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Transformers feats/discussion

Crimson Dragoon

Unicron Trilogy really can’t stop winning
I think were it not for True Unicron/Primus being in Marvel, it would be even stronger than that continuity too
Meanwhile this is what happened to the Planet X in Galaxy Force’s timeline (yes TFC and GF are considered different universes)
Q: Dear Vector Prime,

Is Planet X truly the body of Unicron? If so, is that Unicron a Multiversal Singularity?

A: Dear Extreme Erudite Explorer,

Sometimes it is. The Planet X that menaced Aurex 105.08 Alpha was, originally, the shattered carcass of Unicron from Primax 886.0 Gamma. Following its destruction by Rodimus Prime and the Autobot Matrix of Leadership, it was blasted into Tyran 609.08 Kappa, a universe previously devoid of any Unicron Singularity event.

At the outskirts of the human solar system, an undetected Tenth Planet, Unicron attempted to repair himself, a process that would have taken thousands of stellar cycles under the best of circumstances. But existing in a binary end-state universe, where that realities' Megatrons often successfully activated a Star Harvester, put a tortuous amount of strain on quasi-dormant quantum processors. His comatose form resurrected many of the Cybertronians he had previously consumed in an attempt to bolster his repair capabilities, and they dubbed their planet Planet X.

Utilizing the amazing capacity of their world, they transited to Primax 290.0 Zeta and began their reign of conquest. They were thwarted, naturally, by the Autobots of that realm, and with the power of Zodiac energy the taint of Unicron driven from that reality, splitting the planet in twain. One half remained behind, a virtual paradise. The other was shunted to Aurex 105.08 Alpha, where the denizens of Gigalonia were able to, finally, eradicate its scourge once and for all.


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
Meanwhile this is what happened to the Planet X in Galaxy Force’s timeline (yes TFC and GF are considered different universes)
Reminds me of how batshit the lore for a....the chinese new year toys
Q: Dear Vector Prime,

What universal streams do the Chinese New Year Transformers hail from, and what can you tell us about them?

A: Dear Renewal Reporter,

While as with all things involving the Multiverse there may indeed be multiple instances of those individuals, but I am reminded of a particularly noteworthy occurrence of the annual adversaries to which you refer. For you see, this iteration of the duelists involves the aftermath of the Universe Wars.

During these wars, a wounded Unicron retreated to a micro-universe that he created around one of his own dying bodies. He would siphon from nearby universes combatants to pit against one another so as to employ his Hate Collectors, which would drain the antagonistic energies formed within each fighter during the gladiatorial events. In essence he was attempting to create an eternal battery of pure and utter hatred to aid him in his next foray against the Multiverse.

The combatants deemed this place of death and agony “The Cauldron” for only the toughest would survive the acrimonious flames that metaphorically burned bright there. However, led by the Optimus Primal from 797.18 Epsilon and guided by myself, the Children of Primus managed to thwart Unicron's plans and drive his consciousness from The Cauldron. Optimus Primal then led each of the combatants back to their home realities, or at least realities similar.

However, The Cauldron remained a physical region of the Multiverse. As part of no existing reality cluster, it floated freely and untethered through inter-dimensional space. Perhaps you can already foresee the problems this might cause. And indeed you would be correct. The Cauldron, in its free wandering, passes through other universes with near perfect regularity. And, why yes, that regularity is approximately once every three hundred and sixty-five Earth days.

While inside of another universe, it is out of phase, incorporeal and undetectable to the local inhabitants. The Hate Collectors are still active, continuing to act on their programming and siphon yet more combatants into its arena of despair. However, damaged by the Children of Primus and hindered by a growing inter-dimensional fog, the Hate Collectors can only maintain a small group of gladiators at a single time. Furthermore, instead of drawing the actual Transformers from the host universe, the Collectors can only create duplicate copies using materials from inside of The Cauldron. Imbued with rage and unnatural abilities, powered by Angolmois Sparks, these spectral soldiers have no choice but to spend their short lives fighting one another as formidable facsimile foes.

It seems particularly drawn to the Prime Spark. To date, four of the ghostly combatants have been based on an Optimus Prime (two Primax, a Tyran, and an Aurex) and one has been (will be?) based on an Optimus Primal. Perhaps whatever malevolence guides The Cauldron has a perverse sense of irony. Other warriors of note include a Primax Soundwave, a Uniend Omega Supreme, and a Primax Starscream.

So the battles in The Cauldron continue. Without a Unicron entity to consume them, the energies divined by the Hate Collectors build. The Cauldron is now aglow with Hatred. Condensed, almost tangible, and rivaling the strength of all but the most successful Unicrons, it radiates from the micro-universe like fires of the Pit itself. Occasionally, depending on the intensity of the fighting, this Hatred even becomes powerful enough to pierce the walls of the host universe and take form as an unstoppable energy that some might refer to as a "Hate Plague".

Fortunately, the host universe has a defense against the parasitic Cauldron. Stemming from all that all is good in humanity, the joy, happiness, and every positive emotion swelled by the celebration and embrace of each New Year combine into a swirling tempest of jubilation. Even The Cauldron cannot withstand this force of glad tidings and so is made to flee, hoping to find refuge in the next universe where it can siphon new identities for its warriors. Thus renewing the cycle for another year.

Every Chinese New Year, the dead body Unicron left behind after Universe (2003) interdimensionally drifts into a universal plane and siphons energy and hate from that universe. It's also connected to a pocket universe of its own that Unicron created when he was injured after the events of Reaching the Omega Point.


Why the hell not


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
Q: Dear Vector Prime,

How did the Angolmois energy actually give Cybertronian life to the cast of the Beast Wars Neo manga? Is this something to be concerned about?

