Transformers feats/discussion


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V.I.P. Member
Transformers is a long running toy robot franchise that's been around for nearly 40 years at this point. As a result of its length and action focus, it's got a tremendous amount of lore and feats to catalogue. The purpose of this thread is for any and all discussion of Transformers, but specifically with a focus on compiling its feats and lore from the perspective of the VS hobby. I also just really love Transformers and its lore and I'd probably lose my mind if I didn't put everything I learned somewhere for people to read it.

Surprisingly compared to its contemporaries, Transformers' own cosmology is quite poorly documented across the internet. My goal in the opening post here, is to make a comprehensive explanation of Transformers cosmology and lore to allow anyone to understand where it sits relative to other series, but more important how it works because TF is not really like its contemporaries in this regard, and context is extremely important when interpreting its feats. Misinterpeting context will result in horrendous lowballs of key characters, or bizarre highballs that don't line up with both the story itself or the actual background info of the feat. Due to the sheer quantity of material needed to see the big picture, this will be broken into several main sections, backed up by quotes and scans, followed by my own explanations of the material. I am not all-knowing, nor have I read every piece of TF media or seen every cartoon, this is just the culmination of my research into the series over the last few years, and I appreciate anyone chiming in to ask questions, correct me, or provide new information. I try to be very rigorous with my interpretation of the more esoteric points, but nobody's perfect.

More of a mini section, but it's important to start this off in order to get anywhere with TF scaling. To put it bluntly, in Transformers everything is canon. This means crossovers, one off comic covers, toy bios that contradict other official material, and in some cases even unproduced material, or material that was never officially published entirely! Transformers leans very hard into an "anything can happen" philosophy with its multiverse, and unlike its contemporaries rarely if ever retcons things out. In fact the opposite tends to happen, where retcons are more commonly used to add further context into previously vaguely explained events. TFWiki covers it quite nicely here
In the Transformers brand, as a result of editorial choice and the multiversal nature of the Transformers brand, canon is both extremely complicated and extremely simple, depending on how you look at it. The only reliable metric for determining the canonical status of Transformers fiction is whether it was officially licensed/approved or not. If so, it is canon... for some continuity. If not, it is not canon at all.

Even the last has caveats however, for example, in the officially sanctioned Ask Vector Prime facebook Q&A panel, Vector Prime answers this regarding canon.
Q: Dear Vector Prime,

What is the multiversal status of stories that were never officially 'produced' in this universal stream but about which details are known like for instance the TransTech franchise that was to follow Beast Machines or the planned Dreamwave issues.

A: Dear Apocryphal Adept,

That depends entirely on the story. Some are the true and accurate conclusions of the events of the primary universes, such as the Dreamwave issues. Others are microcontinuities or even absent from the multiverse all together.

So in some cases, and this will be important later, unofficial stories are still canon. What's important for now is just to know that everything has its place, somewhere in the multiverse. Somewhere being the key, you cannot cross-scale from one universe or continuity to another haphazardly, only a select few characters benefit from that sort of thing, and they are generally in the cosmic bracket. In Transformers, everything exists in a timeline whether it's the "main" one or a "branch" one, and this will be examined extensively later. Generally speaking, comic tie-ins to a movie or cartoon are usually considered to take place in branch or splinter timelines. In this sense, a piece of media not perfectly tying in with another can simply be handwaved as different outcomes in two different universes. This happens a LOT and it's important to keep that in mind before trying to apply a feat or scaling from one piece of media to another.

One notable exception is the Collector's Club's opening storyline Balancing Act, which explicitly does take place in the same universe the Cybertron cartoon happens in.
Like many stories, Transformers has its own "multiverse" setting, however unlike its contemporaries, there is no clear single explanation for how it came about. There are however, two eyewitness/on-page accounts from characters who witnessed it, reliable statements from other cosmic characters that corroborate this, and stories from omniscient narrator perspectives that add further context.

I will start with Primus' own accounting of the origin from Marvel's Transformers #74. While this has been iterated on many times, largely this is the most consistent and complete on-page origin we have received. However, see below...

Next we have Vector Prime's answer on the multiverse's origins. Here he highlights three potential origin points, and even implies they may have all somehow happened at once. Funny thing about that, from all available evidence...this looks to be the case.
Dear Vector Prime,

Do you or the Transtech have any idea how the multiverse came into existence?
A: Dear Fledgling Physicist,

There are many theories about how multiverses originate. Some more mathematical than others.

In some circles, it is believed that the entirety of the Cybertronian Multiverse can be traced back to a single instance - often dubbed "the Big Bang" by humans. At this moment in time, the time that time began, a random explosion of homogeneous particles littered a singular, primordial universe with "inflatons". These inflatons spread themselves throughout the void, planting the seeds for matter to form. As the life-span of the inflaton is not one that is long-lived (from the quantum perspective that is), the inflatons began to decay, and from the dying inflatons came all the more familiar particles that matter interacts with today. Importantly, that moment when the first inflatons began to decay and started to form other particles, they also formed a group of particles collectively known as "observers". This is important since the inflatons themselves have neutral quantum vibrations, but begin to vibrate when in proximity to observers. These vibrations then generate a "bubble" effect, and those bubbles begin to inflate and form pocket universes. Some of these universes stay together in the initial cluster, but others begin to bud off and form their own clusters, completely individual from the first. The process continues over countless millennia until a multiverse such as ours is created*.

*Remember though, the inflatons are not immortal particles, and it takes an event as powerful as the Big Bang to create them. So according to this theory at some point, the expansion of the multiverse will slow and come to a halt.

Another theory is more philosophical. Existence began with The One. The One was existence - harmony and discord, order and chaos all existing in perfect balance in a state without time. It was this way until The One created entity known as Unicron. (There are countless more theories as to why it did so). The One then split Unicron into two and formed Primus. The latter inherited all of the qualities of Order, while the former retained near-every aspect of Chaos. So it was that existence was created outside of The One, and the split that formed Primus split this new existence, forming fragments in the void that would grow to create the many parallel universes in our multiverse.

One last theory, as philosophical as the prior, posits that a multiverse was always in existence. Right from the beginning of time, there were already multiple versions of our history. These versions, much fewer than we know exist now, sat and stewed before a powerful external force - let us name this force "The Forest Leer" as it was the first to see that original untidy thicket of trees and the potential it had to become a mighty and expansive forest - transformed these histories by the sheer will of identifying and classifying them. This spark of creativity was all that was needed to organize what had come before, and to build upon it exponentially until our multiverse became what it is today.

Take from these theories what you will. One may be correct or, somehow, all could have coincided at once. Even in my wisdom and vision of all time and space, I do not have a single interpretation for how time and existence started. Time travel, by its very nature, requires time in which to travel. Attempting to visit an era without time is futile.
Vector Prime posits three unique and contradictory origins of the Transformers multiverse. However, we can actually prove to some degree that they are all true, which Vector does note is a possibility as well. Contradictions are extremely common in Transformers lore, but rarely does one explanation outweigh another. Instead, what we can do is look at all sources and see what has been reiterated time and time again. For example...

Transformers Cloud material reveals a multiversal big bang occurred that birthed countless universes, as Vector theorized above..
Transformers Cloud
Prologue (― プロローグ ―):
It all started when space was created…
A great number of universes were born after the terribly great explosion that was enough to nullify everything. Because every single universe possessed a “Time Stream”, it resulted in the expansion of areas between universes.

The second origin however, is also true. We see this played out in the comics directly. Vector Prime elaborates though and states that the creation of Primus had the side-effect of creating the multiverse. Thus we can assume the multiversal big bang was actually the result of The One, the supreme being of Transformers, creating Primus out of Unicron

Simon Furman elaborated on the Marvel origin in more detail during Reaching the Omega Point #1
The beginning, strictly speaking, was the end. The end of an entire universe, one that had existed long before any modern measurement of time began. It was the twilight of the gods, beings of pure energy that had grown to a point where nothing was beyond them. They were omnipotent, almighty, boundless. But, as it turned out, not all-seeing.

Otherwise, they might have noticed that one of their number had taken to calling himself the devourer of worlds. Though as it happened, worlds were merely an aperitif to the banquet that was to follow. Its name was Unicron, and its terrible hunger drove it to wipe all life from this old Universe. It consumed its fellow gods (not immortal either), planets, galaxies, even space itself, until there was nothing. Satiated, it finally slept, alone in the void.

But tenaciously, life hung on, and through a massive effort of will it began a subatomic chain reaction that built and expanded, gathering gaseous momentum with each explosion of primal forces. Until ultimately, it birthed a new Universe, created new life. And with this creation came a protector, a counter-force to the threat of Unicron. Its name was Primus.

However, it soon became apparent that this fragile new universe was not meant to contain beings as powerful and elemental as Unicron and Primus. Their battles laid waste to countless fledgling star systems, destroying the very life Primus had been created to protect. And so, a plan was borne. One that would, if successful, both end the current threat of Unicron, and, ultimately, safeguard the universe for generations to come.

Primus intended to lure Unicron to a reality that existed as an extension of the mind, beyond the physical form. There, Unicron would all but triumph, and scenting final victory would blindly pursue the retreating Primus. Unicron would not, until far too late, realize that, instead of returning to their energy forms, their psychic essences had materialized inside dead metal asteroids, where they would both be trapped for all eternity.

But like all good plans, a dry run was needed. Especially as all this was simply the precursor to a much grander and far reaching scheme. And that was where the Covenant came in.

There are some key details added here, notably that the absence of the Light and Dark Gods is explained...Unicron devoured his entire species along with the Old Realms.

The One creating Primus from Unicron was confirmed in the Simon Furman's Transformers DK Guide

Note, while the original Marvel G1 comics (and other early material) refer to all this as the birth of one universe, this was retconned extremely early on into the birth of the multiverse itself. As you can see on the above page, it refers to Unicron and Primus' original battle taking place as they spread across many realities. This is what I meant that retcons in Transformers rarely remove material outright, only add further context. The Marvel G1 origin is actually the strongest point either Primus or Unicron have yet to reach in Transformers canon due to repeated retcons expanding the scope of those few pages these stories were covered in.

