thing is if a scum is one vote away from hammer, sometimes their mate will just be the one to hammer them bc getting to that stage (being 1 vote away from maj) means ur already pretty suspected and hence kind of a goner
a teammate hammering can help solidify that teammate as "town"