unpopular opinions thread: olf o bee dee edition


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V.I.P. Member
i think the issue isn't the politics at all but the fact that most people doing it just aren't very good writers. As a result, trying to handle these heavier topics comes off clumsy at best and obviously pandering at worst.

This is why I always bring up the idw TF comics whenever lgbt stuff in comics comes up, because they handled it well years before it became the "thing to do" for clicks or comic sales. You just had writers interested in exploring those concepts, no ulterior motives. You wouldn't even know X character was gay or whatever until you were 10 chapters into a run. It wasn't a marketing ploy, they cared about what they were doing.

The real problem with a story being "political" is that most writers these days that do it don't understand at all how it's supposed to work.
Yes, stories can be political and alot of the best known stories ARE political to some degree... but here's where the point ultimately is:
A political story never dates itself, it's as timeless as the topic they want to address.
Animal House is the biggest example of this as even if you don't know the time period it's referring to, it's still very obvious what it ultimately means just by reading it but it doesn't date itself by full out mentioning what happened and who did it. The Lorax is another example by never pointing out what company the Once-ler is a part of or even who he is because that wasn't as important as the overall destruction of the forest due to sheer greed of corporations. Dr. Seuss has been constantly about this without ever dating themselves once.

Now you get terrible stories where Donald Trump is all but mentioned(either by characters straight out saying his name or constantly using what he would say just to make the other side look bad), you have people constantly pointing out the side they see as "evil" and constantly told who is good or bad with no ability to allow the reader to actually make their own decisions on who or what to believe(How many movies would be made better by having ambiguous endings be ruined today by telling you what's the "right thing" to do?). Basically politics was never the issue with stories, the real issue is the supreme heavy handed nature that would completely ruin them by proxy because there's nothing to take from them but what the author wants you to and assumes you are a complete idiot. You can't even read X-Men comics anymore without seeing the writers beat you over the head with the Mutant Metaphor even though it never made sense from the start and makes even less sense now compared to even 10-20 years ago where it's alot more Gray and makes more sense.


Although Despicable Me franchise is bad the original Despicable Me movie is decent

Fantastic Four comics is best thing Marvel ever put out (Seen it become quite unpopular) and them and X-Men are better than Avengers (Don't know if that is unpopular or popular opinion)


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V.I.P. Member
i was a fantastic four hater for a while but honestly you can tell they were having more fun creating characters like that, than whatever we been getting
I like the X-Men more, but I absolutely despise X-Men drama more than any other drama in marvel

not even the whole Mutant = Civil Rights allegory. I’m talking about how dogshit the romance can be


I like the X-Men more, but I absolutely despise X-Men drama more than any other drama in marvel

not even the whole Mutant = Civil Rights allegory. I’m talking about how dogshit the romance can be
X Men is a close second for me

What do you think Krakoa thing go on with Mutants in Marvel it gives me Inhumans vibes at times which sometimes I rather keep them separate though I enjoy Krakoa arc that comics are doing
X Men is a close second for me

What do you think Krakoa thing go on with Mutants in Marvel it gives me Inhumans vibes at times which sometimes I rather keep them separate though I enjoy Krakoa arc that comics are doing
I feel like it was originally supposed to be a creepy cult but now its just meandering bullshit

like, everyone was acting out of character and I thought it was gonna be revealed that everyone is just mind-controlled
Decent hot takes:

I'd rather wanted a true sequel to Tenchu rather than Sekiro, hell, I would rather take a complete remake of Tenchu than Sekiro

I fully believe the Remake to Resident Evil 2 is overrated and further shows how lazy Capcom has gotten

I utterly despise Saints Row 3 and 4 for basically destroying the semblance of actual identity SR 1 and 2 had just so it can be more "zany and out there"

I still have some level of hope for the current Gaming Industry... primarily the Japanese and Indie side.

I think the later Dynasty Warriors/Samurai Warriors/Warriors Orochi games get a real bad rap

I believe Dead or Alive is seriously too ignored in the OBD outside of Ryu Hayabusa

I feel like I'm the only fucker who remembers the Lufia series.


Absolute shame because the first 4 seasons were great. I fear how it got worse because the AM vs AFO fight was so good

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
Absolute shame because the first 4 seasons were great. I fear how it got worse because the AM vs AFO fight was so good
Well, I wouldn't say they were great. Izuku isn't a really good protag to follow outside of him fighting, cause his best moments usually happen when he's fighting. But he wasn't insufferable like he currently is and Bakugo was actually relevant and relatively cool character.


I liked that Deku wasn't a total retard like Goku and liked how he looked up to Bakugou and the developing relationship with Uraraka. He isn't spectacularly deep but when my only basis for comparison when I watched MHA in 2018-2019 was DBS Goku and Ruby Rose, he stood out as much more likeable.

I also liked stuff like Deku vs Muscular, Allmight vs AFO, or the Gentle Criminal arc. There were issues but Hori's art was great and seemed to be constantly improving, Deku's power progression wasn't too jarring and Todoroki/Bakugou still were comparable, and the world just wasn't getting too oversaturated.

I stopped in the middle of the Paranormal Liberation War arc so I don't know what happened afterwards, but I really liked the first 3-4 seasons.