The final origin is a meta reference to writer Forest Lee, who oversaw much of the cosmic aspect of TF fiction at the time. Forest Lee both wrote the Transformers Collection Club early fiction, which dealt heavily with the multiverse, and pioneered the "Multiversal Singularity" concept that would define many of Transformers' strongest and most important characters. The "Forest Leer", while rarely mentioned, seems to be a force for order in the multiverse.
The name multiverse is misleading, as Transformers uses the terms "multiverse" "megaverse" and "omniverse" to not necessarily denote scale. Multiverse in this case simply refers to all Transformers fiction, as in-universe other fictions are merely considered other multiverses. Megaverse refers to universes outside of, but tangentially related to Transformers, while the omniverse dwarfs Transformers and contains numerous unrelated realities. This has grown more complicated however by the revelation that Shattered Glass, a "reversed" continuity, was all along a multiverse in its own right. Furthermore, other recent material has considered the multiverse to be composed of other multiverses. In context, this will make sense as I explain further, due to Transformers making extreme use of the idea of branch universes, essentially making each universe a spawning point for multiverses.

The multiverse itself is divided into "Universal Streams", which are for all intents and purposes, just universes. In Transformers, a single universe is (bizarrely consistently) considered infinite in size.

(TFCC Balancing Act #1)
“Had I been able to spend enough time with Optimus before he left our battered planet in search of the AllSpark, I might have had the chance to tell him that … to explain to him what the gladiator who once called himself Megatronus knows intuitively, that an infinite universe contains infinite opponents by definition.”
Transformers Retribution (p. 8)
I have yet to find a statement for any universe in Transformers being finite in size, it's always referred to as infinite or endless, and so on. Though there is a phenomena when a universe ends where it may become finite and infinite simultaneously (somehow).
Q: Dear Vector Prime,

Could you tell us about the distant future of the Viron universal cluster?

A: Dear Cosmological Commentator,

Certainly. In some streams, the fundamental constants and makeup of the universes are such that they will eventually experience a Big Rip, with the scale factor of the universe becoming simultaneously finite and infinite. Some, a Big Crunch, with all matter collapsing upon itself. Some, an entropic heat death, a perfect equilibrium of matter and energy, punctuated by the last hydrogen atom decaying into a burst of energy, and then nothingness. Of course, all of this is billions of years in the future. Your people and mine will have long since passed on by this time, so (barring time travel) we will not be there to experience it.

And then there are those TINY sliver of Viron universes where, with enough of Earth's children united in purpose, even the end of everything can be forestalled.

There are an infinite number of these universes, stated at several points, primarily in comics.

(TFCC Balancing Act, #3)

“Windrazor! But how-?!”

The Maximal from the far future, a future that would never be, smiled benignly at Maximus. The reality that Shokaract created was destroyed, and by all rights I should have been as well… but Primus had other plans.You pulling me through the transwarp gate to your own reality enabled him to bring me safely into the Allspark. You may consider me… a spirit guide, in a sense.

“You were sent for me? To assist me?”

I’m afraid not. I am needed… elsewhere, elsewhen. As you are no doubt aware now, there are endless realities in all of existence. Primus watches each, ever vigilant against his brother Unicron. His children are in need. I must go soon to assist other Matrix Templars as Alpha Trion assisted you… but I had to see you one more time, let you know what became of me.
(Wreckers: Finale)
Another confirmation of there being Endless Realities, but also that Primus is watching all of them. (A big part of this story is that Primus draws Unicron to eat a universe like a beacon, so there's an explanation for why he isn't more active in conflicts across the multiverse.)

Anything that can happen, does happen, in addition to the infinite reiteration, as its own universe.

Transformers x Back to the Future also confirms that purely hypothetical universes also exist.

We also have two other confirmations that all possible versions of the universe exist.

Primus himself directly confirms this.

And we get another example of all possible permutations of the universe being said to exist during TFCC.

Vector Prime also confirms the multiverse is "limitless"
Q: Dear Vector Prime,

I understand that, as the multiversal Keeper of Space and Time, it is rare for you to interfere with the affairs of a single universe. When you do need to focus your attention on one universe, who guards the Multiverse to ensure that other beings don't wreck havoc in whichever universe they so choose?

A: Dear Guardian Gabber,

It is true that the multiverse is a limitless place, and that one being, however non-linear his or her perception, cannot possibly hope to protect it all. However, I am far from alone in my quest. The Cloud World Autobots, the Alternity and Flaternity, the Quantum Operatives Skids and Screech, Heinrad and other servants of the Time Walker, even the TransTech are all able to, to varying degrees of alacrity, perceive and rectify multiversal threats.
However, this is where it begins to grow far more complicated, but also far bigger for the scope of this hobby (higher infinities and all that jazz) . Transformers makes considerable use of branch universes from an original timeline.

Since the Marvel G1 era of Transformers, actions are stated to spawn whole new realities.

Transformers G1 (US) Issue #69

Another example of this.

We actually see this happen at the end of More than Meets the Eye's Elegant Chaos arc (Issues 36-38), where Perceptor states their hijinks gave birth an infinite number of branch universes.

Vector Prime also elaborates on this event
Q: Dear Vector Prime,

Did the multiverse have its origins in Primax 1005.19 Gamma- namely, in a partially disabled briefcase? And if so, what does this mean for the relationship between the Thirteen that hail from this stream and the other corners of the multiverse?

A: Dear Genesis Guy,

To the best of my knowledge, when Perceptor tampered with the paradox locks on Brainstorm's time machine, it had a profound impact on the celestial mechanics... of that particular universe. Prior to its use, that reality was deterministic in nature. There were no offshoot realities. Now, though, that no longer appears to be the case.

I will offer a caveat, though, which is that if that event DID spawn the Multiverse, it did so with the Multiverse fully formed... meaning that, there is no philosophical way to know if the Multiverse, and my memories of it, and indeed your memories of your own existence, came into being the instant Perceptor's clumsy fumblings altered the causality constant of that portion of the universe.

Essentially, there are "deterministic" universes out there with no branches (this is the only one ever seen in TF fiction however), but their experiments altered the celestial mechanics of their universe to allow branch points. Vector does state a "what-if" this was the birth of the multiverse, however we have witnessed that birth from Primus and Unicron's own perspectives, both of whom are beyond time, and thus far more reliable than Perceptor or Brainstorm. I consider this just a "what-if" and not as decisive of an explanation like the ones covered earlier.

In the context of IDW, this is reinforced by Tarantulas' later actions during Requiem of the Wreckers. Key word here, divergent realities. These are offshoots from IDW's original timeline, not just hurling people into the other independent neighboring universes.

Branch universes get far crazier though.

For starters, each universe has infinite pasts and infinite futures.


This was actually even alluded to decades ago in Reaching the Omega Point #1 Covenant
The last time the Chronarchitect had appeared, it had been in the Earth year 2005, and it had engendered the first real call to arms for the Covenant. Optimus Prime was dead. The Creation Matrix was in transitional flux. Unicron, the chaos-bringer, had returned and was intent on destroying the Matrix, the one force that could in turn destroy him. It was a nexus, a turning point on which countless possible outcomes and futures revolved.

But here's where it gets truly ridiculous.

Q: Dear Vector Prime,

Who or what exactly is Megatron X, the Transformer who appeared in a version of the Beast Wars? Also, how does one categorize universes where there are multiple outcomes?

A: Dear Dimensional Inquisitor,

Megatron X has seldom appeared outside of Primax 1099.01-N6 Kappa or Primax 700.12-N4 Kappa. Both universes are highly, highly volatile. To put it mildly, they exist in a state of constant flux, with the probabilities churning through multiple resonance patterns and flipping from one state to the next to the next.

Interestingly, though there are an uncountable infinity of modalities for these universes to exist in, they tend to unerringly snap into one of twelve stable quantum-hyperwave endstates. Though I myself do not find it necessary to catalog each of these outcomes, I imagine Rhinox would choose to label them I through XII. Thus, one could travel to Primax 700.12-N4 Kappa IV, where Tigatron and Airazor are able to live blissfully together. Or one could examine Primax 1099.01-N6 Kappa XI, where Tarantulas led a battle fleet to prehistoric Earth, leading to disastrous consequences.

It is this very instability which attracted the Vok, agents of whom created Megatron X as an emissary, enhanced in the image of the most potent active spark in the conflict. In another timestream, the Vok would similarly create Tigerfalcon.

What is curious to me is that, despite many similarities between the aforementioned universes and the dimensions of Primax 1099.01-PS Kappa and Primax 700.12-SP Kappa, similarly chaotic realities, the Vok have never to my knowledge shown any interest in these realities. Perhaps this is because the latter reality-matrices have only two stable quantum-hyperwave endstate, compared to the dozen from the former.

Note the bold. There are an Uncountable Infinity of states of being for a given universe to exist within. These are not mere hypotheticals for two main reasons. 1. Vector himself confirms later in the paragraph that the universes they stabilize into can be catalogued, though he sees it unnecessary. 2. We already have confirmation all possible universes exist from Primus directly, which would include these. I am not the biggest mathematic expert, but generally speaking an Uncountable Infinity is larger than any "Countable Infinity" can ever be. I recommend reading up on this on your own because it's all a big headache. And this is all just what spawns from a single timeline. As I cover Multiversal Singularities later, we will also see that even in the event these were short-lived (which does happen in TF), for scaling purposes this does not make any character "lesser" as Singularity characters perceive the various branch and bubble universes.

Now, does Transformers usually adhere to this ridiculously huge number of universes? Absolutely not, but it remains canon nonetheless and this is far from uncommon in fiction in general.
Q: Dear Vector Prime,

What universe contains the timeline shown here:

A: Dear Jarring Japanophile,

There is no one stream that contains all of what is listed, but a vast network of tributaries and distributaries weaving in and out, to forge something approximating a vast, twisting, winding river.

The "source" of the river would be Primax 785.06 Alpha. This seems the foundational reality, though dozens more dip in or split off from there.

Interestingly, there seem to be two more, slightly competing streams that wend their way through the entirety of the reality system; Primax 1206.0 Beta and Primax 807.11 Zeta. It almost seems as if some extra-dimensional being or beings attempted to impose order on a system shattered by MegaZarak's destruction of the stable axis of this reality; perhaps The Source or the Chronarchitect or the Alternity or even the Swarm or an evolved Humanity tried to pick up the broken pieces of these timestreams and haphazardly glue them together.
Further elaboration on branch universes occurs here in AvP.

Additionally, the mobile game Transformers: Forged to Fight also backs this up.

The time has come to leave this world, its many realities, its countless timelines, and seek adventure in the infinite multiverse. However, dark forces still look to claim what power remains and perhaps corrupt all worlds beyond. One final mission remains, as Optimus and the Commander initiate the EXODUS PROTOCOL.
"This world" being New Quintessa, stated to have "countless timelines". The infinite multiverse itself is still considered beyond this. Forged to Fight is also the only TF story to just directly come out and say the multiverse is made of other multiverses, which was implied but not touched on until this.
The multiverses are still open and Beast Bots are spilling in from all over. There are reports that a leader of these dangerous animals is deep within the latest Fog Of War and it's up to the Commander to see if they can capture the GORILLA IN THE MIST!

