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TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition


Considering how we literally found out alot of Fate/Apocrypha interviews we know of are pure bullshit now(Thanks to a certain Reddit/Tumblr user going in for themselves), I'm taking those spoilers with an insane degree of salt:

I dunno since at least part of AE servant probably correct since Gilles in the story isn't Gilles at all. He literally called himself
and literally says ”who the hell is jeanne d'arc”


Oh and next ordeal call is in Tokyo.
Probably it will have connection with Fate prototype (just like paper moon chapter with Extra connection)
Sweet, maybe Arthur will get to do somethihahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Oh I almost finished that with a straight face


Maybe this is when we will finally get Manaka inco-nah.

The Arcade Collaboration has all but confirmed we will ultimately deal with Manaka and the Arthur storyline eventually but it's definitely not gonna be through Ordeal Call, no fucking way.

Cmiw, but are you sounds like dissapointed regarding the plot?

How can I be disappointed over something I don't know the context for and all we have is terrible machine translations and only bits and pieces of the actual plot?
So the fact we beat Kali means she has oficially been recognized by the planet as the "Grand Alter Ego"?

That's... one heck of a reach... but no.

According to Beast's Lair, she's more of a rampaging Kali who has none of her traits connecting her to Durga or Parvarti(Thus being nothing more than her rage and wrath) and was just someone BB saw coming which is why she sent Alter-Ego Kama who could deal with her.

The whole point of this Ordeal Call(And most likely the rest as a whole) is actually how you are supposed to use Alter-Egos right vs. using them wrong as Rani's plan is basically splitting the Heroes prime traits off without realizing the consequences(i.e. Every Heroic Spirit we see in there are Alter-Egos... but really badly done as they are missing elements of themselves than just things like an aspect of the Heroic Spirit) vs. How you actually make Alter-Egos(Like Kama where she's basically split off into loving one person instead of everyone which allows her to truly focus her power) for the benefit of Humanity at large.
The whole point of this Ordeal Call(And most likely the rest as a whole) is actually how you are supposed to use Alter-Egos right vs. using them wrong as Rani's plan is basically splitting the Heroes prime traits off without realizing the consequences
So this entire story arc is just trying to establish the "proper" uses of the Extra Class Servants?
So this entire story arc is just trying to establish the "proper" uses of the Extra Class Servants?

It seems that way to be honest. I have seen plenty of people in Beast's Lair actually like that premise and it does have merit given that most people actually didn't really go all in with the Prologue, so we have no idea if it's the Counter-Force or otherwise that stops us from going to CHALDEAS(and judging from the Paper Moon and AI Rani's plan's, it can't really just be the Counter-Force blocking us).

It also doesn't make much sense given that Ruler Jeanne is a Top Servant defending the Moon Cell so it has to be HOW the Extra Classes are used rather than the Extra Classes themselves.


Ngl, i was a quite dissapointed since we obviously didn't get anything relating Atlas academy despite Sion being main character.
Instead we got basically what makes AE an AE, which should be relegated to event imo
Alright for real this time:

Achilles time? Achilles Time.



Class: Rider
True Name: Achilles
Sex: Male
Source: Greek Mythology
Region: Greece
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Height: 185cm
Weight: 97kg

Historical Image / Character Image
A Hero who boasts one of the most outstanding popularity in Greek Mythology. That life ran through everything like a gale, while simultaneously, it is tinged with a brilliance that is appropriate for one who is called a Hero.

It is said that when he was asked by his mother whether he desired an ordinary and peaceful life or a life where he dies as a relentless Hero, Achilles chose the latter without hesitating.

According to the remaining pieces of his legend, the human body part that bears his name – the Achilles tendon – was the sole weak point of Achilles, who possesses an immortal body.

Achilles, who was born between the Hero Peleus and the Goddess Thetis, was roasted by the flames of immortality that were meant for the benefit of the gods by Thetis’ hands, but Peleus opposed that, saying that half of him is human, so she should leave that portion of him as a human.