A: Dear Dark Energon Darling,

The lifeblood of any part of the Source, be it Primus, Unicron, The Time Walker, or other iterants, can be harnessed to create a spark. In Primax 509.28 Epsilon, a hyper-intelligent Grimlock thus used the Dark Energon that permeated Unicron's head to grant life to the Technobots, a feat that should have been hundreds of thousands of years ahead of the capabilities of Cybertronians in this time stream.

As for your worry, I believe that sparks are neither good nor bad, but have the potential to be both, no matter the source of their creation.

Never caught this but Angolmois Energy is apparently the "lifeblood" of The One, and any aspect of The One can be used to make a spark

this is pretty much the only thing we actually know about The One aside from it making the gods like Unicron and Primus. This also makes the Golden Power of the manga more confusing, because that was allegedly also The One power. Even weirder this means the energy Primus and Unicron primarily use isn't actually their own, it was imparted to them when The One would have made them. So it's a part of them I guess but it didn't originate from them?

Thirteen prime

04:00|Thunderwing, with his awakening, destroys a huge meteorite consisting of dark energon, while the entire Prime team was on the surface of the meteorite.

04:15|Megatron overtook one of the pieces of the destroyed meteorite.

As discovered here, the Nemesis is 1405.7647 m. In the image, the Nemesis is 526 px, the meteor's length is 520 px, its height is 590 px, and its width is the same as its height.

1405.7647/526=2.67255646388 m/px

520*2.67255646388=1389.72936122 m

590*2.67255646388=1576.80831369 m

Using an ellipsoid volume, we get about 3618400000 m^3, dividing that by 2 since it's half an ellipsoid, we get 1809200000 m^3 for the volume of the meteor.
In this frame, the meteor is 461.728275071 px while the overall frame is 1920 px.

1576.80831369/461.728275071=3.41501354546 m/px

1920x3.41501354546=6556.82600728 m

The fragments of the meteor travel across half the screen in 2 frames during a 30 fps video.

2/30=0.06666666666 seconds

3278.41300364/0.06666666666=49176.1950595 m/s=143.3708310772595 Mach (Massively Hypersonic)
The mass of meteors, according to this, is between 3000 and 3700 kg/m^3, giving us an average of 3350 kg/m^3.

1809200000*3350=6.06082e+12 kg

Using a KE calc, we get:

.5*6.06082e+12*49176.1950595^2=7.3284349e+21 J (Small Country level)

Thirteen prime

Unicron was able to improve Megatron's body so much that he, in his alternate form, was able to overcome the distance between the earth and Cybertron in a few hours.

5:55|The distance between them is many light years, but in Russian it is indicated about millions of light years.


By the way, I heard that Prima took on the entire weight of the multiverse when Vector Prime talked to Thirteen and their characters, is that true or not?
Ask Vector Prime, 2015/06/14

Dear Vector Prime,
Which of your fellow Thirteen did you get along with the best?
Dear Familial Factfinder,
I cherish my relationship with each of my brothers and sisters, even the ones who traveled a dark path. Onyx Prime was so connected to nature, so in-tune with the organic. Epistimus had such a facile intellect, unfettered by conventional thinking. Alchemist Prime, who some say walks among the people of Cybertron to this day, a simple barkeep providing an oasis of calm in an ocean of war. Nexus Prime, who had the courage to see to his own dissolution. Solomus, so gentle and wise. Autonomous Maximus, who renounced his name, a lonely sentinel awaiting the inevitable. Micronus Prime, who cared deeply for all living things, sons and daughters of Primus or otherwise. Solus Prime, the first of us to perish...
And, of course, Logos Prime. Liege Maximo. Megatronus. History may shun them as monsters. Rightly so, perhaps, but they are still my siblings, and I still shared many happy moments with them.
Of all of them, only Prima was consistently distant, the weight of the multiverse on his broad shoulders. I wish I had known him better.
And new memories are flooding in, of marveling at Alpha Trion's wisdom, with Optimus Prime as an equal rather than a distant descendant, where Logos was never protoformed to quest for logic, never driven mad by his encounter with the Hytherion, where Liege died young and never fomented his own empires. Where Quintus and Amalgamous were there to teach us, help us grow, but Epistemus and Solomus were long since departed.They compete in my ancient memory crystals, jostling for space and prominence as scores of millions of realities slosh back-and-fro like oil in a goblet.


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
By the way, I heard that Prima took on the entire weight of the multiverse when Vector Prime talked to Thirteen and their characters, is that true or not?
that was a figure of speech but he had the star saber which has power over the multiverse anyways so featwise it lines up


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
I wonder if Skybound will do anything similar to that. Their Transformers series is probably the most grounded ever but Daniel Warren Johnson mentioned when he signed on for the gig that Hasbro had certain things they wanted included several years down the pipeline (though he is only writing issues 1-12 afaik). Kirkman keeps hinting that Invincible and Transformers' multiverses are joined now, who knows how that'll go. Void Rivals seems like it could get into cosmic territory. We did get one mention of The Fallen by Skywarp, so even though this is a sunbow and marvel G1 influenced setting, the 13 Prime lore still seems to exist in this universe.


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
This is a pretty good breakdown, although I think they are missing some impressive things (notably the star saber not being able to kill him as one example, or Primus' range actually extending into the omniverse, Unicron eating the rest of the Light and Dark Gods during Reaching the Omega Point)

Only thing I really disagree with is using Aligned Vector's statement that "retired from your dimensionality" to mean his realm is beyond dimensions. He definitely just meant universe in this context, and Aligned Vector and the other 13 are explicitly stated not to be multiversal singularities (except for when they briefly merge with their original counterparts right before the Shroud happens) and are generally much weaker than the mainline versions.