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Game Ranked The Traitors Mafia

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Sucks it didn't matter lol. Town was a big mess all game. Not much a endgame sub can do to fix this.

I was actually pretty spooked when I saw you and Ratchet subbing into endgame, because I thought you guys would easily clear yourselves and I would be PoE'd. I was correct on the first part, but neither of you snuffed me out even with a fresh pair of eyes, and once I saw that it was over.


The Nexus

MK, 59, Criminal Lawyer, Victoria

Players beware, former cop and current criminal lawyer MK has all the skills necessary to sniff out the guilty... and all the tricks of the trade to cover his tracks. "I have been dealing with liars all my life. Criminal law can be a game of deception but you can't be too soft," he said. "You need the heart of a lion, not the heart of a sheep. I've got the heart of a lion and, in this game, I am there to find the sheep." Having served as a cop for about 10 years, MK said winning The Traitors "is going to be chicken feed to some of the things I've seen".

Passive: You Must say you are town in the thread and if you do you will scan as town to investigative roles.
You are "The Jailor", you may each night put a player in jail, which will protect that player from death, but also prevent them from being able to successfully perform any night actions on that same night. ( x3 )
Shield Finder - Make a list of 5 players, You will be able to learn if any of those 5 players has the shield with them. (not usable after n3) ( X1 )

Faction Powers
- After you have lost at least one of your mafia members you may exchange your faction kill this night and instead send a message to one of the faithful to try and recruit them. They will become "the backup" and will be able to use any shots left by a dead member.
Lynch Control - After n4 and/or when you are down to 2 members you will Trade your faction Kill and instead choose 4 players to be the lynch of the day. You may add yourselves into the list of the 4 players.

Wincon: Eliminate the Faithful


Sandra, 26, Personal Trainer, New South Wales

A woman of many talents, Sandra is a personal trainer, a VIP supervisor at a nightclub and the creator of her own activewear label. "What keeps me going and motivates me to work hard is knowing my parents worked really hard to bring my whole family to Australia and give me the life I have," she said. "I don't want to waste that. I see myself as a winner in life because I choose to see everything through to the end and I won't stop until I get what I want." Arriving at the manor with a strategy in two phases, Sandra plans to first sit back and observe before she strikes. Her second phase will involve working out what to do with all the information she's gathered, forming alliances and manipulating her way to the end. "Any friendships I form in the game are purely strategic," she added, "I'm going to win and if I need to cut those friendships loose at the end, then I will."

You are "The Rolecop" - You may investigate a player and learn their role. ( x2 )

Wincon: Eliminate the Faithful


Angus, 38, Sales Manager, Queensland

"I'm the perfect person to play The Traitors," Sales Manager Angus said, "because not everything that you see is what you get." Hoping that his laid-back surfer look will ease people into a false sense of security, Angus revealed that he has two personas. "There’s Angus, the quiet considered, well-read, analytical orientated guy and then there is my alter ego, Gucci man who is a lot different. He’s extroverted, loves a crowd, high energy risk taker and both sides constantly jostle for my attention”.

You are "The Claim Punisher", After N3 You may Strongman kill any player that has claimed their role.

Wincon: Eliminate the Faithful




Chloe, 30, Clairvoyant, New South Wales -

Chloe has a secret weapon on her side, coming into the manor as a clairvoyant, she hopes using her psychic skills and ability to commune with spirits will give her an extra leg-up in unmasking the Traitors. If selected as one of the Traitors, Chloe knows her poker face will keep her hidden, but she also knows a key aspect to being successful as a Faithful lies in keeping her cards close to her chest. "You can't trust anyone, which is the game."

You are "The Watcher", You may send one of your spirits to watch a player and learn the names of all the players that used a night action on that player that same night. ( x2 )

Wincon: Eliminate the Traitors.


Matt, 32, Real Estate Agent, Queensland

Real estate agent Matt wants to show the world a new side of his industry, sharing one of his favourite sayings, "In life, there are estate agents and there are real estate agents". "Loyalty means everything to me coming from an Italian family," Matt continued. "We're very big on ethics, doing the right thing, loyalty and family is everything." While he thinks he'd make a great Traitor, Matt admitted that he's not in the game for the money, he just wants to be at the end having outsmarted his fellow players.