After defeating the newly arrived dimension-hopping SLIPSTREAM, the Commander and Autobots gain some valuable intel. A Bot, thought to be lost to the multiverses, has been here on New Quintessa! RODIMUS PRIME has been spotted in a dangerous place between dimensions. Will Arcee, Bumblebee, and Wheeljack be able to find their lost friend? Or will they find NOTHING AND EVERYTHING?

Related Universal Streams are then grouped into larger "Universal Clusters" which are the continuity families we are familiar with (G1, Movie, Animated etc.). There are 16 known clusters (one of which includes Real Life), but there is no stated known number of them, only a vague allusion to them forming slowly over time.

These vibrations then generate a "bubble" effect, and those bubbles begin to inflate and form pocket universes. Some of these universes stay together in the initial cluster, but others begin to bud off and form their own clusters, completely individual from the first. The process continues over countless millennia until a multiverse such as ours is created*.

Connected to the main Multiverse is the Megaverse, tangential connected universes/multiverses to Transformers' own. Crossovers largely fit into this category. For example, universes like Takara's various Brave series (GaoGaiGar etc.) are in the Cymond Cluster, which straddles the multiversal/megaversal border.
Q: Dear Vector Prime,

Are Diaclone, Micro Change, Beetras, Brave, Armored Trooper Dorvack, Mechabot-1, Macross, Zoids, Starriors, etc. part of the multiverse? What are their streams called?

A: Dear Crazy Classification Clarifier,

There is a tenuous thread connecting some, not all, of what you mention with the core Multiverse. Though the TransTech have yet to identify any of these realities, some of which predate the Multiverse in its current form, when they do so they are destined to label them the Cymond Cluster.

The beast Hytherion originated in a distant, DISTANT future of the very first of these streams, Cymond 772.0 Beta, a desperate weapon unleashed by the Terminators against the Originators against the backdrop of the Big Crunch. This stream, along with the offshoot Cymond 381.0 Beta, seems to be the linear ancestor of the earliest manifestations of the Multiverse, with many archetypical Cybertronians having distant analogues in one of these two realms.

As the Multiverse first coalesced, other Cymond realities came into existence. Cymond 1184.0 Gamma seemed to take shape alongside such Multiversal backbones as Primax 984.17 Alpha and Primax 984.0 Gamma. And yet, the Wastors and Cosmittors and Trashors of this stream seem only tangentially related to Cybertronians, at best.

After the basic structure (pre Forest Leer, of course) of the Cybertronian realities had settled, other Cymond streams sprang forth. Now convergence seems to begin. In Cymond 290.03 Alpha (and various echoes), many Cybertronian body forms are present. And so on. Some streams run closer to the Multiverse as a whole. Some, further. It can be difficult to tell if drift is from coincidental quantum oscillation matches, as with Omniversal dimensions, or from normal trans-dimensional harmonic resonance. The Malgus Cluster has seen bodyform overlap with Cymond 999.04 Alpha, but why? Especially curious is that this reality and many sister timelines sprang fully formed into the Multiverse between the spawning of Primax 206.24 Gamma and Primax 706.05 Gamma, an abrupt acosmogenesis event ricocheting backwards and forwards in temporal dimensions.

The TransTech will attempt to classify these Megaversal mysteries and more, with varying degrees of success. And, as this will be long-past Nexus Prime's drastic actions, their abilities to visit such realities will be greatly curtailed. Perhaps that will be for the best.

Q: Dear Vector Prime,

What cluster do the Animorphs fight in?

A: Dear Scholastic Spirit,

The Animorphs are outside the Multiverse, though occasionally close enough for a small bit of reality drift. The TransTech do not generally have the equipment or inclination to track everything in the Megaverse.

The Omniverse is a bit different. It has actually been mentioned in the early 2000s, but has only been sparingly referenced in Transformers since then. Vector Prime's basic explanation is as follows
Q: Dear Vector Prime,

I know this may seem like a strange question, but what's outside the Multiverse?

A: Dear Insightful Instigator,

That is an excellent question. Outside of the Multiverse that you and I know is the Omniverse, comprised of other Multiverses. Though there are millions of realities within the Cybertronian Multiverse, there are uncountable realities, numbering in the tens of quadrillion. Occasionally, the quantum-string vibrations of one of these universes drift close enough for one of them to temporarily merge with a reality stream in my domain.

You see, not every reality has physical and psychic constants compatible with Cybertronian (or human) life. In fact, the vast majority do not. The Multiverse of realities that we can perceive is but a tiny slice of the number of realities that exist. Curiously, while every reality compatible with Cybertronian life thus far observed is also compatible with humanity, the converse is not the case. It would seem that Cybertronian-compatible dimensions are a sub-set of human-compatible dimensions. Exactly why that should be the case is unclear to me.

One could also consider the interstitial spaces between realities as being outside of the Multiverse, though this is largely a matter of semantics. This Unspace can assume many different properties, depending on the point and method of entry as well as other, more esoteric variables.

In short, reality is a strange place, with wonders and horrors beyond imagination. It is only natural for my species (and yours) to attempt to name, label, classify and clarify, build a taxonomy. But there will always be realms that defy understanding, always be mysteries left to uncover, always be exceptions to every rule.

Isn't it glorious?

Now note Vector bizarrely claims the TF multiverse is "only" millions of realities here, but he contradicts himself on this about 5 other times where he refers to it as "limitless" or "infinite". In this same passage that he states its realities are in the "tens of quadrillions" he specifically namedrops Uncountable Infinities again in reference to it. Thus we can conclude the omniverse utterly dwarfs the main multiverse.

The big question here is, does anyone scale to this at all? The answer is something along the lines of "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

Q: Dear Vector Prime,

Would the death of a universal stream's Primus be guaranteed to destabilize the spacetime of the universal stream?



A: The death of any deity is virtually guaranteed to send shockwaves rippling forwards and backwards through the quantum foam underpinning that reality. Witness the impact on timestreams near what you might refer to as Primax 787.3 Alpha. An omniversal reality was pulled into quantum-string vibrational alignment with their reality, allowing the people of the distant reality of Planet Sandra to make contact. Beings especially attenuated to the lifestream matrices of Vector Sigma, such as Godmessenger and Godmaster, acquire multiple conflicting histories and futures. Other streams that might otherwise be unrelated are pulled into probability vortex left by Cybertron's absence, their string vibrational eigenstates orienting to create one massive unified timeline where before there were many. Dimensional fragments from other clusters were duplicated wholecloth in this OG Reality, with completely different fermion modality, creating entirely new dimensional streams identical but for cosmetic details!

Planet Sandra is a pretty weird feat. Due to Primus/Cybertron's nature as a linchpin of reality/ies, blowing one up destabilizes reality so much that it can ripple out into the omniverse and destroy or merge local universes entirely.

February 10, 2016​

Q: Dear Vector Prime,

I'd love to read Blueshift's paper, concerning the hybrid reality Gong and Sideways made if you still have it.


Deep in the core of Cybertron, Gong stretched forth his senses, connecting to the Omega Locks that kept Cybertron's place in the cosmos stable. He mused on Cybertron's unique nature, a stable axis upon which a universe spun. No wonder Unicron in all its incarnations sought its destruction. Gong favored no such carnage, merely seeking mischief. He found the frequency at which the one-dimensional strings that make up all of this particular reality vibrate, then, ever so gently, he nudged them towards that of his home dimension. The change would be invisible to the natives. As far as they were concerned, the conjoined reality would be their history, their reality. He giggled to himself, wondering what changes were taking place on the surface of Cybertron and beyond.

Interestingly, there seem to be two more, slightly competing streams that wend their way through the entirety of the reality system; Primax 1206.0 Beta and Primax 807.11 Zeta. It almost seems as if some extra-dimensional being or beings attempted to impose order on a system shattered by MegaZarak's destruction of the stable axis of this reality; perhaps The Source or the Chronarchitect or the Alternity or even the Swarm or an evolved Humanity tried to pick up the broken pieces of these timestreams and haphazardly glue them together.

(elaboration on Cybertron's nature as the axis of reality)

At the very least this would confirm the god tier characters' range extends that far. We next have these statements from the Vok.



(Primeval Dawn Issue 1)

For all intents and purposes, the Vok are omniscient. They exist across all divergent realities, consciousness, dimensions, and they 1. are subservient to Primus (the grand plan is of Primus' doing not The One, referring to Primus as The One is just a sort of odd quirk this comic has) 2. state quite clearly Unicron's agents (subservient and miniscule in comparison to himself) are a virus on the omniverse. There is another notable, and more clear, example of this but it requires its own section.

In addition to a ridiculously large multiverse/etc. Transformers also possesses higher dimensions. How many is a point of contention, for starters...
Q: Dear Vector Prime,

What other sort of dimensions and realities exist outside of the Multiverse? What are they like, and who resides there?



A: Dear Omniversal Ontologist,

Imagine the strangest inhabited universe you can conceive of, places where gravity operates linearly and electromagnetism by the inverse cubed rule and topology has 13 basic dimensions instead of 17. How alien it must be. Then ponder the wildest universes those beings could articulate. Then realize that even these musings fail to capture the uncountable infinities that exist in the Omniverse.

That and more, much more, is what exists outside the Multiverse.

We know from Vector Prime, a higher dimensional entity himself, that there are 17 basic dimensions.

Hirofumi Ichikawa's Alternity stories are the only ones thus far to truly delve into higher dimensional mechanics, though he makes specific references Brane Cosmology, and demonstrates repeatedly that higher dimensions dwarf and transcend the lower ones utterly.
They devised a super spatial theory and a warp technology as the necessities of communication. During the process of their extreme evolution, their mental function had become one with the law of nature. They were the "living braneworld" and the first Transformer race that accomplished "All are One", although it was perhaps possible because their two dimensional world was limited in space. They also functioned as a cosmic sized two dimensional computer, and in accordance with their logic and intelligence, the Planicrons were good-natured.
(I want to note there is another Alternity story that states the 2D world was boundless, so limited in this context probably just means in the context comparing it to the 3rd dimension and so on)

However there is some scant evidence that there may actually be "countless" higher dimensions, though this is debatable. The first of these examples is as follows.

Despite the comedic tone, this script reading is canon and takes place in-between issues of Universe 2003's comics. Notably, it differentiates "countless dimensions, myriad realities, and many future story arcs". While it is possible they simply meant "universes" twice, the separation of the two items in the sentence and the lack of any further clarity lead me to take it at face value as much as I'd like to try and "authorial intent" it to just mean universes. Like above with the omniverse, there is another more clear example, for its own section later. Countless of course, is not always synonymous with "infinite", though I want to note that within Transformers it generally is used interchangeably.

