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To Aru Majutsu No Index Feats/Discussion/Analysis Thread - One Othinus To Rule Them All


V.I.P. Member
There’s Dark Matter too which can make itself intangible too that Accelerator still reflects.

Something being tangible or intangible is irrelevant. It just needs to have a vector behind it


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
To continue this discussion: basically, yeah.

The stuff beyond the right arm's power is dependent on both how much damage is done to Imagine Breaker/Touma's right arm, and his will to harm/kill.

The way I see it:

WW3 IT > the IT that Othinus crushed in NT4
the IT that overpowered World Rejector > the IT that Othinus crushed in NT4
the IT that roared and one shot the Queen Brittania's temple/had Coronzon utterly fucked up > the IT that Othinus crushed in NT4

(I've no idea where to put the Railgun T dragons/the dragon that showed up against Izzard(they're all the same thing), but they're probably below all of these)

She basically sneak attacked Touma and he had no reason to have much killing intent at the moment.
It's arguably the weakest form of the IT.

I just don't think there's anything that suggests that Othinus is stronger than LPSAD Fiamma, since Fiamma himself would scale above Dainsleif calamities (like Abaddon) who already scale to Othinus per her own words.

There's a reason Aleister waited until Fiamma wasn't at his full strength to attack him is all I'm saying
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V.I.P. Member
Sneak attacking Touma hardly matters since against Fiamma, he had no desire to kill or seriously harm him and Fiamma forced it out.

Hell Touma goes on to save Fiamma over his own life right afterwards, putting him in an escape shuttle while he stays behind on the collapsing Star of Bethlehem to deal with Gabriel

Likewise, Coronzon did a sneak attack in their last confrontation, using the AAA to tear off his arm from behind the same way Othinus ambushed him.

So it doesn’t really play a part since every single time it’s brought out safe for against CRC, it’s not intentionally on Touma’s part


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
I was re-reading OT22, and the Invisible Thing doesn't even beat Fiamma, funnily enough.
Not sure why people think it did.

It blocks the generic light beam attack and has him shook, sure, but that's all it does before Touma shuts it down and recovers Imagine Breaker... which reverts Fiamma into his pre-LPSAD state.



One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Remind me, is the only difference between pre and post LPSAD Fiamma that he can use a bunch of miracles and no longer has a usage limit on the Holy Right?


V.I.P. Member
I was re-reading OT22, and the Invisible Thing doesn't even beat Fiamma, funnily enough.
Not sure why people think it did.

Didn’t matter, all the power he accumulated in that state and he was an ant compared to that Invisible power

It blocks the generic light beam attack and has him shook, sure, but that's all it does before Touma shuts it down and recovers Imagine Breaker... which reverts Fiamma into his pre-LPSAD state.
In other words, Touma literally saved his life from certain death.

Scaling is as followed: Othinus > WWIII Invisible Thing > any version of Fiamma. Every confrontation Fiamma has with a Magic God shows he’s vastly outclassed

Remind me, is the only difference between pre and post LPSAD Fiamma that he can use a bunch of miracles and no longer has a usage limit on the Holy Right?
Brought Heaven down to Earth, and stated to casually destroy the planet and recreate the miracles of the Bible.

Notably, Fiamma himself doesn’t believe he’s even as strong as God and considers the name overblown, he just knows it’s enough power to save the world.

^ The above also explains the difference, namely that with Imagine Breaker used as a tool for purifying his Holy Right, LPSAD is him essentially at full power

His acquisition of Index’s controller to acquire all her 103,000 Grimoires knowledge already addressed his limited use of the Holy Right. W/ Index he can use Holy Right all he wants.

Needless to say, Fiamma is in no way in Othinus’ league. This is one of the most clear cut and consistent portrayal of the differences in power shown between characters.

You got Othinus even while under the 50/50 restriction still able to fight Fiamma and Ollerus at the same time. And when she achieves 100%, it’s an offscreen curbstomp in her favor.

Against the IT, Fiamma was outright described as completely outmatched against it to where a fight didn’t need to be done to prove this.

Same IT gets effortlessly crushed by Othinus to establish how powerful she herself is.

To make another comparison, we know from Accelerator that Gabriel (and by extension Michael, the source of Fiamma’s power) is vastly weaker to Aiwass and by extension Coronzon whose just slightly stronger than Aiwass with her avatar.

