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TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition


Niggas absolutely need to find a way to animate Muramasa doing what he does in the Inner Sea.
It was based AF.

The fact that it was not was a huge disservice and fuck FGO's ancient spaghetti code for that.

Also, kinda forgot how much hype Cerunnos has .
-No big deal for him to destroy the planet.
- Once his cursed are sufficiently realesed, not even the Light of the Planet can do shit to him ( so he's stronger than Sefar by default ?)
- Also something about all the magical energy once he began to wake up being equal to Olga's Black Hole
- A Beast (probably the weakest ) barely managed to defend Chaldea from its curses and she got crippled in the process for good.
-Tanked Excal and Rhongo multiple times.
-Doesn't really have any limiters/clear weaknesses aside from the fact that he's immobile but that's rendered moot by his curses.

Like god fucking damn.
I do agree with the Muramasa scene in the Forge, it already looks raw unanimated, I would love having an LB6 Anime just for that scene to be animated.

But yeah, Cernnunos has been given like what? Tiamat level push in terms of getting buildup, showing how deadly he is, how fucked everyone and the Planet is and just how ridiculous he is as a whole.
It actually gives you goosebumps in how well Nasu was able to actually go right back to Babylonia and show how it's done to create a terror that takes everything and it's mother and father to end everyone.

I'm at Albion right now though and it's equally impressive how they point out how tough their Armor and the Storm Border is as a whole(Requires you basically being a Divine Spirit to give it anything more than a scratch) and Albion's Dragon Breath just tears through a chunk of the ship in one hit. Makes sense for the Ultimate Life Form of Dragons but I think it's still just it's hand rather than the true Dragon(I don't know if it got it's full power and I doubt it did).


Not even close.

Albion is literally a Grand Dragon, like the equivalent of a Grand Servant for Dragons. He's also as old as the Planet .

Like, Vortigern, the nigga who almost killed Artoria and Gawain was just a shitty bunshin of half of his aspects.Artoria being the other aspect.

At the end of the day, nigga brute forced his way into the Inner Sea which kinda puts him by default in the top tiers.
Yeah, it's why I didn't feel even remotely comfortable believing that it was the true Dragon at all so yeah, it's still just it's hand... which still shows how absolutely bullshit he is when his hand did that much damage to the Storm Border(Since if I remember right, Dragon Breath = The overall Strength of a Dragon all at once).

EDIT: It was Health Value, not Strength. Had to go look back at it.
I need to get pictures of the Calamity of Dragon Picture Book as I'm only able to get the Albion/Barghest pictures.
I was able to get the other pics but the first one and my Tablet is too slow to take a pic of it properly settled.
Trying to see if people in the FGO Discord has it but it's gonna be a pain


V.I.P. Member
So while this should probably be taken with a grain of salt, apparently in LB 7
Eresh Alter displays sufficient power to "drive off" Sefar in her attempt to stop ORT. She nearly goes [DATA LOST] in the process but that would put her up near Zeus in terms of max power.
And today, I officially finish LB6 and don't worry, I won't dick-suck it or try and be a contrarian for the sake of it:

If LB6.1 was meh and LB6.2 was okay, then LB6.3 is actually pretty great with only a few flaws in it. Of course, alot of this is due to how much stuff was put into Part 1 and 2 to allow Part 3 to have an actual pace and not feel like it's wasting time or giving us needless battles for the sake of it(While I don't count them myself as the whole package, I should look into the fact that others don't see it that way). I won't go into massive details because... well, I suck at describing the whole experience in that fashion without droning on and on about it so I'll just get to brass tacks and get the cons out of the way:

-Certain Scenes should have used cinematics
As Rey so eloquently put it, Muramasa's sacrifice absolutely should have been a cinematic as the VN layout does not do it justice at all despite their best attempts to do so. Others like Tam Lin Melusine, actually seeing Demon Dog Barghest cry or seeing the figure in the storm keep Castoria balanced should have gotten some extra on top of that. It's not a major loss but it does feel like the scenes would pop alot more if they had cinematics to them.

-The Pacing
This is honestly minor and it's just me but while the I stated the pace isn't nowhere near as bad as Part 1 or 2, there are times when it feels it's way too fast or skips something it should given a little more towards. I'm fine with us not seeing Redra Bit's death as that's not important in the grand scheme of things but stuff like the Oberon Vortigern reveal feels like it was rushed a bit as well as the ending sequence and us not seeing the "remains" of Faerie Britain when Ritsuka, Mash and Da Vinci say their goodbyes.

