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What tier should Kratos from God of War be now, following Ragnarok?


The Supreme King
Kratos is still someone who’s broken mountains with his bare hands on screen and regularly overpowers giants
Colossus of rhodes was huge but he was still smaller then the city of sparta
as he was within the city during the entirety of the boss fight

so these guys arent that big anyway plus the ohh he loses to random forest animals shit is more just a own to the wank of him being able to destroy planets and entire continents with ease
like it's just dumb why climb mount olympus bringing a whole titan army if he can just nuke all of greece including the mountain

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
it's a intentionally animated scene
That the player has to purposefully stand there and not even attempt to dodge to get hit by.

At NO point does Kratos get hit by it without the player doing something wrong, there is NO evidence he is ever hit by it canonically.
it's not a random instance of gameplay
It absolutely is.
plus he loses to forest animals in the comics so it's consistent
No it isn't.

Again those are ONE-OFF instances you lying shit, happening not even in the fucking games by your own admission and existing in stark contrast to 99.9999999999999999999% percent of his feats in the actual games.

THEY are the outliers dipshit, not his big feats.
They are NOT consistent in any sense of the word.
And even ignoring that even his high ends are just him struggling against giant guy with no noteworthy feats outside of ig their large size eg cronos and colossus of rhodes
> Shat on Posiedon whose death flooded Greece
> Overpowered Atlas who holds Greece over his head.
> Harmed Baldur who hits hard enough to wound the World Serpant
> No noteworthy feats? :scust

You really don't have an honest bone in your fucking body do you?


The Supreme King
> Shat on Posiedon whose death flooded Greece

The fact, kratos is still alive standing on mount olympus and that some mortals in greece are still alive for kratos to give the power of hope too

proves poseidon's flood is really not as grand as your suggesting
and even then it's a not a feat, it's just that the waters went out of control cause poseidon the god of oceans was no longer there to maintain the water

> Overpowered Atlas who holds Greece over his head.

Atlas beat him with two fingers and only let him live out of curiosity

> Harmed Baldur who hits hard enough to wound the World Serpant

The world serpent is just a giant snake
Wow he injured a giant snake

How do we go from poseidon flooding some parts of greece to a snake that moves a bit to lift the water levels in the lake of nine

This whole instance just shows how overwanked the poseidon death scene is here, If jormie can only raise the water levels a bit then let me know how poseidon floods all of greece or maybe it's just that his existence as a ocean god maintained the water levels to a stable degree plus if he can flood all of grece why not kill kratos that way

And just to conclude on the snake thing
It's not that impressive outside of the snake itself just being large


The Supreme King

''Kratos overpowers altas'' - adamant soul

Fan fiction type arguments per usual

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
The fact, kratos is still alive standing on mount olympus and that some mortals in greece are still alive for kratos to give the power of hope too

proves poseidon's flood is really not as grand as your suggesting
Because Mount Olympus is too damn tall to be flooded?
This doesn't change the fact an entire country at least got flooded.
and even then it's a not a feat, it's just that the waters went out of control cause poseidon the god of oceans was no longer there to maintain the water
> Literally says out loud that Posiedon was the one maintaining the waters with his power.
> Doesn't see why Kratos overpowering him so completely is obviously a feat.

Jesus Christ, you're dumb. :kobeha
Atlas beat him with two fingers and only let him live out of curiosity
Kratos was the one who fucking chained him there, despite Atlas' attempts to stop him and having to fight through Persephone to do it.

Also Kratos had to hold his fingers back long enough to explain that he was now on Atlas's side in the first place for hi to stop trying to crush him.
The world serpent is just a giant snake
Wow he injured a giant snake
Wow, you're a disingenuous sack of shit, not that I'm surprised at this point. :smh

A giant snake whose fight with Thor shook the fucking World Tree dipshit, that's what sent Jormungandr back in time in the fucking first place.
How do we go from poseidon flooding some parts of greece to a snake that moves a bit to lift the water levels in the lake of nine
Because Jormungandr isn't trying to do anything else in that instance.

The fact he's literally doing that on size alone and not even with any actual effort is still pretty impressive.
This whole instance just shows how overwanked the poseidon death scene is here, If jormie can only raise the water levels a bit then let me know how poseidon floods all of greece or maybe it's just that his existence as a ocean god maintained the water levels to a stable degree plus if he can flood all of grece why not kill kratos that way.
I don't know.

And just to conclude on the snake thing
It's not that impressive outside of the snake itself just being large.
It absolutely is if you're not being willfully ignorant and ignoring the feats said snake has.


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member

''Kratos overpowers altas'' - adamant soul

Fan fiction type arguments per usual

This is the original scene, which runs in direct contradiction to the novels, which in themselves, are non-canon.