You are "The OMGUS cop". Once in the game you may find out the alignment of a player that is currently showing intent to vote you or has you in a scum list of sorts

Wincon: Eliminate the Traitors.


Jack, 25, Chess Champion, Queensland

Chess champion Jack has all the experience making the right strategic moves, and though he isn't fond of lying in his everyday life Jack admitted that entering Traitors, "It's the type of game where you leave your morals and ethics at the door". "With my background, I think it would be near impossible for other contestants to have the same level of strategic understanding as me," Jack continued. "At the same time, I believe it's really important to be well-rounded socially and in the challenges. I have to be competitive because this all drives back to my strategic game."

You are "The Persistent Vig", You may kill a player each night, If your kill fails you will be able to continue shooting every night until you successfully kill someone.

Wincon: Eliminate the Traitors.


Kate, 38, Photographer, New South Wales

A photographer and actor, Kate knows that regardless of whether she's a Traitor or Faithful, she'll need to be a bit more devious than she's used to being. "I really need people to be loyal to me but I am not intending on being loyal to them," she explained. "The reason a game like this is so hard is because you need to be switched on 24 hours a day and always thinking about conversations you're having," Kate continued. Though her background in photography has given her plenty of insight into people's behavior, she hopes paranoia won't creep in and cloud her judgement.

You are "The Busdriver", at night you may target two players and switch them, causing any actions directed at one to be used on the other instead. ( x1 )

Wincon: Eliminate the Traitors.


Midy, 29, Strategy Consultant, New South Wales

"If I was chosen as a Faithful then I would feel at home," Midy said, "because I'm authentic and want to be the one who uncovers the wolves hiding amongst us and lead us to victory." The operations manager and part-time model is hoping his love of video games and escape rooms will give him the upper hand in a game of wits. "I'm someone who is going to bring my values from my real life into the game and that's integrity, leading with authenticity and maximising happiness," he said, adding, "I'm also a competitor, but I don't want to compromise on my values."

You are the "Vanilla Cop", You may target a player and find out if they are Vanilla. ( x 1 )

Wincon: Eliminate the Traitors.


Craig, 57, Business Coach, Queensland

A mum of two, Claire is playing the game for her daughters and is out to prove that age is no boundary to pursuing your dreams. "You have to put it into your heart that you can do it, so that's what I'm going to do. We can all do it once you set yourself a goal." Admitting that the idea of toying with people in the game is a fun one, Claire is aware that she and her fellow contestants are entering a very unique set of circumstances. "Nobody gets a chance to be like this," she said. "In real life, it would be horrendous but it's exciting in this game."

Wincon: Eliminate the Traitors.


Lewis, 33, Electrician, Queensland

Dubbing himself a 'smiling assassin', sparky Lewis hopes to hide in plain sight during the game. Whether he's a Traitor or Faithful, Lewis knows his big personality will attract eyes in his direction. "If I was an animal in this game, I would be a rat or a ferret," he said. "I don't want to be a big cat that everyone is looking and hunting for, I want to be the one in the tree who can pop down and take the spoils of war." Lewis knows he may need to lie to get what he needs, and he's willing to do so with the biggest smile on his face.

Wincon: Eliminate the Traitors.


Marielle, 24, Law Student, South Australia

"I've always been motivated to see how much I can do with my life and I don't believe there's anything I can't do," Marielle said. Studying a double degree in law and international politics, Marielle also splits her time as a bartender, a human rights advocate, a volunteer and a triathlete. Her ability to put her mind to whatever she needs to achieve will be instrumental in her success at unmasking the Traitors... or sabotaging the Faithful. "If I leave this game and I've given it everything I have and I have truly performed to my highest level, I'll be satisfied," she added.

Wincon: Eliminate the Traitors.


Mark, 33, Legal Professional, New South Wales

Mark admits that he's competitive and stubborn, which he believes will actually help him get to the end of the game regardless of whether he's a Traitor or Faithful. "I think the biggest obstacle in being a Traitor is not being honest and not genuinely connecting with other people," he admitted. "If you're a Faithful, you can genuinely be with people. I'm quite an open book so I think I would struggle with that," Mark said. The legal professional also wasn't sure how much he'd want to reveal to his fellow players, weighing up keeping his cards close to his chest. "I'm struggling to see how that would benefit me. It's really hard to maintain a lie, it's exhausting."