Unsurprisingly Transformers has many unusual other planes that don't necessarily fit into the standard box of a "universe" or "dimension". There are only two I really want to cover now, though in the future this may be expanded as I learn more.

-Astral Plane

Sparingly mentioned, the Astral Plane is the psychic realm that exists beyond time and space, and was one of the realms the original Unicron and Primus fought in, and was also what Primus used to bind Unicron to a physical form, weakening him and creating the robot Orson Welles we all know and love.

In Beast Wars Reborn we get note that transcending time is specifically needed to access it.
“I have transcended time at the order of the Creator. I am Vector Prime!”

As this is where the original whole Unicron and Primus battled and the 13 often reside it appears to be one of the highest known points of the Transformers cosmology.


Introduced in IDW's 2005 comics, Infraspace is an abstract conceptual realm existing between life and death.

(Escalation Issue 6)

(Unicron Issue 6)
There's not much more to this one, it doesn't pop up too often.
Remember how I mentioned the omniverse and countless dimensions being clarified? This was what needed its own section to explain why.

There is absolute concrete evidence that Unicron was stated to be destabilizing the omniverse and clarification on Transformers having 'countless dimensions' in it

The catch?

It's from an unused pitch Furman did for his Cybertron followup comic, and is thus non-canon
We just learned sometimes this unused material still counts as canon earlier. Let's revisit and see what Vector says specifically about this.

For reference here is the quote again
Q: Dear Vector Prime,

What is the multiversal status of stories that were never officially 'produced' in this universal stream but about which details are known like for instance the TransTech franchise that was to follow Beast Machines or the planned Dreamwave issues.

A: Dear Apocryphal Adept,

That depends entirely on the story. Some are the true and accurate conclusions of the events of the primary universes, such as the Dreamwave issues. Others are microcontinuities or even absent from the multiverse all together.
Click to expand...

So it's slightly ambiguous, but we know these things can be "true and accurate conclusions" or "microcontinuities" (from a VS perspective, these are the branching parallel universes off the originals). Or absent from the multiverse. Let's examine Furman's pitch to see if there's any validity here, and what we can learn from it.


Right off the bat Furman references the end of his Energon comics, where Unicron is wrecked by seismic charges. These were never published, but are canon via AVP. The next few paragraphs here line up with what we know from Cybertron/Galaxy Force as well as their tie-in comics. The highlighted red is where things get interesting. Transcribed below.
In all the disparate timelines, in all the myriad dimensions, there is but one Unicron. Though physical presence is limited to a single reality at any given time, it exists simultaneously in countless dimensions, shadows of its vast, ancient consciousness inextricably woven into the complex geometry of time and space.

While the Botcon script can be criticized as vague for its 'countless dimension' statement (though I disagree, doesn't make sense to list three items but the first two are the same) this one...really can't be interpreted that way. Realities are full-stop, universes. If Unicron can only be in one at a time but exists across countless dimensions, then those dimensions obviously are not realities/timelines/universes etc. While the concept has been played with a lot and the weird acausal nature of the character makes it hard to understand, most material of the period depicted Unicron as popping into Unspace to observe universes that it would then enter and consume. One at a time from its perspective but not to anyone else because...he's outside time. This is clearly not talking about that, it's stating he exists in one universe while his "greater" existence extends further. Furman also wrote both Universe and its botcon scripts, as well as this pitch.

Additionally, the idea of all Unicrons being one actually originates from a word of god statement Furman gave in an interview in OTFCC #1.

My perspective: I think this entire pitch, given it near fully lines up with the known canon, is at worst still usable as word of god statements. It also helps that this is really the most comprehensive explanation of what the Unicron Singularity/Grand Black Hole is actually doing, even more clear than TFCC's Balancing Act is.

However, that's not all.

And Optimus Prime has an even more pressing concern. Contacted by Vector Prime (who can move between all remaining TF timelines), he is warned that the omniversal geometry is critically out of alignment.

We just covered earlier that the Vok also considered Unicron an omniversal plague. This corroborates that showing the black hole destabilized the omniverse.

Furthermore consider Planet Sandra, where we already know even destroying one Cybertron can cause damage that extends all the way into the omniverse and can warp and fuse other local universes together. Is it really that ridiculous that the Singularity destroying countless universes and Cybertrons would not have similar, if not even worse effects, due to the more fundamental way Unicron destroys things? "Omniverse" has also never been used synonymously in Transformers with the main multiverse to my knowledge.

The removal of -- for want of a better word -- 'evil' has disturbed an age-old natural balance. Though it goes against every Autobot credo, they must somehow resurrect the dark force known, among other things, as Unicron! The key is the so-called Decepticon 'Matrix,' a quasi-mythical power source spread throughout the galaxy. Said to be fragments of Unicron itself, released in some apocalyptic confrontation with Primus before the dawn of time, its retrieval and coalescence could restore the balance and dissipate the chaos wave.
This is also backed up by Balancing Act, though some details were either changed or eschewed. Ramjet tries to convince Vector to help revive Unicron due to the balance of good and evil destroying everything. The Decepticon Matrix kills a Cybertron. We just are never shown how Ramjet got said Matrix (especially given all Unicrons are "dead" at that point in the comic).
EDIT: Nemesis Prime's TFCC bio does explain the Dead Matrix more, though its role to reset the balance in the TFCC comic is ultimately the same. This also explains much more clearly how Unicron being 'evil' itself ruins existence if he's gone (though he was still sort of alive because he can't actually die, and Ramjet also says evil still exists but also that it's out of balance etc. it's weird)

If it were any other series I would not advocate for using something unpublished at all, but this is the one series with a messed up enough canon to actually say unpublished stuff is real. At the very least I think it's usable as word of god explanations for how the singularity works. The only thing that actually directly contradicts anything is where it goes into Dreamwave's cybertron being destroyed (it says G1 but Furman specifies it's War Within G1 i.e. DreamWave) but...that may not actually be a contradiction at all? As Dreamwave was cancelled (fuck you Pat Lee), there's nothing conflicting with this, and Furman even called it a "short lived bubble universe" in Transformers: Earth Wars. This would certainly explain why it's "short-lived" lol. Whether you accept these is up to you, but this is my stance on this pitch. It was also actually collected in a book published by IDW, while Alignment, another Furman penned story, was not, and yet is constantly referenced and stated to be an accurate retelling. If something completely unpublished by Hasbro/Takara at all can get that treatment, then this should be even more valid.
Unspace, also commonly known as Transwarp (among many other titles) is an important but little understood factor of the Transformers cosmology. A void of nonexistence that exists outside of the multiverse as well as between it and other realities, it is fundamental to most Transformer space travel, though they have no clue how it works, or even know it exists most of the time. As covered earlier by Vector Prime
One could also consider the interstitial spaces between realities as being outside of the Multiverse, though this is largely a matter of semantics. This Unspace can assume many different properties, depending on the point and method of entry as well as other, more esoteric variables.
Unspace exists outside of the multiverse, though given it's sort of just "nothing" it's a meaningless distinction. Unspace is one of the least consistent things within Transformers, sometimes obliterating people from existence instantly, and sometimes just sort of functioning like a void. One handwave reason is given here, its properties change in completely random misunderstood ways, based on factors nobody actually has a clue about.

The other is more bizarre.

According to Ramjet's bio, not only is Unspace a "timeless non-space", apparently math itself is complete malfunctioning nonsense there. Keep in mind this is a place Unicron calls home and navigates effortlessly, and even in a half-dead state during the Universe War, the Elder Gods that allegedly "dwarfed him in evil" never made an attempt on him. (I am not a believer in any of the Elder Gods' hype given their relative lack of feats when they finally showed up in IDW's Infestation 2)

Unspace itself also seems to delete beings from existence, though the essence of gods can prevent this.
In the absolute nothingness Cryotek turned slowly. In the distance, though it was impossible to tell exactly how far, he saw Al-Badur floating, motionless, a look of abject horror cemented across his face. He reached out to the Quintesson… and after an eternity, his dragonhead arm connected. There was no sound as Al-Badur disintegrated, leaving a cloud of dust motes quickly fanning and spreading into imperceptibility across the vast nothingness. Curious. An illusion? No… something told Cryotek that Al-Badur’s being could not be sustained in this void. And that were it not for the fragment of Primus’ power still within him, he would have shared the Quintesson’s fate, his energy and mass dispersed irrevocably as it gave way to entropy.
The Shroud is perhaps Transformers' only "Crisis" style series wide multiversal franchise changing event. However, like everything else, there's a lot of context behind it that's important to get the full scope of what's going on. First let's look at what The Shroud actually is.


Nexus Prime uses the power of two reality warping artifacts, the Star Saber and the Terminus Blade, to strengthen the boundaries between universes and limit travel. This cuts apart singularities including even Primus and Unicron. Generally speaking, it is a tremendous nerf to the setting.

But it's never quite that simple is it.

In typical transformers fashion, not only did Japan continue to publish multiversal Primus/Unicron stories years after this event, even Ask Vector Prime makes clear that it's not known what exactly the Shroud completely affected. The Transformers: Cyberverse cartoon uses the multiverse extensively, as does Furman's penned Transformers: Earth Wars game, all of which come after the Shroud.

November 3, 2015​

Q: Dear Vector Prime,

Does the Shroud have an effect on the past of the multiverse, and if so is this why many of the characters in stories we here in Quadwal enjoy seem to already have been altered from a singularity state?

A: Dear Singularity Scholar,

You are thinking in too linear a fashion. Indeed, certain oddities you have observed may well be due to the uneven distribution of the Shroud across the fourth dimensional axis. That is to say, it may have reached certain realities millions or billions of years in the past, and may not reach others for similarly incomprehensible lengths of time. Indeed, for all we know, there may be parts of the Multiverse it will NEVER reach, and others where the entire span of its history is Shrouded. may have missed some spots, explaining why the Generations Selects manga explicitly have multiversal travel and even single instances of "Post-Shroud" Unicron threatening the multiverse. There has been no other confirmation about this, so all we have to go by is publishing date. The only other piece of clarification we've gotten to date is a Word of God statement from another AvP writer on the Going Full Sorenson blog
Question 1: Basically what Vector is saying is that the Shroud has always happened; universes like the Sunbow cartoon have always been that way, with Unicron being just a giant robot created by Primacron. Those parts of the multiverse it doesn't reach are those stories where dimensional travel still happens, like in the Legends manga.

So Post-Shroud Unicron does and doesn't exist at the same time. Sure, why not. (Cartoon Unicron not being a part of the singularity seems to be something writers disagree on, as Furman explicitly considered it the same).