Peleus and Thetis parted ways after this dispute, and the portion of Achilles that was left behind as those of a human’s was only the part of one of his ankles that was gripped by Thetis during the immortality process. (There is also another view where he acquired the power of immortality by being submerged underneath one of the rivers of the Underworld.)

Peleus was unable to raise Achilles, so he entrusted him to Chiron, the Sage of the Centaurs. Chiron, having raised Heracles, Jason, and many others, trained Achilles, and before long, Achilles grew up into a masculine young man.

When Achilles was asked by his mother, Thetis, whether he desired to live as an ordinary human but with a long life, or whether he desired to live as a Hero – even though it would be short lived, he chose the latter without hesitating.

Participating in the Trojan War as part of the Achaean army, Achilles violently killed the heroes of the Trojan army one by one, before eventually challenging their supreme commander, Hector, to a duel, and triumphing in it.

However, Paris, Hector’s younger brother, borrowed the power of the Sun God Apollo, who was Troy’s ally, to shoot through Achilles’ heel, his sole weak point, thus stripping him of his immortality.

Furthermore, Achilles, whose heart was pierced, died after he rampaged until he was no longer able to. After his death, his once fellow allies competed for his armour he left behind.

Magical PowerC
Noble PhantasmA+

Class Skills

Magical Resistance: C

Nullifies Magecraft spells that were done with a chant of two verses or below. Cannot defend against large-scale Magecraft such as Great Magecrafts and Ritual Spells.

Riding: A+
The ability for riding.

In the case of beasts, one can manage any kind of them up to the rank of Phantasmal Beast and Divine Beast. However, this Skill is not applicable to members of the Dragon Kind.

Divinity: C
Achilles is the child of the Sea Goddess Thetis and the human Hero Peleus.

Personal Skills

Battle Continuation: A

One does not know when to give up.

Even after both his Achilles tendon – which should be his weak point – and his heart were pierced, Achilles continued to fight for some time.

Here and Here, Chiron mentions he shot Achilles' Heart and shattered his Spirit Core, he should be long dead but Achilles keeps going till Chiron "crushes him", which Achilles uses to Counter Summon Hektor Here.

Here, it's mentioned that Achilles is in absolute agony all the time(To the point even talking is torture) due to his heel being shattered.

Valour: A+
The ability to nullify mental interference such as intimidation, confusion and fascination. In addition, it even has the effect of increasing the damage dealt in hand-to-hand combat.

Not really shown in story sadly.

Affection of the Goddess: B
Except for their Magical Power and Luck Parameters, all of one’s Stats are Ranked-Up.

Achilles is receiving the affection of his mother, the Goddess Thetis.

The Stat ups aren't mentioned but yeah, both the Event and LB5 does basically state Achilles is born from a Goddess.

Noble Phantasms
(Hooo boy, there is ALOT of them)

Troias Tragoidia: The Immortal Chariot of Swift Winds and Surging Waves

Rank: A
Classification: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm
Range: 2~60
Maximum Number of Targets: 50 people
Troias Tragoidia (Troy’s Tragedy). A three-horse chariot. Two of the horses are immortal and divine horses that were bestowed to Achilles by the Sea God Poseidon, while the other one horse is a fine horse that was plundered from a city. The chariot tramples down the battleground by means of extreme speed. It can cause increased damage proportional to the rise of the chariot’s velocity. At its maximum speed, it is just like a gigantic lawnmower dashing through the fields.

Here, it is stated he can fly his Chariot into Low-Mid Orbit and only cannot due to his Heel being shot and thus his Durability is majorly affected(This Corroborates with the times he can use it to fly like every other Chariot NP in Apocrypha and in said Event as well)
Here in the Apocrypha Anime, Achilles using his Chariot for an attack is enough to cause a Boeing Class Jet to instantly explode from the sheer force well after blowing through it. It is shown he can do this multiple times with no issues blowing through another Jet.