Wincon: Eliminate the Traitors.


Nigel, 50, Hostage Negotiator, Tasmania

Regardless of if he's a Traitor or Faithful, Nigel will be keeping a lot of his life a major secret in the game. Working now as a hostage negotiator, Nigel was previously a photojournalist who worked in warzones around the world. In 2008, Nigel was kidnapped by Islamist insurgents in Somalia and held with a fellow journalist for 460 days. "I will not be telling anyone about my history," Nigel said, "that would be like suicide. If people worked out I was a hostage negotiator, they would probably find that quite intimidating and not a skill set people would want in the game."

Wincon: Eliminate the Traitors.


Olivia, 43, Forensic Investigator, Victoria

Forensic investigator Olivia is obsessed with solving puzzles, both of the professional and personal variety. "If there was a board game in front of me and a piece was missing," she said, "I would literally turn the house upside down until I found the missing piece." Coming into the game, Olivia isn't here to make friends, she's here to win and she's willing to do what it takes to make sure she's the Faithful... or Traitor standing at the end. "This is a game of deceit and a game where you trust no one. I am going in there knowing everyone is going to be lying to me and I'm a good liar so I will fish them out."

Wincon: Eliminate the Traitors.


Teresa, 42, Sports Club President, Western Australia

"I'm loud, boisterous, bossy. You'll either love me or hate me, there's no in-between," Teresa said, adding, "but I think you'll love me". People are Teresa's superpower, and she hopes to use that to her advantage. The sport club president also manages drag queen shows, is a mum, a DJ and an MC who has worked in front of thousands of people. Though she isn't going into the game with a strategy, Teresa's competitiveness will be what sees her make it to the end. "I don't think you understand how competitive I am," she said. "If I lose this game I am going to cry. I am going to burn down wherever we are and then I'll start a GoFundMe page."

Wincon: Eliminate the Traitors.


Alex, 25, Model, South Australia

Social media coordinator and model, Alex hopes her modelling background will help her in the game, with her fellow contestants assuming she's just a pretty face and not a master strategist. "I want people to believe I'm a gentle, sweet and bubbly soul," Alex said. "I don't want them to know that underneath my sweetness, I'm actually cutthroat."

Wincon: Eliminate the Traitors.

night 1

Richard faction kills CP
Poyser jails Ekko
Ultra rolecops shepard - Result = Richard's role cuz bursdrive.

Ekkologix - Does nothing - holds shield
Natalija - Cops Magic
Magic - Does nothing
hime - Bus drives shepard and Richard
Aurelian - Vanilla checks Hime - result = not vanilla

night 2

Richard faction kills Magic
Poyser jails Ekko
Poyser uses Shield finder.
Ultra rolecops no one, has one shot left.

Ekkologix - Watches Shepard = nothing. Passes shield to ultra.
Magic - Kills Poyser
Aurelian - Vanilla checks Tweet - result = vanilla

Rest was just too easy to note down since town became vanilla.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
The Voyeur claim was the biggest BS I ever saw somebody pull btw. Tf did you let the guy get away with this s***? Voyeur literally hard counters conversions when it says Town receives an invest AFTER a conversion.
  • lel
Reactions: Rej


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I was actually pretty spooked when I saw you and Ratchet subbing into endgame, because I thought you guys would easily clear yourselves and I would be PoE'd. I was correct on the first part, but neither of you snuffed me out even with a fresh pair of eyes, and once I saw that it was over.
PoE: Richard, Kekko, Fang, Ultra.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I'm so furious now. Had I subbed one day sooner Town would have 99% won this game ffs.


Now I know for future reference :jeff

Nah, town likes someone decisive as always. I need a break.

one more game! pls.

also you were on him a few times and then backed off because he asked you in a mean way lol. i found it weird, like you were sus then he'd say you aren't working with him, and so you'd stop being sus even though nothing had changed.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
...well I sort of gave you that information, Flower.
Nah. There was always the possibility of scum being among the 4. I just didn't believe it because they all looked Town. You got lucky I was subbed too late. That is all.
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