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Ranked Baki Mafia

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It was a nipple slip joke. Thank you, I'll be here all night.

daffy duck thank you GIF by Looney Tunes


"Too much about the fluff/lore, feels like busy work and setup spec" doesn't enthrall me either with Xenos' early posts. He did this in the Eastenders game as scum when paired with Flower. Well, more fluff posting day 1 then actual set up spec but same difference."
I'm guessing reading comprehension isn't your strong suit here.

"feels like busy work and set up spec" was the comparison being drawn with how you mindlessly talked about british pop culture and tv-shows to cover for your activity since you were a paired SK duo with Flower. And it got you caught. I didn't say you actually set up specced the Eastenders game. You are droning on over the same thing you misunderstood for two straight posts since my reply to you and vote on you.

You are getting very defensive here.
I did literally 0 setup spec in Eastenders.
See above.
You said I fluffposted more, not that I didn't do any.

And again. I was just in the Jojo's game with you. Funny you brought up an old ass game to sus me while ignoring I was just in you with. Almost like you knew that game would hurt the point you were trying to make, and people wouldn't know about it anyway since it's not on the same forum.
Why would I care about the Jojo game? Go ahead and bring it up as much as you want.


Xenos your failing to understand I'm drawing parallels in your day 1 here with your opening and early posts to the Eastenders game, rather then simply trying to push a more recent game where you were town. I'm straight up stating I don't town read you and likened to a past game where you were not town and got outted for playing and behaving a similar way.

If this doesn't dawn to you why I brought it up then I don't know what else to say but that's a you problem.

Chairman Nibel

Breath of the Wild
V.I.P. Member
I don't know how everybody is playing most of the time since I'm new and you're talking about previous games you played with these people. Then, is it possible for you to precise your thought process on why their playstyle is different from other games?


@xenos5 if you think also I'm unfairly shading you and also scummy or potential scum myself in your eyes, then why aren't you voting me?


Xenos your failing to understand I'm drawing parallels in your day 1 here with your opening and early posts to the Eastenders game, rather then simply trying to push a more recent game where you were town. I'm straight up stating I don't town read you and likened to a past game where you were not town and got outted for playing and behaving a similar way.

If this doesn't dawn to you why I brought it up then I don't know what else to say but that's a you problem.
I'm willing to roll with a meta argument if you're that into bonking xeno. I don't agree with it but sure.

Let's say you're wrong though; Why are we pushing Sky out? And why xeno over Craig who you think could be an infolynch?


I see parity and equity between Xenos, Craig, and Sky. Who would be the other two players your scum reading?
I think Magic and Retro are slots you should re-evaluate. You can even throw my slot into your POE if you believe I'm defending either xeno or sky here.
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