Coronzon’s consistently stated to more or less rival Othinus at her full power when she had her lance


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Scaling is as followed: Othinus > WWIII Invisible Thing > any version of Fiamma. Every confrontation Fiamma has with a Magic God shows he’s vastly outclassed

Nothing directly supports the Invisible Thing in in NT4 being as strong as it was in WW3 though.

We had this discussion already, didn't we?

Brought Heaven down to Earth, and stated to casually destroy the planet and recreate the miracles of the Bible.

I know it has those statements, and I already mentioned the latter.

But the Holy Right explicitly doesn't use raw power for the former statement to even make sense to bring up, and Fiamma utilizing the full power of Michael "only" (even though that's not it's actual stated limit, but you get the point) being able to destroy a planet is nonsensical, when Dainsleif calamities already scale to Othinus' destruction.

This may just be me nitpicking though.

Again, the IT in NT4 doesn't have anything going for it that directly puts it at the same level as it was in WW3, and Othinus never even fights LPSAD Fiamma.

What makes Aiwass stronger than Gabriel or Michael though?

The former was weakened throughout OT, and the latter, like you already know, is stated by the narration to be capable of reaching the Pure World and killing Aiwass in the Pure World with Curtana Original's dimension severing (I should specify this is more of a range feat rather than a power/hax feat), if it hit, anyway, which itself is only capable of doing so because it sources power from Michael.

The scaling, if we're using your logic, goes like this:

Othinus > NT4 Invisible Thing = WW3 Invisible Thing > LPSAD Fiamma ~ Dainsleif calamities (which are literally just phase beings brought down from the higher phases/Four Worlds into the surface world)
but the Dainsleif calamities themselves are stated to be a proper weapon to fight a Magic God, per Othinus herself

so how's that supposed to work then?
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One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Wait, maybe Fiamma doesn't draw upon the actual full power of Michael with the Holy Right to begin with

Or maybe I'm retarded, who knows
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V.I.P. Member
Nothing directly supports the Invisible Thing in in NT4 being as strong as it was in WW3 though.

We had this discussion already, didn't we?
Yeah and nothing concrete to argue it was weaker and much more evidence it was if anything stronger.

And regardless, Fiamma was an ant next to the IT against him while Othinus casually destroyed it. She actually scales above it

Its just stated Fiamma can easily destroy a planet not that that is his limit.

Dainsleif calamities cause reality to shatter only when an untold number of them are summoned, we know from Gabriel that none of them can do that on their own, at most accomplishing an Angel Fall like incident individually

This may just be me nitpicking though.

Again, the IT in NT4 doesn't have anything going for it that directly puts it at the same level as it was in WW3, and Othinus never even fights LPSAD Fiamma.
Read above, nothing is insinuated that it’s weaker. Othinus acknowledged WWIII allowed it to develop but was thoroughly unimpressed with the end result

That full power Gabriel is pure speculation and at best, is as strong as Coronzon with her vessel which I seriously doubt. Kamachi clearly wrote Gabriel as inferior to Aiwass

As for Curtana (Archangel Michael) being able to harm Aiwass, it was specifically emphasizing its power to reach the Pure World Aiwass resides in with its Omnidimensional severing and the power system in Toaru’s Magic side allows enough leyway for weaker opponents to harm stronger ones that are careless or less skilled otherwise

Why not? Fiamma should be much stronger than them given how Touma could negate and destroy several calamities summoned by Marian and again, they achieve Magic God level destruction through a combined effort of enough of them being summoned in the world


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
We're going to have to just agree to disagree on the IT's level of strength at this point, since it's not exactly clear-cut in this case when we know it's strength varies based on Touma's mindset/how much damage is done to his arm.


Dainsleif calamities cause reality to shatter only when an untold number of them are summoned, we know from Gabriel that none of them can do that on their own, at most accomplishing an Angel Fall like incident individually

That's not actually stated, to my knowledge, unless you have the quote that says that.
Marian would have no need to create a barrier to contain any of the calamities if the summoning of only one wouldn't cause an event like Angel Fall or Othinus' destruction to occur.

Also... "at most accomplishing an Angel Fall like incident individually"?

Angel Fall affects the entirety of the Four Worlds.
The surface world/phases in the surface world shattering like glass is the lesser effect in terms of scale.