The Shroud also revealed that Shattered Glass was its own multiverse, previously under the effects of its own Shroud...undone, by the one performed upon the "original" multiverse. Bizarre implications here.

One of the most important concepts to understand as far as cosmic Transformers characters go are the idea of "multiversal singularities", gods or godlike beings that exist as one entity across the multiverse and beyond. While Simon Furman, as quoted earlier, considered Unicron to be one character across all realities, the concept was not fleshed out much beyond this until Forest Lee added to it. Here is his explanation of how it works.

The complex nature of the multiverse demands much from singular creatures like the Fallen, Primus, Unicron, the 13, etc. These beings are of a fundamentally different nature from regular individuals, who are repeated endlessly throughout the infinite variation of creation. They must be designed or evolved to deal with certain situations that would drive lesser beings mad.
First of all, time flows differently from dimension to dimension. By necessity, this makes it possible for creatures like the Fallen to appear to exist in two places at the same time. Second, whole new universes are spawned every moment by the resolution of quantum uncertainty. Most of these universes are dead ends that exist for only a few seconds or minutes at most, and encompass only a few critical moments. Therefore, at certain critical junctures, the Fallen becomes a quantum event, experiencing two or more possible outcomes at once, until one of those outcomes proves to be a dead end and collapses. The Fallen then reverts back to the "real" universe. Every story has dozens or hundreds of endings we never see. But the Fallen sees them.
One of the side effects of the Fallen's quantum nature is that his appearance changes slightly from dimension to dimension, based on the expectations of others, and the unique history he has (or has not) established in a particular dimension. He is also bound by the "rules" (gravity, magnetism, etc.) of any dimension in which appears – many of which rules he may have actually helped shape when the multiverse was young. So if time flows backwards in a certain dimension, he is bound to live and experience – forgetting as he goes along – everything backwards.
Smart and savvy dimensional travelers spend time in reverse timescale dimensions, slow-time dimensions, or dimensions in which time does not move at all. This ensures that even if they are "killed," they continue to exist. As you can see, the idea of sequential experience as you and I understand it is pretty meaningless to guys like the Fallen. He does experience all these things, but his mind operates on a higher order so all of this stuff totally makes sense to him.

Essentially a multiversal singularity is, as TFWiki describes it, a living quantum event. There is one being existing across many, sometimes all, universes while at the same time...not necessarily doing that.
This gives them unique abilities, which is why all of the strongest characters fall into this bracket.
For one, while they can be killed in a universe in their lower-dimensional form, this doesn't actually kill their true self. Vector Prime was even still able to monitor a universe he had died in.
Q: Did Unicron uphold his end of the deal? Ask Vector Prime In the waning days of the Universe War, he did. Sunstorm, sensing that his Dark Lord was losing ground, demanded his boon. Within the confines of the Allspark, the part of me who had died sensed that Galvatron's spirit was being summoned. I battled him on the astral plane as he struggled back towards the corporeal. Alas, he proved a tenacious and formidable foe, and the pull of Unicron was as inexorable as gravity, as uncompromising as entropy.
Additionally, all singularities shown (The 13, Primus, and Unicron) are monstrously strong. Vector Prime immediately after awakening as a singularity's first act was to hurl a guy into a big bang (or hit him so hard it caused a big bang, up to some interpretation there).
Q: Dear Vector Prime,

Where did you get your sword Rhisling?

A: Dear Blade Buddy,

Oh ho, that is quite the tale! In days of long ago, after I assisted in hiding away my brother's five new individual selves, I too went into hiding, locking off former memories of my kin and the battles and horrors we faced. In the ancient days of Aurex 404.11 Kappa, I became the leader of the Autobots, and was granted that universe's manifestation of the Matrix of Leadership.

My Autobots and I faced many challenges; Devron, the Eater of Sparks; the dread warlord Megazarak; the Second-Born Intellects calling themselves Destructons. Many stellar cycles after the titanic conclusion of the second Cybertronian war, I was called upon by the Chronarchitect. Though I was reluctant to abandon my charges, I felt compelled, as if I had a higher calling. I passed the Matrix to my faithful right hand, Guardian Major, and left to help mend damage that the Time Walker could not.

With me were the select few Autobots who chose to abandon all they knew to stand by my side. We were the Time Warriors, composed of medical officer Kaltor, my bodyguard Scorpia, intelligence officer Autoceptor, and quantum scientist Deceptor. Our tasks were legion, and they were varied. We prevented the Magmatron of Primax 206.15 Gamma to falling prey to the X-Dimension, faced uncanny horrors in primeval Primax 514.3 Gamma, and made peaceful contact with the time-traveling natives of LV-117.

Eventually, we unearthed what was vexing the Chronarchitect, the horrifying entity known as Mogahn the Mass. I fear that mere words are inadequate to describe the nightmare that Mogahn was, is, and is yet to be. Stars, planets, asteroids, ships, nebula, pulsars, and countless sentient beings were fused into his Mass, with all who resisted falling prey to his Cyber Caliber. Even the Chaos God, Unicron, tended to avoid realities where The Mass manifested. We fought against him in an endless array of realities, everywhere lives being subsumed into him. Hope seemed lost. Our final battle almost proved my end... and then time fell to a standstill. I found myself floating, for what felt like an eternity, in what was the home to the greatest Cybertronians. My home... the Realm of The Primes.

The Five of the Thirteen who dwelled there reached out to me, reminded me who I was, unlocked my long-sealed memories. I was no longer a humble Autobot leader, I was the Guardian of Space and Time, and no one, no thing, could stand in the way of my duties. My consciousness returned to the physical plane, and I wrest the Cyber Caliber from Mogahn's grasp. Using the gift that Amalgamous, who was then called Adaptus, gave to me, I reformatted it into a sword capable of slicing through time itself. With the last of my strength, I freed all of the captive souls and sparks with the Mass, and sent what remained of him hurtling back screaming to the beginning of time, where his destruction became known as the Big Bang, creating the very reality we happened to be fighting in.

My purpose realized, I said a tearful farewell to my troops and friends and... lover, and became once again bound to my duties, but with a new determination I had never felt before.

Vector Prime has also even stopped Universal Clusters from collapsing before. As we went over earlier, even a single timeline within these clusters has an Uncountable Infinity of divergent universes.
Q: Dear Vector Prime,

Have you ever had to fight a Cataclysm, like the one that nearly consumed the Gargent cluster?

A: Dear Cosmic Crusader,

Indeed. Though I am not fated to intervene in every Multiversal threat, I have had roles to play, major and minor, in preventing such catastrophes for billions of years. Often we succeed, and there is much cause for celebration; tragically, we sometimes fail, and realities, sometimes entire rivers of them, are consumed or shattered or obviated or forcibly unified.
Q: Hello Vector Prime,

How are you? I hope your feeling alright. Anyway I was just wondering (this is a bit personal, so I don't mind if you don't really answer it) do you ever get...lonely? Sometimes whenever you answer my questions you have the same tone as Optimus Prime would when he speaks; melancholy. I can't help but feel being a Prime is more of a curse rather then a privilege.

A: Dear Soulful Seeker,

I wouldn't characterize being a Prime as a curse. It is more of an... an obligation. A burden. I certainly wouldn't characterize it as a privilege.

I am nine billion years old. I have, time and again, watched everyone I care about go from young to old to departed in what feels like the pulse of a spark. I remember them all, or at least I remember the feelings I had for them. Sometimes the memories of when I was young are sharper, more vivid, than the Swindle who sold me a hyper-frame manifold just this morning. Sometimes I feel alone even when I am in a crowd.

And yet, I do take pride in the work I do. I have helped to save millions of realities, even entire reality clusters. I know the work I do enables countless beings whom I will never even meet to be forged and live and dream and fall in love and create offspring and produce art and, yes, even to die.

Am I melancholy? Perhaps, sometimes. But it is a small price to pay. As ever, I thank you for your interest in my own well-being.

In addition to his other abilities, such as causality manipulation and the ability to exist beyond time.

Mind you the above applies only to his "avatar" form. While Singularities were meant to be one person across all existence, the concept over time evolved such as that they had many different bodies across the realities. This is also why certain versions, like the movie The Fallen, are far weaker than other counterparts. Their avatars' strength fluctuates in comparison to the higher dimensional wave entity. The multiple bodies concept was first directly stated in Beast Wars Reborn #4

Meanwhile, two Ancients who were battling in the spiritual world finally came to a conclusion. Vector Prime had used his sword to slice Soundblaster's body into a V shape and the enemy finally ceased motion. However, this wasn’t truly his end.

This Astral body of Soundblaster’s was merely one fragment of his spirit torn into many thousands more. Then, he determined to try and spiritually fuse with his former comrade.

...he is destined to disappear … his existence, to disappear from all of time… and only his “power” will be left behind… any traces of him will be turned into absolute nothingness… a successor… that is the only proof of existence… this power should be handed to the worst one… revenge on the universe… there is no such thing as a suitable successor… it’s impossible for it to exist… impose a test… an unexpected situation… a beast of time...

With that, it had become unbearable for Vector Prime and had to unbind their fusion. What a devastated and miserable soul he had. Even so, …what exactly was that last image…? He really had no idea, and eventually it became an eternal mystery.

As seen here, the 13 can even absorb souls of other cosmic beings on their own level, though it bears difficulty.

While appearances of the 13's true power are rare, we also know Solus shattered the Star Saber, a weapon capable of destroying the Transformers multiverse and providing likely most of the power behind the Shroud.
Q: Dear Vector Prime,

Did the Vok hide the Origin Matrix on prehistoric Earth of Primax -408.24 Epsilon?

A: Dear Artifact Annalist,

If you are familiar with the Origin Matrix, you know that it was once the hilt piece on the "Star Saber" - A sword carried by fellow member of the Thirteen, Prima. The great hero hefted the truly fearsome weapon in our conflicts against our foe, the Dark God Unicron. However, its power soon drew the attention of Megatronus' desires and his jealousy coerced him to move against his brothers and sisters of the Thirteen. To prevent the conflict from escalating into a civil war, Solus Prime lifted her mighty Forge and smashed the blade into five pieces. Our brother Nexus Prime, master of combination that he is, then volunteered to split into his individual components and spread the fragments across the Multiverse in hopes that Megatronus could never find them.

The Origin Matrix, the most powerful of the fragments, was sent to the distant, "prehistoric" as you put it, past. It landed on the Earth of Primax -408.24 Epsilon and I initiated a temporal barrier... A time lock, so to speak. The artifact could not leave that particular era in time, and no travelers could venture backwards to access it either. Consequently, this is the reason that the Vok were chosen as the Origin Matrix's guardians. They had already taken residence on the ancient Earth to conduct one of their experiments.