And... that's as far as I can think of to be frank.
Otherwise, Nasu actually goes a LONG way in not only showing but giving us full deets and actual onus on how truly deadly these calamities, and Cernunnos are and just how truly damning they can get. It's honestly not something we have had in a very long time, even if there were explanations for how and why(This goes into the general consensus of how Beasts lost some of their luster after Tiamat and Goetia). It also gives atleast decent outs for even the asshole characters and atleast try and humanize and sympathize with them(Your Mileage Will Vary though).

I will honestly agree with some and say that this is Mash at her absolute apex and I feel Mash needed what happened in LB6 for the longest: A chance to be by herself and do something to actually stabilize herself as her own character. Yes, Observer of The Timeless Temple exists but while it does give Mash a personal arc, it still had her be effectively glued to Ritsuka at the end of the day. This though? It actually gives her something for herself by herself, something that was long, long needed in terms of truly defining her as her own character.
Castoria is another piece of the arc and honestly? She's easily my favorite Servant pairing we've had. I like how at the end of the day, she's nothing like PHH Artoria but at the same time, she also has her heart and drive even if she doesn't believe she has it. She's ultimately a "Savior" that hates her role and just wants to be a normal girl and shows a myriad of hilarious expressions, thoughts and feelings... but she also has actual depth, she doesn't want to disappoint her friends, she deludes herself into thinking the best of people even when she knows it's a crock of shit and thinks the worst. She hates Proper Human History but at the same time, she doesn't loathe it either or wants it gone and understands Faerie Britain needs to go. Even at the end of the day, she never truly realizes who or what she is but ultimately plants into face-first by doing nothing but moving forward because that's what she needs... no, wants to do.

Even Oberon at the end of the day, I just ended up liking him. Even at the final confrontation, you can't even hate the guy as he literally could have killed everyone while they was sleeping... and didn't. He even tries to pretend he did so just to fuck with you and the deception just has him go through with a fight he didn't even need to do. It's showed that while yes, he did fight for Titania and even tried to destroy PHH for Titania, it's also obvious he hates himself and also loathes himself on the fact he hates everything. It makes you just want to give the man a hug.

I have other things to say but I would basically be rambling. Overall, I won't say this is the best Lostbelt or the best story ever, I would honestly tie it with Atlantis-Olympus and Babylonia as the best stories in FGO. While the first part was a slog, it wasn't truly terrible and more a massive establishing saga. Part 2 was better but it dragged it's feet in parts which did hurt the part overall. Part 3 was able to finish strong and get everything nice and tidy at the end with only a few small flaws in the end.
8/10, I honestly enjoyed it and I would absolutely play it again.
Looking at FV and seeing the Nasuverse Thread there is still inactive, this means this is the only real thread for the discussion up now...
I usually don't give a rat's ass but it still kinda sucks seeing it go completely inactive since December and it's now 6-7 months and a Major Story Event and it's now permanently inactive...

In other news, my dumbass didn't realize how Gareth was able to injure Woodwose outside of knowing she's Ainsel's reincarnation as I thought she was hiding her power all along(Even though that makes no sense with the scene when she meets LB Percival)... I didn't realize Nasu was going for what he explained in F/SN:

Here, some exposition about Servants and their nature of being divine mysteries making them difficult to harm without comparable or greater divine mysteries (other servants, sorcery, etc)

Meaning Gareth only hurt Woodwose because as a reincarnation of Ainsel, she has enough mystery as a Clan Leader to hurt Woodwose, opening him up completely to White Light. The funny part is seeing his explanation before it got cut off actually makes it work better as I thought she either hit something important or got strong enough to knock him off balance(Which would be goofy but whatever).
Had to learn it from Beast's Lair from a discussion about the scene itself.

EDIT: And I know remembered he did bring this up in FGO when it was in Lostbelt 1... I feel even dumber now...
I actually forgot to mention this but in the final battle, they actually do have Artoria Avalon canonically use Round of Avalon to temporarily give Mash the double Galahad name boost:
Promised Stars that Assemble in a Perfect Circle
Type: Anti-Army
Range: 1~999
Maximum Targets: All allies

Round of Avalon.
Artoria’s Noble Phantasm after she becomes the Guardian of Britain.
She manifests the Camelot of Twilight and bestows the gift of a "Knight of the Round Table" to those who fight alongside her.
(In game, its effects are the same as Around Caliburn)

So again nice use of Gameplay and Story Integration.

