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Game Ranked Tower of God Mafia Thread

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Leprous Monarch
I "told you off" because your position for two days was Ultra or bust, and then you reverse your read for reasons you only explained many hours later to compromise for something you, as town, should have 0 interest in compromising on.
Why are you so sure ultra is town again?


Leprous Monarch
Prof I think CP could be scum with Magic ftr. Magic had a very weird early town read on him that he then walked back a bit today before doing nothing with it. Also think CP's argument that it's meta for Magic is pretty terrible when it requires him to be intentionally ignoring context.
Do you have a reason for scum reading me that isn't about magic?
Day 3 VC 4


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Reloaded: Ultra
Ratchet: Magic
Ichigo: RDK
Grammaton: T-Pein
Ultra: Magic
Tempest: Ultra
Magic : Ultra
Polar Bear : Ultra >
T-Pein: Magic
RDK: Ultra

Ultra: 4
Magic: 3
Pein/RDK: 1

With 18 alive it's 10 to lynch.

[Vote lynch Ultra]

Not putting up with getting stonewalled and getting told I won't be followed after I flip town, kiss my ass

[Vote lynch Magic]

Don't want a self vote to get construed as AtE - I think any sort of potential progress is hindered without my flip though, and if nobody is giving a shit I cba

Vote lynch psychic
Reloaded: Ultra
Ratchet: Magic
Ichigo: RDK
Grammaton: T-Pein
Ultra: Magic > Ultra > Magic
Tempest: Ultra
Magic : Ultra
Polar Bear : Ultra > Psychic
T-Pein: Magic
RDK: Ultra

Ultra: 4
Magic: 3
Pein/RDK/Psychic: 1

With 18 alive it‘s 10 to lynch.

You have a little under 25h left of this day.


Professional Troll
I don’t expect anyone to live in the thread by any means. But gonna be a little peeved if neither can even bother to poke their heads in for all of 5 minutes. Then they can be useless again

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
Psychic is probably the scum between the two anyway so the one I’d rather show up
We gonna CFD her if she never shows?
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