When the Terminus Blade, another of our relics, ripped a hole between universes, it destabilized the time lock. At that moment, a lane of travel was opened and the Origin Matrix was at risk. To prevent it from falling into the hands of evil, the Thirteen asked of the TransTech to send their greatest tracker to procure the artifact.

I can now sense the Matrix in the present. On the Cybertron of Primax -408.24 Epsilon. What's more, it will soon not be alone...

A member of the 13 even has enough psychic power to drive away a weakened Unicron, as Liege Maximo once showed, though it killed that current body he was using
Q: Dear Vector Prime,

Whatever happened to the world where Galvatron II was snatched from?

A: Dear Darkness Deacon,

Ah, yes, Primax 490.0 Gamma. You saw that sphere at its darkest hour, with all hope seemingly lost. But the fate of Earth was not sealed that day; the people saw the Herald of Unicron snatched away, saw the courage of defenders willing to risk all for a symbol, and rose up to throw off the yoke of their oppressors. It was a long, twilight struggle, but humanity prevailed in the end. Over the centuries, they went on to establish the Confederation of Terran Worlds and actively liberated other Decepticon enclaves. Nebulos was one of the first planets liberated and became a close Terran ally.

But what of Unicron, you ask? In this universe, he was eventually defeated, though long after his consumption of Cybertron. But that very act of brutal destruction sealed his fate; Primus was not destroyed, but his essence scattered among his children. The amoral Cybertron Empire experienced a reformation from within.

When Unicron stumbled upon their vast network of planets echoing the original Cybertron, it was appalled and began to savagely attack. The Cybertronian Empire struck back, hearkening back to an ancient prophecy that The Chaos Bringer could be defeated if All Were One, united in a single purpose. Jhiaxus was dispatched as an envoy to the Trio, the last Autobots who served to advise and guide Humanity, and to Styx, a prison moon containing what was left of their Decepticon ancestors. Together, the Autobots, Decepticons, and Cybertronians stood against Unicron, and wave after wave sacrificed themselves to, slowly but surely, batter and break Unicron's corporeal form.

Physically shattered, Unicron attempted to retreat to the psychic plane, but my brother found him there. A mangled, enervated Unicron faced the Liege Maximo at the peak of his powers. Their battle raged across the astral plane, and Unicron was driven forever from this reality. There was a cost; the light in the Liege Maximo's eyes never returned. Though his body was unharmed, his spark had extinguished. He died serving the Empire he had built, and it would go on to be a force of great good in that universe, steadfast allies to the Confederation of Terran Worlds.
The Tree of Life is an esoteric concept appearing in Bob Skir's short story Singularity Ablyss. While it's not been referenced since to my knowledge, It actually pops up again in Beast Wars: Uprising, establishing it firmly as still canon. The Tree has tremendous implications for Transformers' cosmology, and thus its tiering. As I understand it Bob Skir is of Jewish faith, and drew heavily from Kabbalah for this story regarding the Transformers afterlife, the Allspark (also called the Matrix and later called Afterspark)



The Kingdom is the corporeal plane, in Angel-Rhinox's words it is "less than a fraction of the top of an iceberg" and "the surface of the mirror, a vehicle for creatng an image that yet contains neither mass nor value"

As far as interpretation goes, this cannot be referring to "just" this universe among many, because they are ascending past it in the story. Reality is below them even as they reach the absolute base of the Tree of Life, and Rhinox even says that "The Kingdom is a mere facade behind which lies the larger world" and "All that you experienced in the Kingdom was mere metaphor for the journey ahead"

"Reality is one of those concepts you are going to have to relinquish"

So the multiverse as we know it seems to be at the base of the tree. We can confirm this isn't simply some kind of higher dimension because those are not connected to the afterlife at all, they are simply places where higher beings like the Alternity or the Omega Guardians live, with the latter's corpse even becoming a nexus of various universes. Higher dimensional entities still live and die, while the tree is a point of existence beyond death, firmly separating it from other beings and planes we have seen thus far. The biggest reveal here is that reality, universes, dimensions, etc. are a mere metaphor compared to the fullness of Primus.


The next Spheres Splendor and Eternity, they go on about how matter and energy transform and have no beginning or end. The fullness of space and time is described as being without beginning or end.
Just wanted to note here it says the Matrix (Allspark or AfterSpark in this context) is the source of all things. Not sure what to make of this, it could certainly be true as in some origins The One did not actually create reality, at least not intentionally.


These realms seem to be pure information, what it's interesting is at the end here Megatron says everything he experiences in the Tree of Life is more real than his life. Given the context of the story I don't think this is just flowery language.
Allspark described as omniscient and omnipresent, as well as infinite. BW Megatron is so full of himself he decides to kill himself and an Angel rather than join the Allspark. He survives and decides he's going to absorb every spark he can and try to take over the GodHead. Obviously this doesn't work, but his last lines are pretty cool.

The Allspark is an aspect or the essence of Primus, and is where all sparks come from, and it utterly dwarfs the multiverse as we understand it to the point it deems it a metaphor for a more real form of existence (and this was before Megatron ever encountered the Crown, which he never merged with or fully understood). Massive implications for cosmology here, as Primus is essentially only the lesser half of Unicron.

Bob Skir has also given an interview recently where he speaks on this story.

To date this is by far the most major jump in both power and complexity for Transformers, due to its more metaphysical interaction with the multiverse(s). Because it has only shown up in two stories, it is difficult if not impossible to know where other vaguely defined but important planes like the Astral Plane or Infraspace fit into it. It's furthermore confusing how it relates to something like the omniverse, as Unicron and Primus have already demonstrated very tangible ties outside of their own cosmos. Whether or not these will ever be answered or clarified is impossible to know.
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ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member

This post is for compiling both helpful links as well as feats and calculations done by users here. The links below are compilations of official sources of lore, toy bios, etc. for use in discussion. All credit to the individuals at tfwiki and elsewhere who painstakingly archived this source material.

Helpful Links:
Ask Vector Prime Facebook Q&A Log (Note: The AVP Tumblr q&a is NON CANON. It’s run by fans for fun, and the official AvP facebook even says it isn’t canon directly)
TFWiki Out of Print Media Archive (English)
TFWiki Out of Print Media Archive (Japanese)
Botcon Story Archives
TFWiki's Source Material pages (Translations, etc.)
TF Tech Specs Archive
Cyber Planet Key Code
Toy Bio Card Database

This section will be dedicated as a quick index of feats organized by continuity, that way anyone will be able to shop through and see where the characters from various series stand. Credit to @Crimson Dragoon @Thirteen prime @Doronbo_Shirake and @grillmaster for helping with this stuff in particular. As we all get it more organized, I will collect it all in this post so it's easy to access.

Calculations done by users of this site for feats will be collected in the thread above.

Feats by Series

(This section is a WIP, and will be expanded as we have more time to go through individual series. Thus far only the G1 cartoon has been relatively "completed")
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V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
vector prime vs scarlet jobber should also be part of the feats collection, scarlet punchbag, i meant :mjlol :mjlol

Dead Lock

Banned Member
vector prime vs scarlet jobber should also be part of the feats collection, scarlet punchbag, i meant :mjlol :mjlol
He's still in your game? I thought he went to cui-land long after he got jumped and kick-stomped by The Thirteen and Sol, mecha edition

Crimson Dragoon

Wing Saber FTL feat:

Super Starscream and Master Megatron can destroy Earth as collateral if they fought each other:

A single Planet Key can make a planet bigger:

Said planet was suggested to be star-sized after it got enlargened:

Starscream constantly absorbed the power of three Keys, just to note

Primus, who was Cybertron itself, gets partially restored with three Planet Keys and the Matrix of leadership:


Crimson Dragoon

Super Starscream survived a charged blast from that Primus, presumably sufficiently recharged compared to his dormant state earlier:

To sort of tie back into this, each Cyber Planet Key is a fragment of Primus’s spark, and one has the power to turn a planet into a mirror image of Cybertron

Yes I’m copy pasting


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
Multiversal Singularities

All of the most powerful transformers are multiversal singularities. But what, exactly, the hell does that mean?

It's complicated. Here's Forest Lee's, the architect of the concept, take on it
The complex nature of the multiverse demands much from singular creatures like the Fallen, Primus, Unicron, the 13, etc. These beings are of a fundamentally different nature from regular individuals, who are repeated endlessly throughout the infinite variation of creation. They must be designed or evolved to deal with certain situations that would drive lesser beings mad.
First of all, time flows differently from dimension to dimension. By necessity, this makes it possible for creatures like the Fallen to appear to exist in two places at the same time. Second, whole new universes are spawned every moment by the resolution of quantum uncertainty. Most of these universes are dead ends that exist for only a few seconds or minutes at most, and encompass only a few critical moments. Therefore, at certain critical junctures, the Fallen becomes a quantum event, experiencing two or more possible outcomes at once, until one of those outcomes proves to be a dead end and collapses. The Fallen then reverts back to the "real" universe. Every story has dozens or hundreds of endings we never see. But the Fallen sees them.
One of the side effects of the Fallen's quantum nature is that his appearance changes slightly from dimension to dimension, based on the expectations of others, and the unique history he has (or has not) established in a particular dimension. He is also bound by the "rules" (gravity, magnetism, etc.) of any dimension in which appears – many of which rules he may have actually helped shape when the multiverse was young. So if time flows backwards in a certain dimension, he is bound to live and experience – forgetting as he goes along – everything backwards.
Smart and savvy dimensional travelers spend time in reverse timescale dimensions, slow-time dimensions, or dimensions in which time does not move at all. This ensures that even if they are "killed," they continue to exist. As you can see, the idea of sequential experience as you and I understand it is pretty meaningless to guys like the Fallen. He does experience all these things, but his mind operates on a higher order so all of this stuff totally makes sense to him.

Essentially a multiversal singularity is, as TFWiki describes it, a living quantum event. There is one being existing across many, sometimes all, universes while at the same time...not necessarily doing that.
This gives them unique abilities, which is why all of the strongest characters fall into this bracket.
For one, while they can be killed in a universe in their lower-dimensional form, this doesn't actually kill their true self. Vector Prime was even still able to monitor a universe he had died in.
Q: Did Unicron uphold his end of the deal? Ask Vector Prime In the waning days of the Universe War, he did. Sunstorm, sensing that his Dark Lord was losing ground, demanded his boon. Within the confines of the Allspark, the part of me who had died sensed that Galvatron's spirit was being summoned. I battled him on the astral plane as he struggled back towards the corporeal. Alas, he proved a tenacious and formidable foe, and the pull of Unicron was as inexorable as gravity, as uncompromising as entropy.
Additionally, all singularities shown (The 13, Primus, and Unicron) are monstrously strong. Vector Prime immediately after awakening as a singularity's first act was to hurl a guy into a big bang.
Q: Dear Vector Prime,

Where did you get your sword Rhisling?