Which is second strongest lostbelt : LB6 or LB5 ?

LB7 should be strongest Lostbelt due to incomplete ORT and Kukulkan.

Sorry for taking so long since I was tired when I first saw the post and then forgot it:

The answer is really difficult to say as in a technical sense, Lostbelt Zeus should be ridiculously strong, bullshit hax strong and thus stronger than Morgan and everyone else in Faerie Britain... the problem with that is in execution, Lostbelt Zeus loves to fuck around and all it takes is throwing out a bigger gun while you come off weaker than him for that to be a non-issue.
The other Machine Gods do also have their absurd brand of hax, I can honestly see Woodwose and the Fang Clan give them monumental levels of hell and even be able to deal with the Olympian Armies and the other Machine Gods can be defeated by less especially with the 12 Rhongomyniads Morgan has.

And then there's also Melusine and Barghest who are just stupid strong and that's before we get to the Calamities which is basically game over for anyone who isn't Zeus...
So yeah Beryl wasn't exaggerating, LB6 is pretty ridiculous even in comparison to LB5.


I actually forgot to mention this but in the final battle, they actually do have Artoria Avalon canonically use Round of Avalon to temporarily give Mash the double Galahad name boost:
Promised Stars that Assemble in a Perfect Circle
Type: Anti-Army
Range: 1~999
Maximum Targets: All allies

So again nice use of Gameplay and Story Integration.

Sorry for taking so long since I was tired when I first saw the post and then forgot it:

The answer is really difficult to say as in a technical sense, Lostbelt Zeus should be ridiculously strong, bullshit hax strong and thus stronger than Morgan and everyone else in Faerie Britain... the problem with that is in execution, Lostbelt Zeus loves to fuck around and all it takes is throwing out a bigger gun while you come off weaker than him for that to be a non-issue.
The other Machine Gods do also have their absurd brand of hax, I can honestly see Woodwose and the Fang Clan give them monumental levels of hell and even be able to deal with the Olympian Armies and the other Machine Gods can be defeated by less especially with the 12 Rhongomyniads Morgan has.

And then there's also Melusine and Barghest who are just stupid strong and that's before we get to the Calamities which is basically game over for anyone who isn't Zeus...
So yeah Beryl wasn't exaggerating, LB6 is pretty ridiculous even in comparison to LB5.
Well, LB6 does indeed won though in story against LB5.
Magellan tree got burned. Morgan's planning caught Wodime by surprise.

Edit: Also, isn't the main reason Zeus can't go all out is mainly because he dedicated most of his power for maintaining Olympus?
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There's a big Eye in the sky that we don't know much about that in theory, could bump up LB5 to being the strongest out of the bunch.
Or not.

Can't say for sure until we get the full info , if we ever do so... yeah.


There's something that makes me thinking, not about power level though.

In lb6, it's stated that Morgan made a deal with Mab that should anything happens to her, Mab or her successor will take over.
However, as we know, the throne is customized for Fairy of Paradise only and Mab isn't one.

Does Morgan already takes this into account? Does it stated that Mab and her successor can also control the throne? (probably not the Rhongo function)
There's something that makes me thinking, not about power level though.

In lb6, it's stated that Morgan made a deal with Mab that should anything happens to her, Mab or her successor will take over.
However, as we know, the throne is customized for Fairy of Paradise only and Mab isn't one.

Does Morgan already takes this into account? Does it stated that Mab and her successor can also control the throne? (probably not the Rhongo function)

Yes, it's all but stated Morgan took it into account as the Rhongo function is only for Avalon Le Fae, it was never stated anything else in the Throne WASN'T designed for someone else to use.

It makes less sense as it was all but stated Mab actually had Morgan on the ropes until she realized that killing Morgan would damn everyone as no one else could stand on the Throne and keep the Faeries alive and summoned. Most likely after that, Morgan kept that part around but otherwise kept the weapon function to just her(As it was literally tuned for Morgan to handle it). It also makes sense that out of all people, Morgan never touched Knocknarea or even seen her as an enemy despite doing everything even beyond what Spriggan and Aurora did despite having her clones demolish everyone else, including her army(This is despite the fact it's explicitly shown Morgan can and WILL kill defectors the second they made their intentions known).