A full power Gabriel is no different than true Gremlin: both need to nerf themselves/be nerfed to manifest in the surface world without destroying it, minus the Pure World.
Coronzon has to nerf herself in the same manner as both examples above to manifest in the surface world.

It's hardly speculation when this is consistent with how phase beings/beings from higher up on the Sephiroth work throughout the series.
They can't manifest in reality without a physical vessel because they either dissipate or nuke shit like true Gremlin do.

I don't get your question.

Dainsleif calamities ~ LPSAD Fiamma
Othinus, by your logic, would be at least 2 tiers above him
But Othinus ~ Dainsleif calamities, per her own words (she says she'd be able to kill/stop Marian from ever using it in the first place, not that she can one shot the calamities with ease if she were at her full power).

Do you not see the issue?
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V.I.P. Member
We're going to have to just agree to disagree on the IT's level of strength at this point, since it's not exactly clear-cut when we know it's strength varies.

What I’m saying is saying it’s somehow weaker against Othinus than with Fiamma is throughly baseless

This says otherwise:

Seriously Pax, are you arguing Angel Fall over Othinus’ NT10 feats or Magic Gods destroying the universe with their presence?

Marian would have no need to create a barrier to contain any of the calamities if the summoning of only one wouldn't cause an event like Angel Fall or Othinus' destruction to occur.
Or that she simply set up the barrier before the battle which is the best possible time anyway

A full power Gabriel is no different than true Gremlin: both need to nerf themselves/be nerfed to manifest in the surface world without destroying it, minus the Pure World.
Citation for Gabriel being able to destroy the world like Magic Gods. This is the most Kamachi describes them as capable of doing:

^ And as the scan just before shows, destroying the world > Angel Fall. Nevermind all 4 Archangels were basically cannon fodder Aleister easily destroys right afterwards.

Read above. Nothing disproves what I said before which is:

Why not? Fiamma should be much stronger than them given how Touma could negate and destroy several calamities summoned by Marian and again, they achieve Magic God level destruction through a combined effort of enough of them being summoned in the world


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
I am going to argue affecting the Four Worlds is a better feat because it directly is better in terms of scale.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
So is destroying the current phase in the surface world (Assiah) better than affecting the entire cosmology (Assiah, Yetzirah, Briah, and Atziluth)?


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Damn... Magic Gods can destroy the entire Sephiroth and make a new canvas all along



One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Also, you literally just posted a quote that says that the summoning of a weakened Gabriel in WW3 alone was straining the world to it's breaking point.

Which is, coincidentally enough, the same wording used for both Dainsleif calamities (which are just other phase beings from the religious phases likely located in Briah) and true Gremlin... interesting how that works


V.I.P. Member
Damn... Magic Gods can destroy the entire Sephiroth and make a new canvas all along

Because Othinus did? She destroyed every Phase safe for the Hidden World and possibly Pure World and we know the Sephiroth is just more of a collection of Phases

And the Four Worlds hierarchy was already called out as in-series bullshit when it comes to determining power by the Magic Gods who proved it when they showed they were more than capable of fighting Coronzon who both rules over and can destroy the Sephiroth with her power while they themselves were nerfed at the time,


V.I.P. Member
To its breaking point (Angel Fall) not actually achieving said breaking point.

Also im being pretty civil discussing this with you, so enough with the smugness


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Othinus never affected the religious phases (likely) located in Briah. When is this stated?
There are several quotes explicitly saying the scope of Magic Gods is limited to affecting things in Assiah, i.e. the surface world.

And no, the Sephiroth isn't just a collection of phases. When is this ever stated as well?

Called out as in-series bullshit.. how, exactly?

By the nerfed Coronzon stalemating a singular nerfed Magic God?
With the former being nerfed way more than the latter by the very fundamentals of how the Kabbalah/Four Worlds work?
And said character also not treating the latter remotely seriously, since her ritual would kill the former anyway?

Coronzon occupies the Abyss in between Briah and Atziluth to stop people from gaining knowledge of the upper 3 Sephirah (Binah, Chokmah, and Keter) and Da'at.
She doesn't rule over it like an omnipotent god and most certainly doesn't destroy the Sephiroth at will.
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One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Magic Gods being able to affect the entire cosmology just doesn't work on a fundamental level.
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