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Game Unranked Archived Fairy Tail Mafia - The Dawn of Fiore [Main Game Thread] (Game Ended - Zeref Dragneel and Acnologia have won the game)

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Can you elaborate? If I'm not mistaken on your wording, it would seem that you're looking for things you *wouldn't* expect me to say as Town - is this correct?

no. actually i dont even know if a town range is a thing, so that's a bit confusing and my apologies it's terminology i used from another site i played at awhile back. scum range is basically what you're capable of doing to mimic your town play. i.e. x player leads a lynch on y player, they're not scum as it's outside of their scum range to 1) lead a wagon 2) buss a teammate aggressively. there's other things too, like what tweet said about me and nothing being outside of my scum play as it stands by that he means even if i am seemingly doing all pro-town things(making reads, asking questions, trying to get people involved, reaction testing, posting a lot, etc) none of it anything i wouldn't be capable of as scum).

not every good town player is good as scum(and vice versa) so i guess town range would also fall under that. a player that generally doesn't make good reads/catches people but as scum busses heavily and thus always ends up on the right wagons would fall out of his town range.

let me know if that makes sense.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Actually yeah, Imma put RDK as Town on basis of a derp clear. I do think scum would be way more careful lol.


Actually yeah, Imma put RDK as Town on basis of a derp clear. I do think scum would be way more careful lol.
But I didn't even flavor claim lol, this would only make sense if I'd actually done something reckless

Was just talking bout my WG gimmick


town lean: aurelian(for being openly combative with two of the most vocal players early on). it could be somewhat teammate equity with tsword if tsword is to flip scum, but just taking such an opposing stance still felt relatively good to me. i didn't like that the stance was essentially against early town reads tho).
Out of curiosity, where did I defend TSworder? Especially since I way back earlier pressured him with another vote from yours truly to see what his reaction was? If he flips scum, you think I might be scum?


no. actually i dont even know if a town range is a thing, so that's a bit confusing and my apologies it's terminology i used from another site i played at awhile back. scum range is basically what you're capable of doing to mimic your town play. i.e. x player leads a lynch on y player, they're not scum as it's outside of their scum range to 1) lead a wagon 2) buss a teammate aggressively. there's other things too, like what tweet said about me and nothing being outside of my scum play as it stands by that he means even if i am seemingly doing all pro-town things(making reads, asking questions, trying to get people involved, reaction testing, posting a lot, etc) none of it anything i wouldn't be capable of as scum).

not every good town player is good as scum(and vice versa) so i guess town range would also fall under that. a player that generally doesn't make good reads/catches people but as scum busses heavily and thus always ends up on the right wagons would fall out of his town range.

let me know if that makes sense.
It makes sense - this is more or less what I was initially expecting, but when you re-specified town range I assumed there was something else to it.


This is probably Town (?)^.

nadda. i dont think not reading the OP is alignment indicative. it all varies by person. i hate reading anything(in terms of op and even my role lol) as both alignments these days. others are the same on WS.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
nadda. i dont think not reading the OP is alignment indicative. it all varies by person. i hate reading anything(in terms of op and even my role lol) as both alignments these days. others are the same on WS.
I see. I know people who only read the opening post as scum, so it's more Town in my experience, but I will keep that in mind!
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