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Game Ranked Tower of God Mafia Thread

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At this point I wouldn't doubt ratchet as mafia due to the arguments he's giving and his poe outside of being involving almost zero effort or consideration.

@Tempest Have you as Town outside of reservations regarding your play around Magic (and his play around you). If I had to frame it succinctly, I haven't felt that you've claimed to have thoughts that don't make sense for you to have, and I don't think "inactivity" or "apathy" are good ways to read you from.


Meanwhile ratchet proposed that ichago was scum with sig and covering for him. I again said that made no sense because why would ichago take the fall for a teammate that isn't even playing.
Also it was mainly Prof that proposed this. Again he's delivering misinformation because he knows his audience isn't going to actually check his positions.


Also it was mainly Prof that proposed this. Again he's delivering misinformation because he knows his audience isn't going to actually check his positions.
My apologies, you simply supported it and agreed with it once it was brought up. Is that better? Or do you want go full trump and state it was never something you were on board with?

Thoughts on ultra conveniently dipping the thread at the same time as you? Weird how that went eh.


My apologies, you simply supported it and agreed with it once it was brought up. Is that better? Or do you want go full trump and state it was never something you were on board with?

Thoughts on ultra conveniently dipping the thread at the same time as you? Weird how that went eh.
It's better because it more accurately reflects my position - you along with Ichigo here straight up peddled misinformation because in the context in which it was said, me proposing it was an important point - when it wasn't even true!

I have no thoughts about that because Ultra doesn't even live in the same timezone as me, would agree in principle that it's weird. Not scummy, but weird.



@Tempest Have you as Town outside of reservations regarding your play around Magic (and his play around you). If I had to frame it succinctly, I haven't felt that you've claimed to have thoughts that don't make sense for you to have, and I don't think "inactivity" or "apathy" are good ways to read you from.
This is a weak read Ratchet. What does it even mean? You tried calling my Luka read weak despite building on from it early in the game. This is basically "ya I don't have anything to point to to call you town but I'll call you town anyway".


This is a weak read Ratchet. What does it even mean? You tried calling my Luka read weak despite building on from it early in the game. This is basically "ya I don't have anything to point to to call you town but I'll call you town anyway".
There are more Town than scum. I don't start from the baseline of "this person hasn't done anything explicitly townie so they must be scum". Rather I start from the baseline of "this player is more likely than not to be townie, now let's see what can inform that". It's been pretty reliable for me to read CP from the positions he claims to take. The thoughts, specifically, that he claims to have undertaken to get there. The fact he's been here for 3 cycles and hasn't said anything to me that makes me think "he can't actually believe this" makes me think he's town. Is that enough explanation, or do you need your hand holding further on this?


There are more Town than scum. I don't start from the baseline of "this person hasn't done anything explicitly townie so they must be scum". Rather I start from the baseline of "this player is more likely than not to be townie, now let's see what can inform that". It's been pretty reliable for me to read CP from the positions he claims to take. The thoughts, specifically, that he claims to have undertaken to get there. The fact he's been here for 3 cycles and hasn't said anything to me that makes me think "he can't actually believe this" makes me think he's town. Is that enough explanation, or do you need your hand holding further on this?
What positions have you noted that you think are in line with town cp? I'd love for my hand to be held thank you as this is proper discourse!


What positions have you noted that you think are in line with town cp? I'd love for my hand to be held thank you as this is proper discourse!
Wew, you pretty egregiously just changed the point there to something I never said! Let me just show the room:

1 - I say I think CP is town because he hasn't said anything that looks like a fake thought for him to have.
2 - You say it's weak because it doesn't mean he has shown demonstrably townie thought.
3 - I say that it's been a reliable tell for me, and that I work from a baseline of being favourable towards a player rather than the opposite, so he doesn't need to have demonstrably townie thoughts to earn a town read
4 - You, in contention to what I just said, ask me to give examples of townie thoughts - despite me having just said it's not how I'm reading him!

Feel like explaining this? Because I don't see how anyone in good faith can make that response to what I said.


Nvm no proper discourse you made it into an argument. Good night good sir.
I'm not making it into an argument - to be plain I don't care for "proper discourse" with you as clearly you're incapable of being honest within it. Case in point - you just completely changed the point of what I said in order to try and get me to defend a read I never made.


"but Ratchet, why are you assuming there must be bad intentions behind what I'm saying - I just want to talk!"

Gee, I dunno, maybe see how you've handled discussion with me the entire game?


As he was so kind to tag everyone let's finish mass claim and voting ultra. The tandem have been so far up one another asses you'd think they were confirmed to one another. No more mislynches for you mr ratchet.


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