A: Dear Blade Buddy,

Oh ho, that is quite the tale! In days of long ago, after I assisted in hiding away my brother's five new individual selves, I too went into hiding, locking off former memories of my kin and the battles and horrors we faced. In the ancient days of Aurex 404.11 Kappa, I became the leader of the Autobots, and was granted that universe's manifestation of the Matrix of Leadership.

My Autobots and I faced many challenges; Devron, the Eater of Sparks; the dread warlord Megazarak; the Second-Born Intellects calling themselves Destructons. Many stellar cycles after the titanic conclusion of the second Cybertronian war, I was called upon by the Chronarchitect. Though I was reluctant to abandon my charges, I felt compelled, as if I had a higher calling. I passed the Matrix to my faithful right hand, Guardian Major, and left to help mend damage that the Time Walker could not.

With me were the select few Autobots who chose to abandon all they knew to stand by my side. We were the Time Warriors, composed of medical officer Kaltor, my bodyguard Scorpia, intelligence officer Autoceptor, and quantum scientist Deceptor. Our tasks were legion, and they were varied. We prevented the Magmatron of Primax 206.15 Gamma to falling prey to the X-Dimension, faced uncanny horrors in primeval Primax 514.3 Gamma, and made peaceful contact with the time-traveling natives of LV-117.

Eventually, we unearthed what was vexing the Chronarchitect, the horrifying entity known as Mogahn the Mass. I fear that mere words are inadequate to describe the nightmare that Mogahn was, is, and is yet to be. Stars, planets, asteroids, ships, nebula, pulsars, and countless sentient beings were fused into his Mass, with all who resisted falling prey to his Cyber Caliber. Even the Chaos God, Unicron, tended to avoid realities where The Mass manifested. We fought against him in an endless array of realities, everywhere lives being subsumed into him. Hope seemed lost. Our final battle almost proved my end... and then time fell to a standstill. I found myself floating, for what felt like an eternity, in what was the home to the greatest Cybertronians. My home... the Realm of The Primes.

The Five of the Thirteen who dwelled there reached out to me, reminded me who I was, unlocked my long-sealed memories. I was no longer a humble Autobot leader, I was the Guardian of Space and Time, and no one, no thing, could stand in the way of my duties. My consciousness returned to the physical plane, and I wrest the Cyber Caliber from Mogahn's grasp. Using the gift that Amalgamous, who was then called Adaptus, gave to me, I reformatted it into a sword capable of slicing through time itself. With the last of my strength, I freed all of the captive souls and sparks with the Mass, and sent what remained of him hurtling back screaming to the beginning of time, where his destruction became known as the Big Bang, creating the very reality we happened to be fighting in.

My purpose realized, I said a tearful farewell to my troops and friends and... lover, and became once again bound to my duties, but with a new determination I had never felt before.

Additionally, Vector has also stated he has stopped entire Universal Clusters from collapsing. Universal Clusters being megaverses by OBD standards.
Q: Dear Vector Prime,

Have you ever had to fight a Cataclysm, like the one that nearly consumed the Gargent cluster?

A: Dear Cosmic Crusader,

Indeed. Though I am not fated to intervene in every Multiversal threat, I have had roles to play, major and minor, in preventing such catastrophes for billions of years. Often we succeed, and there is much cause for celebration; tragically, we sometimes fail, and realities, sometimes entire rivers of them, are consumed or shattered or obviated or forcibly unified.
Q: Hello Vector Prime,

How are you? I hope your feeling alright. Anyway I was just wondering (this is a bit personal, so I don't mind if you don't really answer it) do you ever get...lonely? Sometimes whenever you answer my questions you have the same tone as Optimus Prime would when he speaks; melancholy. I can't help but feel being a Prime is more of a curse rather then a privilege.

A: Dear Soulful Seeker,

I wouldn't characterize being a Prime as a curse. It is more of an... an obligation. A burden. I certainly wouldn't characterize it as a privilege.

I am nine billion years old. I have, time and again, watched everyone I care about go from young to old to departed in what feels like the pulse of a spark. I remember them all, or at least I remember the feelings I had for them. Sometimes the memories of when I was young are sharper, more vivid, than the Swindle who sold me a hyper-frame manifold just this morning. Sometimes I feel alone even when I am in a crowd.

And yet, I do take pride in the work I do. I have helped to save millions of realities, even entire reality clusters. I know the work I do enables countless beings whom I will never even meet to be forged and live and dream and fall in love and create offspring and produce art and, yes, even to die.

Am I melancholy? Perhaps, sometimes. But it is a small price to pay. As ever, I thank you for your interest in my own well-being.

This does not even get into other abilities he displayed, such as causality manipulation and the ability to step outside of time (although as nonlinear beings, all of the 13 would exist outside time anyways).

A member of the 13 even has enough psychic power to drive away a weakened Unicron, as Liege Maximo once showed, though it killed that current body he was using
Q: Dear Vector Prime,

Whatever happened to the world where Galvatron II was snatched from?

A: Dear Darkness Deacon,

Ah, yes, Primax 490.0 Gamma. You saw that sphere at its darkest hour, with all hope seemingly lost. But the fate of Earth was not sealed that day; the people saw the Herald of Unicron snatched away, saw the courage of defenders willing to risk all for a symbol, and rose up to throw off the yoke of their oppressors. It was a long, twilight struggle, but humanity prevailed in the end. Over the centuries, they went on to establish the Confederation of Terran Worlds and actively liberated other Decepticon enclaves. Nebulos was one of the first planets liberated and became a close Terran ally.

But what of Unicron, you ask? In this universe, he was eventually defeated, though long after his consumption of Cybertron. But that very act of brutal destruction sealed his fate; Primus was not destroyed, but his essence scattered among his children. The amoral Cybertron Empire experienced a reformation from within.

When Unicron stumbled upon their vast network of planets echoing the original Cybertron, it was appalled and began to savagely attack. The Cybertronian Empire struck back, hearkening back to an ancient prophecy that The Chaos Bringer could be defeated if All Were One, united in a single purpose. Jhiaxus was dispatched as an envoy to the Trio, the last Autobots who served to advise and guide Humanity, and to Styx, a prison moon containing what was left of their Decepticon ancestors. Together, the Autobots, Decepticons, and Cybertronians stood against Unicron, and wave after wave sacrificed themselves to, slowly but surely, batter and break Unicron's corporeal form.

Physically shattered, Unicron attempted to retreat to the psychic plane, but my brother found him there. A mangled, enervated Unicron faced the Liege Maximo at the peak of his powers. Their battle raged across the astral plane, and Unicron was driven forever from this reality. There was a cost; the light in the Liege Maximo's eyes never returned. Though his body was unharmed, his spark had extinguished. He died serving the Empire he had built, and it would go on to be a force of great good in that universe, steadfast allies to the Confederation of Terran Worlds.


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
the king himself
Let's start from the beginning
Or beginnings, since we've already established multiple, sometimes contradictory, origins all exist concurrently

Unicron destroys the Old Realms, which should at minimum include all the other timelines of the previous world, which are universes themselves. He then sleeps through the big bang. Based on TransFormers Cloud and Ask Vector Prime, the big bang should have created countless universes and may or may not have been a side-effect of the birth of Primus.

Unicron and Primus battle in the Astral Plane, which is a psychic realm that exists beyond space and distance
Ultimately, Primus tricks Unicron into trapping himself in a physical body.

Even with this limitation, Unicron is deadly. Just the act of travelling through a universe causes galaxies to be destroyed

Destroying an iteration of Unicron doesn't help much either, as it can result in black holes that threaten the entire multiverse

Unicron also eats universes forwards and backwards in time, from the big bang to the big crunch, making it as if they never existed
Q: Dear Vector Prime,

How many universes were greatly damaged by the Unicron Singularity, at least to your knowledge?

A: Dear Singularity Student,

I'm not sure this is a quantifiable number. Once Unicron has completely consumed a reality, there is little that remains to prove it was ever extant. Some philosophers have argued that, as Unicron is known to devour a reality forwards and backwards in time, then the very act of existing proves that the Singularity will not consume their reality. This is known as the Weak Cyberic Principle, the selection bias for consciousness. The flaw in this argument is, of course, that though Unicron may consume an entire reality, from the big bang through the big crunch (or entropic heat death, depending on the specific constants involved), those who escape to other realms, or whose consumption was witnessed by extradimensional visitors, may yet live on, in memory if nowhere else. Primax 703.09 Gamma is a good example of one such ravaged stream.

And according to Vector Prime, even single iterations of Unicron can span multiple universes
Q: Could Unicron Beat the Death Star?

A: That depends. Most instances of Unicron are expressions of an abstract force of nature, some spanning multiple universes. These instances could easily defeat the transforming battle station of Lukas 577.25 Beta. However, against non-singularity instances of Unicron with more mundane origins, such as Primax 984.17 Alpha or Viron 704.08 Gamma, Darth Vader's amazing mech would most probably prevail.


But Unicron is stronger still, because the Star Saber, which can destroy the entire transformers multiverse/omniverse cannot kill him. I'll write more on The Shroud later, but even that didn't actually kill Unicron.
Q: Dear Vector Prime,

Did the Vok hide the Origin Matrix on prehistoric Earth of Primax -408.24 Epsilon?

A: Dear Artifact Annalist,

If you are familiar with the Origin Matrix, you know that it was once the hilt piece on the "Star Saber" - A sword carried by fellow member of the Thirteen, Prima. The great hero hefted the truly fearsome weapon in our conflicts against our foe, the Dark God Unicron.

Unicron is even directly stated to be stronger than Primus, who is functionally omnipresent and who is implied to be connected to the Omniverse, which dwarfs transformers' own multiverse

Finally, Unicron's true existence is something beyond the physical completely. He clarifies in the TFCC comics, that his true nature is an idea, the very concept of all violence, evil, and hunger.




