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Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia


Lonely at the top
personally don't think ur scum lol
I just put u at priority 1 with rdk bc other ppl have expressed discomfort with u not being around end of day 2

don't really think anyone besides rdk is/can be scum on that list, but I think that order is what most ppl would be ok with
I havent seen anyone express discomfort but hey if that helps people Ill just claim right now lol.

I am Dampe Vanilla Town.


Chairman Nibel - Motion Detector (Guardian)
The Orca
Polar Bear
Fujishiro - Vanilla (Dampe)
Psychic - Commuter (Kaepora Gaebora)
Yoho - Vanilla (Purah)
Gaddamnit - Odd Night Watcher/Even Night Firefighter (?)

Aurelian - ? (?) [Note: Most likely Vigilante, character unknown... Link?]
Poyser - Kill Immune/Strongman/Phantom (Ganondorf)
Grammaton - Vanilla (Biggoron)
Rugrat - Vanilla (Bean Seller)


Anyone else worried about Psychic not reading?
who said I'm not reading.
I havent seen anyone express discomfort but hey if that helps people Ill just claim right now lol.

I am Dampe Vanilla Town.
oh wow, another vanilla town, tell me why this isn't sus.
I believe this right here virtually clears hime (not that she wasn't already a big town read)
How does that virtually clears hime?

I have seen her and Ultra bus the shit out of each other when they were on the same mafia team.

if she was town, this looks more like a pocket attempt.

The Orca

who said I'm not reading.

oh wow, another vanilla town, tell me why this isn't sus.

How does that virtually clears hime?

I have seen her and Ultra bus the shit out of each other when they were on the same mafia team.

if she was town, this looks more like a pocket attempt.
I am

The Orca

I really need @hime and @Orca to give opinions on each other. Don't believe you guys ever communicated.

Change vote lynch RDK

Did Fuji claim yet? I rather he claim before RDK.
Just flip Hime in for Flower this game

Vote lynch Poyser

gonna hop on this train

Why not the rugrat?

Mindmeld lol
I pray ur not scum otherwise imma look silly for having the exact same list as u lmao

So that makes 3 of us suspecting this group lmao

I highly doubt nibel is scum tbh

But Gad on the other hand...scum watch/firefighter, highly possible
Are we sure Psychic shouldn't be the vote today?


Lonely at the top
How does that virtually clears hime?

I have seen her and Ultra bus the shit out of each other when they were on the same mafia team.

if she was town, this looks more like a pocket attempt.
Poyser was literally on Himes ass the entire day 1 and when the time came to ask the vig who to shoot he choose randoms instead of the girl he was tunneling the entire day phase. This coming after a no lynch no less. They arent aligned lol.


Chairman Nibel - Motion Detector (Guardian)
The Orca -
Polar Bear -
Fujishiro - Vanilla (Dampe)
Whicker -
Psychic - Commuter (Kaepora Gaebora)
Yoho - Vanilla (Purah)
Gaddamnit - Odd Night Watcher/Even Night Firefighter (Happy Mask Salesman)
hime -

Aurelian - ? (?) [Note: Most likely Vigilante, character unknown... Link?]
Poyser - Kill Immune/Strongman/Phantom (Ganondorf)
Grammaton - Vanilla (Biggoron)
Rugrat - Vanilla (Bean Seller)