Kratos explicitly doesn't even have his god power here, which makes this quite impressive, when you think about it.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member

''Kratos overpowers altas'' - adamant soul

Fan fiction type arguments per usual
Accuses me of fanfiction arguments.
While relying on a novel statement that not only blatantly contradicts the game's portrayal of the same scene (which takes precedence over secondary sources) but also ignores the fact that a WEAKER Kratos has ALREADY overpowered Atlas in a previous GAME. :kobeha

God of War Games > Novelizations.
Nice try though. :mjpls


The Supreme King
Kratos was the one who fucking chained him there, despite Atlas' attempts to stop him and having to fight through Persephone to do it.

Yea he did by outmaneuvering altas and hitting the chains onto his forearms
chains that were already there

it's not like he beat the shit out of altas and then tied him down with sheer power alone

This is the original scene, which runs in direct contradiction to the novels, which in themselves, are non-canon.

Gets crushed then says im seeking to destroy zeus
which then he lightens his grip yknow like in the novel

Not sure what this proves in terms of there being a contradiction cause it reads the same to me

I don't know.


he didt destroy greece when he died and flooded parts of it in gow 3
so your reasoning makes no sense

A giant snake whose fight with Thor shook the fucking World Tree dipshit, that's what sent Jormungandr back in time in the fucking first place.
Thor hitting the world tree to get sent back in time is not that impressive
the world tree itself only spans the various realms and in scandavania

all of which share the same physical space


The Supreme King
gow is city lv to large building lv
you have zeus struggling to destroy sparta in gow 2

and we have feats of characters like cronos giving kratos trouble with the most noteworthy thing about him is his sheer size

and we have shit like kratos struggling to lift tyr's temple in god of war 4

None of these things are remotely anywhere near continent or planet lv anything


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
Gets crushed then says im seeking to destroy zeus
which then he lightens his grip yknow like in the novel

Not sure what this proves in terms of there being a contradiction cause it reads the same to me
In the original, as soon as he says he seeks to destroy Zeus, Atlas stops trying to crush him wholesale and lets him fall from his grip, whereas in the novels, he still has him in his grip after saying that.

Kratos never actually gets crushed, and as I've put to you there, which is not covered in that non-canon novel, Kratos did not have his divine power. The scene I put up has him outright state this, as all of it is contained within a blade he did not have access to. Yet despite this, with just his standard demi-god strength, far below that of his peak, he was stopping himself from being crushed by a guy who could hold up all of Greece.

Even if Atlas wasn't using his full strength, as it's just two fingers, it wouldn't be insubstantial, and Kratos, in a very weakened state, held him off in the game version, with no mention to him being about to black out or anything like that. That's impressive, no matter what way you look at it.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member

> Literally hits the chain hard enough to PUSH Atlas's arm up with it (meaning Atlas couldn't resist the force of Kratos' punch/strength).
> Never mind the fact Kratos' capacity to move or break these chains at all while Atlas blatantly can't already shows his superiority.
> TOTALLY NOT overpowering him?

Sure, whatever you say. :heston


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
Mind you, Bob, I ain't arguing for cosmic Kratos at all. What I'm arguing against is your interpretation of what happened with Atlas, which relies on missing context and the use of a non-canon novel.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Yea he did by outmaneuvering altas and hitting the chains onto his forearms
chains that were already there

it's not like he beat the shit out of altas and then tied him down with sheer power alone
Except he totally did as I just demonstrated.
Gets crushed then says im seeking to destroy zeus
which then he lightens his grip yknow like in the novel
No Atlas TRIES to crush him and FAILS multiple times.
Then he stops when Kratos says he's there to destroy Zeus.

That explicitly did not happen in the novel.
Not sure what this proves in terms of there being a contradiction cause it reads the same to me
That would be because you're inherently dishonest and are refusing to acknowledge anything that doesn't fit your view of GOW.

The two scenes are obviously different to anyone with eyes and a functioning brain.
he didt destroy greece when he died and flooded parts of it in gow 3
so your reasoning makes no sense
Yes he did, Greece is flooded in almost its entirety following his death.

It was his power that prevented this from happening and Kratos > Him.
Thor hitting the world tree to get sent back in time is not that impressive
the world tree itself only spans the various realms and in scandavania

all of which share the same physical space
And even if we wanted to go with the lowest end possible. That's still NINE Scandanavia sized landmasses that the Tree is holding, which still makes the feat MASSIVELY beyond just city level or even country level.

To even suggest suggest that harming Jormungandr isn't impressive is fucking moronic on those grounds alone.