That pretty much covers the essentials on Unicron, who is for all intents and purposes the single strongest character in the Transformers mythos, besides The One who created him.
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ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
Some stuff I missed for Unicron, in the Japanese Generations Selects manga, which this chapter came out a full year after The Shroud (which seemingly nerfed Transformers heavily), depicts a weakened Unicron as still being able to destroy the entire multiverse


and also the, I believe it's 3H comics, state that if left unchecked Unicron will destroy every single parallel universe, as well as all planes of existence

Unicron, as well as multiversal singularities in general, are completely beyond time. As a result, the physical limitation Primus placed on Unicron doesn't stop him from destroying the multiverse, he is functionally omnipresent even though he can allegedly only enter one universe at a time

Unicron can easily reach across any number of universes

and possibly through an endless amount of higher dimensions

I'm torn on this one, it could simply be referring to universes, but it's slightly unclear due to the fact that it qualifies "space and time" beforehand. Either way Unicron's range is effectively endless.
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ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member

After Unicron, Primus, and the Thirteen, the Alternity would be the next most powerful cosmic entities in transformers.

The Alternity are 10th Dimensional evolved transformers that transcend time and space. Their true forms are so massive that they extend between multiple (infinite) universes, so they act through "Auto-Avatars"

Higher Definition​

Biology: Alternity is a future form of the Transformers which, after 900,000 years, have evolved into celestial beings. Their bodies are made of a higher-dimensional material called Alternium, and they have huge forms that straddle multiple parallel worlds. As a result, it is impossible for terrestrial beings to comprehend the entirety of their appearances. Each individual fuses with his selves of countless parallel worlds to make up a giant, manifold being. The word Alternity, referring to their multi-dimensional nature, has become the name for the entire species.

Abilities: They are able to "reach out their hands" to various time periods and dimensional worlds, and they can use their powers to manipulate reality and duplicate timelines. Furthermore, when taking individual action on the mortal plane, they use Transformer bodies called "Auto-Avatars". Each avatar’s mechanical function is about the same as that of a modern Transformer's, but various high functions have been added through the technology of the Alternity. The Auto-Avatars normally transform into the form of a sports car, which is the most efficient method of transportation for using the super-dimensional locomotion of the Timaeus Drive.

Weaknesses: The Alternity are experts on dealing with multiple dimensions, but they are not omnipotent in the matter of time travel. Their greatest weakness is that they cannot move under their own power to any time prior to when Alternium was first created—that is, Earth date 2007. This often works to their disadvantage when battling Hytherion. For missions that go past this barrier, they must use long-range time-space weapons or the aid of non-Alternity agents called "Protectors".

Their Auto-Avatars are capable of cutting through moons and locking people in time loops


Other Auto Avatar profiles



Their avatars possess esoteric abilities like destroying time and ignoring distance
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ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
The strength of the Alternity mostly is spelled out in the final Alternity story, Alternation
The guardians of the multi-dimensional universe, Alternity - fused with the super dimensional material Alternium, these Transformers from the future were awakened as higher level beings and have faced some dreadful realities; the worlds they had once belonged to were suffering as a result of their own time and space manipulations and were under threat from malicious lifeforms from upper worlds. Thus Alternity had become the healers of the universe as well as hunters to fend off the invaders. Their activities covered every era of every world, and subjectively went on for a billion years. Even though their reign was seemingly eternal, it was coming to its final hours because of the battle against Megatron.
"Worlds" in Alternity refers to universes. Also note "upper worlds", basically higher dimensional universes. We know above 4D beings can't be perceived by lower dimensional life-forms so this basically helps confirm that the upper dimensions in TransFormers (of which there are 17) are each qualitatively superior to the lower. Dimensional Tiering nuts go crazy with that I guess.

Shortly after Megatron was fused with "The Beast of Time" Hytherion and gained higher dimensional powers, he detected the presence of certain lifeforms hiding in a deep dimensional abyss. They were buried in a lower world very far down and Megatron could hardly see them, but he knew that they would be a useful tool. As he learnt more about his target, he became more fascinated by their secret abilities.
Confirmed in this reference to the Planicrons' 2D universe
They devised a super spatial theory and a warp technology as the necessities of communication. During the process of their extreme evolution, their mental function had become one with the law of nature. They were the "living braneworld" and the first Transformer race that accomplished "All are One", although it was perhaps possible because their two dimensional world was limited in space. They also functioned as a cosmic sized two dimensional computer, and in accordance with their logic and intelligence, the Planicrons were good-natured.
I don't know much about physics but we have a confirmation of Brane cosmology being used in TransFormers.
In the world designated < Primax 109.0 Beta >, where the Hytherion had first appeared on earth, Cybertron Auto Avatars assembled in Vancouver, Washington and were shooting covering fire to the higher world when they all suddenly froze in front of the Protectors who were accompanying them. Although they rebooted after a few minutes, they also revealed a dreadful fact to the Protectors. "The aggregate of Alternity has been destroyed!" The main body of Alternity in the higher world was defeated by Megatron's unknown attack. Shock and dismay began to spread among them, but Convoy calmly appeased them. Even though the aggregate had been destroyed, the life essence of each Cybertron was urgently transported to their Auto Avatar and everyone survived.
Aggregate Megatron somehow uses the Planicrons to destroy the multiversal existence of the Alternity
but at the same time the Quintessons were alerted to the thriving Binaltech civilisation on Earth and began scheming against it. After one year the Quintessons used their "Quadrant Lock" technology to seal the sidereal system the BT World belonged. The whole system was contained within a warped space and time had been frozen.
It was also because of this time freeze the Planicrons lost the coordinates of the BT World and were still unable to find it; measures to protect the time and space of the BT World timeline had been taken to secure the origin of Alternity.
Elita warned, "The time and space shield for the BT World is becoming weak, Megatron will find us in no time!"
The Quintessons placed a timespace lock on the Binaltech solar system. Even higher dimensional multiversal beings can't find the world through it, and the Planicrons' universal consciousness couldn't locate it either.
"The Planicrons! Their form is becoming three-dimensional!"
The body grew so large it covered the sky and its whole shape became indistinguishable, then hammering sounds thundered as the ivory coloured body began to disappear bit by bit as though it was being gouged.
"Don't worry, this is a growth process to the super dimensional stage. The parts that have gone beyond our recognition capability are becoming invisible to us", Convoy told Elita as she covered her ears. "It was just like this when Alternity was created. It won't be long now!"
The Planicrons evolve into higher dimensional beings, and as they do they become completely imperceptible by lower life-forms. We know from other Alternity texts I've posted that the Alternity are 10-dimensional, so the Planicrons should be as well.
The Planicrons gradually changed their indefinable shape to something somewhat more humanoid, and hit the now defenceless Megatherion with the same attack as the one Megatron used against the Alternity before. The Beast of Time gave out a roar that shook many universes and exploded, taking the aggregate consciousness of Megatrons with it.
The Planicrons one-shots Megatherion, and its roar "shakes many universes" (unfortunately we don't get a number, but considering the scope of the TF multiverse it's gotta be a lot), then explodes.

The Planicrons ascended form seems to be more powerful than the regular Alternity, probably because they exist as a gestalt consciousness of their entire species, while the Alternity exist as individuals. In any case the Megatherion and Planicrons are solidly multiversal and higher dimensional.

What's important is that aside from the existence of upper universes, the Alternity affected every universe in the transformers cosmos. Basically they need to be at minimum multiversal+ to do this, and they're still weaker than Megatherion and the Flaternity.

According to Vector Prime, the Flaternity defeated Megatherion because he was weakened after having his auto avatars destroyed.
So it's Megatherion>Flaternity>Alternity
Shortly after, he was tasked by... well, by me... to find some documents. These diagrams were the key to birthing the Alternity's successor. The Planicrons—the cosmic beings of the two-dimensional Cybertron—had reached out into the ether and found me, utilizing my unique biology to inform me without words what was needed for them to Transform and Transcend. Astonishingly, the Timaeus Project—an amazing example of the Power of Industry, the incredible synergy between advanced Cybertronian technology and human inspiration and tenacity—had created exactly what the Planicrons needed, but they lost track due to the Quantum Lock. Primal's keen insight allowed him to help locate the ultimate pinnacle of Human/Cybertronian technology: the blueprint of a Critias Gate. With the critical gate located, Primal left to join the final battle against Megatherion, to give the Planicrons time to pass through the Gate and evolve themselves into higher-dimensional life forms. Primal and his Protectors, and Ex-Alternities, struck down Megatron’s Auto-Avatars, weakening Megatherion enough for the evolved Planicrons to defeat the evil Megatron Aggregate. So it was that the changing of the guard of the multiversal shepherds was accomplished.
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Crimson Dragoon

Time for more copypaste

00 God of Creation Primus
Function: God of Creation
Transformation: Planet (Seibertron) / Super Colossal Spaceship
Ability: The creator and God of all Transformers. Since the creation of the Transformers he was thought to be a legend, but his true form is a colossal Transformer that turns into their home world of Seibertron. His existence is to cherish the entire universe, the exact opposite of the evil Galactic Emperor Unicron. Capable of flight in ultra-subspace in his spaceship mode, thought to have existed in another dimension’s universe before the creation of the Transformers. His existence is wrapped in mystery.
Character: A being who loves peace and order throughout the universe.
Weapon(s): Planet cannons on both shoulders can destroy stars. His Brightness Shot slices through planets.

jap version:

武器・・・恒星をも消滅させることの出来る両肩のプラネットキャノン。 惑星を切断するブライトネスショット。

I don’t put too much stock in tech specs compared to feats in the show, but this is consistent with the stuff in the Unicron Trilogy, like Unicron’s essence igniting the Energon sun and a fragment of Primus’s power turning a planet star-sized
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ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
Time for more copypaste

each Cyber Planet Key is a fragment of Primus’s spark, and one has the power to turn a planet into a mirror image of Cybertron

jap version:

I don’t put too much stock in tech specs compared to feats in the show, but this is consistent with the stuff in the Unicron Trilogy, like Unicron’s essence igniting the Energon sun and a fragment of Primus’s power turning a planet star-sized

I'll go through the AVP stuff later but it's supported by that to a hilarious degree. In one of the short stories Sideways and some other guy messing with Omega Locks are able to affect multiple universes, and those are directly stated to be just fragments of Primus' power.

Also tbh Primus in Galaxy Force being able to close the Unicron Singularity at all is arguably a universal feat too. It would track with single Unicrons destroying universes and all, and that same AVP short story says that Primus/Cybertron is the axis on which the entire universe spins.


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2

more a class vs threads from obd tf 2012 era, where fights, were fair :mjlol

Crimson Dragoon

Time for bit feats

Master Megatron shatters an asteroid several times larger than himself with a punch

Super Starscream and Master Galvatron’s final clash left a giant hole in Gigantion, a star-sized planet, and it sent Starscream, Sideways, and Soundwave into another dimension

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Crimson Dragoon

Optimus and Megatron's attacks seemed to have created a spacetime tear

after Vector Prime closed it, Megatron rips it back open barehanded

Galvatron no-sells and fries a weakened Primus with lightning

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