Dromos Kometes: Comet Running Style
Rank: A+
Classification: Anti-Personnel (Self) Noble Phantasm
Range: 0
Maximum Number of Targets: 1 person
Dromos Kometes (Running Comet). A Noble Phantasm of the Constantly Invoked-Type that Achilles activates by getting off from “The Immortal Chariot of Swift Winds and Surging Waves” to stand on his feet. It is something that embodies the legend that he is the swiftest hero among all heroes of all eras. He can run through a vast battlefield in a single breath, and even if there are obstacles on the field, they will not reduce his speed. He must expose his weak point – his Achilles tendon – while running, but there are few Heroic Spirits who can catch hold of him while he is running at this speed.

Here, he states that with his heel shattered, he can only move at 30% of his speed. Here, Achilles states that if his heel isn't shattered, you wouldn't even be able to see him at all at full speed(Something the Apocrypha Anime shows when he utterly blitzes the large amount of Golems in his way)

Andreios Amarantos: The Unfading Flower of the Brave
Rank: B
Classification: Anti-Personnel (Self) Noble Phantasm
Range: 0
Maximum Number of Targets: 1 person
Andreios Amarantos (The Brave and Everlasting One). A blessing of immortality given to Achilles by his mother – the Goddess Thetis – that covers his entire body except one of his heels. It also nullifies any kind of attack done to him, but this ability can be negated by those who possess the personal Skill “Divinity”.

Here, it's implied that if his Spirit Core is shattered while his Heel ISN'T damaged, he won't die from it if it isn't a Divine Construct, a God or someone descended from a God(I don't know how that works to be honest in terms of something being able to shatter his core and bypassing this NP anyway but whatever...)

Diatrekhon Aster Lonkhe: The Spearhead of the Star Dashing Through the Skies
Rank: B+
Classification: Anti-Personnel Noble Phantasm
Range: 2~10
Maximum Number of Targets: 1 person
Diatrekhon Aster Lonkhe (Shooting Star Spear). A Noble Phantasm that becomes available by having Achilles get off “The Immortal Chariot of Swift Winds and Surging Waves”. A long spear given to Achilles’ parents during the occasion of their marriage by Chiron. A Great Magecraft that is comparable to a Reality Marble, it builds up an area that has the purpose of conducting duels with fellow heroes, but only in the case that Achilles’ opponent has consented to the duel.

Because Achilles was not summoned as a Lancer, the spear has lost some of its abilities, such as a curse of incurability on the wounds it inflicts.

Here, Achilles uses this to start his fight with Chiron in earnest.
The Manga version of it is used Here

Akhilleus Kosmos: The Miniature World Enclosed by the Azure Sky
Rank: A+
Classification: Barrier Noble Phantasm
Range: 0
Maximum Number of Targets: 1 person
Akhilleus Kosmos (Achilles’ World). A defensive Barrier Noble Phantasm that is comparable to “The Seven Rings that Cover the Fiery Heavens”. A shield constructed by Hephaestus, the God of Blacksmiths. The very world seen by Achilles is projected, and the ocean currents whirling at some parts of the outer circumference are due to the Sea God. To oppose this shield is, in other words, to take on the world, and if it is invoked, it can even defend against Anti-Fortress and Anti-Country Noble Phantasms.

Unfortunately, it's long destroyed in LB5.1 but we don't know how(It's not stated whether Lostbelt Artemis did it or LB Chiron was able to somehow destroy it upon killing Servant Chiron)
It's use in Apocrypha Here where it was able to ultimately stop Vasavi Shakti at the cost of itself(Specifically, the Mortal Portion was able to stop it, the Divine Portion was still destroyed)

Strength, Speed, Durability?

(To ultimately go light, I will only include feats from FGO and his main battles in Apocrypha as including every little thing will be a pain in the ass).

