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Game Unranked All Fiction Favorites Mafia (GAME THREAD! GAME OVER!)

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i only have day 1 to end u

after that game is urs. I'm not going to be active here at all
Ekko, you always complain that you aren't co-operated with. I do so this game to answer your questions and you dismiss everything I say out of hand. It's pointless. Go get your lynch, then you can apologise to me after the game for, once again, ruining the experience.


Lonely at the top
Day is 36h this day phase, so we have time.
Maybe when I wake up, what are you thoughts about Psychic? I didnt like her entrance post. Felt like she was overdoing it compared to how she was in your game. Almost like an over correction of the way she just coasted.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Maybe when I wake up, what are you thoughts about Psychic? I didnt like her entrance post. Felt like she was overdoing it compared to how she was in your game. Almost like an over correction of the way she just coasted.
Eh, she was scum in my game.


Lonely at the top
So I read mangos posts and the first two pages have been mostly nothing so far, just questioning others and not giving any reads or taking any position himself. He only really started taking a position when it came to T-Pein, was T-Pein sussed already when he did that?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Ekko, you always complain that you aren't co-operated with. I do so this game to answer your questions and you dismiss everything I say out of hand. It's pointless. Go get your lynch, then you can apologise to me after the game for, once again, ruining the experience.
i didnt dismiss what u said, i simply dont agree with it. i don't see ur thought flow on mango being as coherent scum hunting as u sell it to be

i don't know what kind of apathetic / give up meta u r trying to establish as a norm here but doesn't matter. i think u made early mistake with the vote of mango then phoned in the read after being asked by me and when you walked it back u kept mango as null / still not town read

when asked for ur scum reads aside from mango/tpein u had none

ur not giving me much to play with. I'm about as done with ur slot tbh. its up to mango to put the nail on the coffin. if he fails to do so id gladly turn on him today


So I read mangos posts and the first two pages have been mostly nothing so far, just questioning others and not giving any reads or taking any position himself. He only really started taking a position when it came to T-Pein, was T-Pein sussed already when he did that?
I can't remember the timing, but I felt similarly in that he was just posting for the sake of it. He felt a bit more genuine after I voted, I don't think I love his T-Pein vote.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Thats my point. Shes overcorrecting her scum coasting is how I feel. Felt a bit self aware to me. Especially when others told her she wont be getting away with coasting anymore.
Hmmmm…can I trust you this game?


i didnt dismiss what u said, i simply dont agree with it. i don't see ur thought flow on mango being as coherent scum hunting as u sell it to be

i don't know what kind of apathetic / give up meta u r trying to establish as a norm here but doesn't matter. i think u made early mistake with the vote of mango then phoned in the read after being asked by me and when you walked it back u kept mango as null / still not town read

when asked for ur scum reads aside from mango/tpein u had none

ur not giving me much to play with. I'm about as done with ur slot tbh. its up to mango to put the nail on the coffin. if he fails to do so id gladly turn on him today
1 - Yes you did.
2 - Dreck.
3 - Sorry I don't scum read half the game?
4 - I've given you enough.

I don't really care Ekko, you ruin every game you're in. The less I have to interact with you, the better.


Objectionable Objection
V.I.P. Member
Probably town

I’m sorry. Fwiw. I generally read people as scummy.

The thing is, I’ve played games before where mafia was able to create fake write-ups and they did this exact same thing, had it post the moment day started to auto-confirmed their godfather.

He’s probably mafia.

:catfeelsYou poor baby, maybe I was too focused on that one game. Anyways, I think you’re town maybe.

This is why I started to sus her, for this exact same reason.

Feel tempted to vote him but then feels bad because I killed him in the last two games.

Ok so you’re Alwaysmind. And yeah whatever happened to that guy? Forgot why he was a day 1 policy.

Could t-pein be jester? Idk maybe. But I feel jester roles should be announced in game mechanics?

Getting a strong townread on Craig.
Alright, alright. I forgive you :vexed

I’m not sure if I like your Flower tinfoil though. Maybe it’s cause I just came off the Greek Mythology game where scum Kobe was constantly tinfoiling about fake writeups and a role that resurrected a town-aligned indie being a cultist. But I prefer theories like that to have actual evidence backing them.

Maybe we’ll see some evidence of fake writeups in this game later, but for now it feels baseless.
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