The Supreme King
In the original, as soon as he says he seeks to destroy Zeus, Atlas stops trying to crush him wholesale and lets him fall from his grip, whereas in the novels, he still has him in his grip after saying that.
it's the same idea
he lightens his grip to hear him out

this is the thing with different media interpretations of the same scene, there are going to be minor differences
eg anime and manga differences in the same scene

Regardless of the point, I think the intent is clear in both versions
kratos pleads for altas to hear him out as the titan crushes him between his fingers

the intent of that is certainly not lol kratos can solo him
and mind you, this is not even a peak altas

This is a altas using only two fingers and have been forced to carry the entire continent for years on end

Kratos, in a very weakened state, held him off in the game version, with no mention to him being about to black out or anything like that. That's impressive, no matter what way you look at it.

Tbf it's not like the realm has only altas as support
we see in illustrations that the god of war world has various supports

He's able to lift the continent of gteece with some help

i think using this to say kratos can like destroy an entire continent by punching it with his hand or whatever is retarded as not only does altas not give full force here nothing says kratos having good lifting strength means he has good striking strength

like hercules struggled lifting the area that the duo of kratos him and were on


V.I.P. Member

> Literally hits the chain hard enough to PUSH Atlas's arm up with it (meaning Atlas couldn't resist the force of Kratos' punch/strength).
> Never mind the fact Kratos' capacity to move or break these chains at all while Atlas blatantly can't already shows his superiority.
> TOTALLY NOT overpowering him?

Sure, whatever you say. :heston

Only thing I will mention is that Kratos was using the Gauntlet of Zeus to bind Atlas, which lets him hit above his weight class. It’s also what allowed him to kill Persephone while still a mere Demigod.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Only thing I will mention is that Kratos was using the Gauntlet of Zeus to bind Atlas, which lets him hit above his weight class. It’s also what allowed him to kill Persephone while still a mere Demigod.
He still breaks those chains (which Atlas couldn't do) without the gauntlet so the point stands.


The Supreme King
Yes he did, Greece is flooded in almost its entirety following his death.

When all the gods are killed and the plagues were unleashed upon humanity at the end of the game
We see what kratos's revenge has caused the world and we that not everything is flooded as you are suggesting here

And even if we wanted to go with the lowest end possible. That's still NINE Scandanavia sized landmasses that the Tree is holding, which still makes the feat MASSIVELY beyond just city level or even country level.
it's not the lowest end possible
it's what the witch ie freya tells kratos

If following the facts as presented by the god of war video games make it a low end interpretation then how are you getting the high end one by some novel which says it's like infinite branch?

Flowering Knight

V.I.P. Member
As I said up above, lad, some of the boys wanted this thread made, so I made it. If there was ever a time to bring the goods and prove Kratos had reached a higher tier than multi-continent level, it'd be here and now.

@Claudio Swiss @Stocking Anarchy @Flowering Knight you guys have any response to what Nygma has said?
Ignoring Bob's r/WWW-tier baits, it does actually raise a question on what constitutes "world". I'm not going to sit and argue that Kratos is actually universal, but last I checked isn't it generally agreed upon destroying any Earth equivalent (or anything at least considered "the world") would be considered planetary at least? I understand in the case of GOW a lot of it is heavily contextual (and I do agree with a lot of Nygma's points), I'm referring to stuff where the entire Greek/Norse realm is affected. Else that's a notable amount of series getting downgraded.


Man of Atom
I was gonna hold off and not say anything but I gotta say my piece otherwise i would be doing you guys a diservice.

I dont buy Kratos being planet level. Multi-Continental as Blade says makes more sense.

My reasoning is thus: What ability or attack was used to give planet level anything? Yeah I know calcs and shit but hot damn, the calcs are cool and all but the feats just dont really seem to match 90% of the time to stuff being calc'd.

Like: Thor fought Jorm and shook the 9 nine realms, but fighting Kratos that doesnt happen, in fact not a single other fight in the series that I'm aware of comes close to that visually or story wise. Yes Kratos beat Thor in a fight, but imma be honest this seems like a very nerfed thor compared to what they say he can do in the story.

You can say "Well Kratos was holding back too" which i believe to be somewhat true but even then nothing in the original series comes close to planet level visually or story wise from what I've seen.

The only things putting them at that level are calcs. I understand calcs are important to vs debating but sometimes i feel like too much stock is placed on them being enough on their own to carry a feat.

this is just my opinion on it and your free to ignore it if you find it has no weight to it


The Supreme King
I dont buy Kratos being planet level. Multi-Continental as Blade says makes more sense.

not the biggest fan of the continental kratos
but it's far better then some of the dumbass planet to universe lv retardation, alot of normies on youtube and comicvine buy into