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Game Ranked Darkest Dungeon Mafia - Game Thread Day 6

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Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I went back and checked. She was faking/forcing reads from the word go, even though she was lacking presence early on

I don't wanna oversell here because I do think she's showing somewhat similar behavior in regards to lurking

But for me to buy her as scum I'd have to assume she doesn't salivate at the opportunity to dirty other players. I guess she kind of alluded to it with her bussing comment, but she had 0 direction other than Psychic. Which doesn't make sense from what I saw of her. Would expect her to even start bussing a different team mate or something, thinking it would advance her position. She did nothing.
i'll give my 2 cents, i dont think her response to being wagoned is the same as last game.. but again... didnt read much

i shud probably stop talking altogether

The X


I'm not as confident in the Juice direction. Here are some of my observations of her behavior in my game

1) She feels productivity obligation. Try harding a bit, felt obligated to come up with a bunch of nonsense forced reads at the start of the game to seem productive.

2) Busses as a fall back. When she got suspected, every other post was Mango mango mango, she retreated to bussing constantly as a safe position, and then just came up with excuses for taking her pushes off the plate when it came time to mislynch.

I think the biggest problem with painting Juice as scum here is that while her behavior around Psychic looks awkward in isolation, I see almost 0 attempt from her to tie in anyone to Psychic or paint anyone else as suspect. This is remarkably strange, I think, for her to do at her level of scum play.
What do you make of her saying my posts are forced and I am a wolf but when I ask for examples and reasons, I get ignored?

The X

can u think of roles that BPD can be to know for fact that tpein is either town or GF. roles that are not vig nor cop. and somehow know for fact that tpein inst serial either

evans seem to think there are other roles that can do that, but he wont tell me so my team doesn't know about it. wud appreciate if you do!
Why the fuck do you keep fishing?



I'm not as confident in the Juice direction. Here are some of my observations of her behavior in my game

1) She feels productivity obligation. Try harding a bit, felt obligated to come up with a bunch of nonsense forced reads at the start of the game to seem productive.

2) Busses as a fall back. When she got suspected, every other post was Mango mango mango, she retreated to bussing constantly as a safe position, and then just came up with excuses for taking her pushes off the plate when it came time to mislynch.

I think the biggest problem with painting Juice as scum here is that while her behavior around Psychic looks awkward in isolation, I see almost 0 attempt from her to tie in anyone to Psychic or paint anyone else as suspect. This is remarkably strange, I think, for her to do at her level of scum play.
While fair, it pales when you consider that with Mango, she was bussing him to survive longer, yet with Psychic the goal would presumably be to have her live longer. I can probably agree to not lynching her today, I would also argue however that her early game had her be unreasonably confident on Dalton (asking for votes to go to him) which... isn't a great look for him actually if she is in fact scum.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Why the fuck do you keep fishing?
its more of mocking, i know evans doesn't have examples id love for him to present me with some

im building a scum read on him for that interaction and how he placed his vote on me for pressure but hasnt bothered asking me anything since

The X

This would only work if both Ekko and Ratchet are mates no?
Yes, it's possible. I feel better about Ekko being wolf than I do Ratchet. I did town lean Ratchet D1, but like I said, I think there's a possibility that he bussed Psychic based on what he had to say around who started the Psychic wagon, him or Ultra. I think how he's dealing with my slot is incredibly bad faith as well.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
While fair, it pales when you consider that with Mango, she was bussing him to survive longer, yet with Psychic the goal would presumably be to have her live longer. I can probably agree to not lynching her today, I would also argue however that her early game had her be unreasonably confident on Dalton (asking for votes to go to him) which... isn't a great look for him actually if she is in fact scum.
it could be a case similar to alco's early posts to magic last game too btw

The X

I'll respond to this bit - I did not say this. I said Ultra voted her after I brought up scum reading her, which he did, to evidence why I thought he could potentially have bussed her. You will have a much better time and I will be much more likely to treat whatever you have to say in good faith once you stop replacing what actually happened with what you assume I was going for.
This is exactly what I said. Ha.

The X

You discussed the possibility of Ultra bussing, and then said Ultra voted only after you sussed Psychic, seemingly dismissing his credit for lynching Psychic.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Pein is an idiot, so yes he would go after one of the few players who showed him leniency, he sucks dick as scum and forces shit like this constantly.
pein is based af i wont allow this slander

he ran circles around both alignments in your game as indie
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