Here, Achilles with his Lance is able to do multiple high speed slashes in the equivalent of one slash to intercept Atalante's barrage. Here, his resulting speed burst and counterattack not only utterly destroys the Boulder he's sitting on but mortally injures Atalante and the resulting crash completely upends the ground in a MASSIVE radius around them(Achilles and Atalante land in the background yet the shockwave and the ground being ruptured easily goes well into the foreground). Here, he does ultimately suffer mortal wounds from the remaining barrage from her homing in on him and striking him through.
(I would call her Atalante Alter here for convenience sake but I technically won't because yeah...)

Here in the Apocrypha Collab Event, Achilles describes that he took a beating from Atalante, Spartacus and Frankenstein that "practically left him black and blue" due to the Greater Grail/Darnic granting them Divinity Boosts to hurt Achilles.

Here in his battle against Chiron in Apocrypha, both are able to dish out and take a truly hideous amount of punishment without stopping or being heavily weakened by the blows they give each other(Achilles at one point being massively knocked into the plane and rebounding upwards atleast a good 10 feet up in the air.). Here, Achilles is able to punch through Chiron's body, destroying his Spirit Core in the process.

Here in his battle with Chiron, Upon Chiron using Magecraft to make the Plane spin towards Achilles full force, Achilles is able to not only completely stop it's momentum and spin(With a massive shockwave upon impacting it), not only easily tear apart it's outer shell but even rapidly push the entire Jet towards Chiron with him only destroying it stopping Achilles from crashing it into him.(There is another feat of Achilles doing the same thing with holding another Magecraft assisted Jet with his feet but it's difficult for me to find video of that one)

Here, Chiron's arrow in the forest battle is able to pierce into Achilles but little else(This is significant as every other arrow is causing small explosions into the ground). Here is more of the same(You can still do the same with the arrows Mordred takes in her battle with Chiron as well).

Here and Here, Chiron mentions he shot Achilles' Heart and shattered his Spirit Core, he should be long dead but Achilles keeps going till Chiron "crushes him", which Achilles uses to Counter Summon Hektor Here.

Here, it's mentioned that Achilles is in absolute agony all the time(To the point even talking is torture) due to his heel being shattered.

Here and Here in the Apocrypha Manga, Chiron goes into his Centaur form and does to Achilles what he did to Hektor in his Great Magecraft Arena(Significant as FGO and the Manga implies Chiron is as fast as Achilles in his Centaur form due to not obeying the same rules).
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Seems like Samurai Remnant got leaked early.
It's absolutely not a Dynasty Warriors-type game but it's not exactly Ni-Oh, reminds me closer to Marvelous type games like Senran Kagura.

There's is plenty of new faces but two old ones:
Miyamoto Musashi(Female)(I wouldn't be surprised if this is her Post-Shimousa considering she clearly had many adventures before her perma-death in Olympus and even Arcade ultimately has her go back to Mobile to Olympus)
and Jeanne D'Arc Alter(Which caught me off guard as I thought it would have more Japanese based Servants for once... also the fact that FGO has been seriously wish-washy on if she's a true Servant now or she literally only exists from the Chaldeas Summoning System)

You primarily control the Master and not the Servant and he can throw down against Servants too unless he's also a Servant lol but it's a nice change of pace. It will be released on September 28 in Japan for the PS5 and PS4 but there's an English Release for 2023 so it may not be too far off for us after all.
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V.I.P. Member

Seems like Samurai Remnant got leaked early.
It's absolutely not a Dynasty Warriors-type game but it's not exactly Ni-Oh, reminds me closer to Marvelous type games like Senran Kagura.

There's is plenty of new faces but two old ones:
Miyamoto Musashi(Female) and Jeanne D'Arc Alter

You primarily control the Master and not the Servant and he can throw down against Servants too unless he's also a Servant lol but it's a nice change of pace. It will be released on September 28 in Japan for the PS5 and PS4 but there's an English Release for 2023 so it may not be too far off for us after all.

Why tf is Jeanne Alter there? Also did the master say he was Miyamoto Iori? Sounded like he was calling Musashi "shisho" so that would check out.