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Game Ranked The Traitors Mafia

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i didn't say any of it makes sense. i just don't correlate making sense with being scummy lol. like he was just flailing but not necessarily in a scummy way.



You think a member of the mafia has no possible investment into the discussion at hand of who should be protected.

Further, you think mafia has no incentive to strategically utilize the concept of the shield to cozy up and disarm players who pose a challenge.

Because if you can accept these, you would see why this is utterly thick


i didn't say any of it makes sense. i just don't correlate making sense with being scummy lol. like he was just flailing but not necessarily in a scummy way.
I get that, but I struggle to explain it coming from town? Like not making sense isn’t necessarily scummy but nor does that make it town kek. If you notice something in the thread that makes you read somebody a certain way, you’re far less likely to get that version of events wrong, because it made you feel a certain way. If your opinion is bullshit then obviously you look for reasons to back it up and that’s where you can get it wrong

It’s not even that he doesn’t make sense that’s the issue, it’s that he’s made a read and an association based on something that doesn’t make aense

Also again… voting to shield raem?!


Are you fucking stupid??

Obviously they have an investment in the discussion. That investment would be in making sure the result of said discussion results in a positive for them????

Feel like im the twilight zone here



What credibility does Tweet gain from tossing his vote there that couldn't easily be easily accomplished by him just communicating his scum read on him lol. This is a bit forced


Are you fucking stupid??

Obviously they have an investment in the discussion. That investment would be in making sure the result of said discussion results in a positive for them????

Feel like im the twilight zone here

So you think in no conceivable universe does RDK do anything but cower away and immediately try to kill Magic at the first possible chance and any deviation from this exact sequence is license to read him because it is an objectively negative value play? What a load of horsecrock. I'm rather used to it by now, but it still amazes me you unironically think along these lines and pass this for play. I'd rather believe you're scum, but unfortunately this is par for the course.

I'm going to invoke my inner Ratchet her and call this what it is - Dross. Feel free to address anything in that ISO, you're going to have to when I take his ass to the rope.

@Magic I'd like you to weigh in on RDK as well

Hans Tweetenberg

Nobody convinced me and I didn't like the options people were giving me so why would I do anything else than do my own shit instead


What credibility does Tweet gain from tossing his vote there that couldn't easily be easily accomplished by him just communicating his scum read on him lol. This is a bit forced
Maybe Richard is scum and he doesn’t wanna vote there, but doesn’t wanna be the one to go directly against it in case he flips anyway, or indeed flips in the future. Again, in terms of thread sway it was an incredibly strong wagon

Maybe Richard is town and he felt that he’d look like shit if he sheeped on it and thought he’d look better by trying to do his own thing

Let me ask you something. What’s the town motivation to throw your vote on someone that has no chance of getting lynched and also not even bothering to try and convince anybody else to vote along with you? Especially when the main wagon options are so close, that you’re pretty much leaving up to others to decide, of which there is a probable scum influence?

Adding to this, earlier on tweet seemed pretty sure that RAEM was scum and was struggling yet when it came time to go, he didn’t wanna vote him? Again do you find this 180 satisfactory?


This is so disingenuous I’m not even gonna bother




You're saying scum don't cite irrelevant reasons to justify their behavior? Am I reading this correctly?

As far as Nat vs Ekko goes, I wouldn't be comfortable reading it as anything other than NAI, because it's clear there's some underlying...tension there, and they have a history. I think they need to light some candles and find a room.


Like you’re just posting absolute hyperbolic drivel to avoid tackling my actual points and it’s pathetic

I really want to think you are scum but this is reminding me so much of flowers game that I can’t possibly ignore it


Fuck posting on phone


Cba figuring out if Poyser is scum or not, I just hate it whenever he thinks I'm scum. Don't even wanna talk to the guy about it tbh, he's responsible for just about 100% of the times I get mislynched

Why bother playing


Divine Departure
Okay, I am going to claim my role now, I lied about being vanilla.

I'm the OMGUS cop

Which means I needed people to suspect/vote me so that I could investigate them. It was a one shot, so it doesn't matter anymore if scum know. I had a few candidates: Spamsopp, Ultra, hime, Magic, Poy.

I investigated Magic, for better or for worse, and he is town.
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