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Game Unranked All Fiction Favorites Mafia (GAME THREAD! GAME OVER!)

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Welcome Moon-and-Star, I have prepared a place for you! Come, bring Wraithguard to the Heart chamber, together, let us free the cursed false gods! Welcome Nerevar, together we shall speak for the law and the land and drive the mongrel dogs of the Empire from Morrowind!

Feels good being town.

I'll be as active as i can bee, since i have my exam this week.
Probably town
I don't quite like you trying to paint a negative picture of me for people who haven't seen me play before. Saying "he always acts scummy" is a pretty strong attack on my character :blobwhat
I’m sorry. Fwiw. I generally read people as scummy.
Cuz that part seemed silly and it contaminated the whole thing.
Sussing the town confirmed flower?
Or was saying "interesting" actually just interesting and not interesting in a sus way
The thing is, I’ve played games before where mafia was able to create fake write-ups and they did this exact same thing, had it post the moment day started to auto-confirmed their godfather.
Notes tpein choosing to reply to the bystander rather than the guy he supposedly susses, even though they asked him the same question
He’s probably mafia.
If Psychic was being genuine, i'm hurt :blobcry .

So I almost want to choose to believe that she's scum trying to worsen people's first impression of me.

And i'd say Ratchet and Oneiros are giving me general town vibes.
:catfeelsYou poor baby, maybe I was too focused on that one game. Anyways, I think you’re town maybe.
what happened to "im always right and none is listening" lol
This is why I started to sus her, for this exact same reason.
Vote lynch tpein
Feel tempted to vote him but then feels bad because I killed him in the last two games.
Cubey was another league. Every…single…game….
Ok so you’re Alwaysmind. And yeah whatever happened to that guy? Forgot why he was a day 1 policy.

Could t-pein be jester? Idk maybe. But I feel jester roles should be announced in game mechanics?

Getting a strong townread on Craig.


Lonely at the top
Any summary any of us could give you would be influenced by our respective biases.

So it would be preferable for you to catch up and come to your own conclusions.
Thing is Im not gonna be catching up rn, didnt expect the thread to be at 22 pages hence why Im asking.
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