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Ranked Baki Mafia

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No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
If everything you're saying is true why would I bother? I've already said I think you're town anyway lol. Relax
Right, why would scum ever insult and try demoralizing and discrediting Town. Nobody has ever done that before /s .


Right, why would scum ever insult and try demoralizing and discrediting Town. Nobody has ever done that before /s .
Errr maybe because I'm being accused of bussing and having valid info ignored by someone that has just latched onto an idea floated by another player


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Errr maybe because I'm being accused of bussing and having valid info ignored by someone that has just latched onto an idea floated by another player
I literally wanna lynch Gad the most, so yeah, miss me with that.

I‘m just willing to compromise to give Gram his lynch since he‘s likely getting offed soon.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻

Final Vote Count, Day 2

Bachi - Frinckles > Magic > Unvote > Magic
Xenos - Nibel > Aurelian > Jinri > Magic
Nibel - Frinckles > Magic > Unvote > Magic
Magic - Nibel > Jinri
Aurelian - Nibel > Jinri > Gram
CraigPelton - Magic > Aurelian > Magic
Gad - Nibel
Gram - Aurelian > Magic > Unvote > Magic > Unvote > Magic
Frinckles - Jinri > CraigPelton > Nibel > Magic
Flower - Magic > Unvote > Magic

Magic - 7
Nibel - 1
Jinri - 1
Gram - 1

Majority has been reached

On my way back home from vacation. But I think the direction we should go next is fairly obvious.

[Vote Lynch: Aurelian]

I did not say you didn't town read anyone. I said you used past metas to shade people as scum but never used meta when it came to town reading.

Sky is the perfect example since she literally brought up to you that you'd never played a game with her where she was town. You could've bothered to look up a game you didn't play in where she was, but you didn't.

The way you use meta is one-sided as hell and not giving people the full picture.

Vote jinri

Almost back home.

vote lynch: gadministrator

Vote Lynch Fang

I‘m going to bed. Happy to lynch either of RDK/Gad/Fang.


Nobody hammer anything before I wake up. GN.

Xenos: Fang
Frinckles: Jinri
RDK: Gad
Flower: Fang < unvote
Nibel: Fang

So currently:

3 votes - Aurelian
1 vote- Jinri
1 vote - Gad

If I'm getting lynched then get on with it, especially if RDK thinks I'm now scum and Flower cravenly unvoted and Gramm not casting his vote yet; You only need 6 to hammer. So go ahead and crucify me since I'm scum due to Magic's flip, right?

@Frinckles your wasting your vote on Jinri.
@Grammaton go ahead and vote me.
@Flower stop whining and off me.
@RDK go ahead and add your vote to the roast.

I'll even do a solid and self hammer once I'm at 5 votes.

Magic also called me a dumb c***. Guess what he flipped.

Vote RDK.

Vote Lynch Aurelian

I'm done.


I genuinely do think we will lose if I'm lynched today, this is in no way a jab since I haven't really read anything or contributed a solution either but it frightens me that gram and flower don't seem to have anything past the three being floated and are so confident in that they're willing to sacrifice an investigative role as the first domino

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
I genuinely do think we will lose if I'm lynched today, this is in no way a jab since I haven't really read anything or contributed a solution either but it frightens me that gram and flower don't seem to have anything past the three being floated and are so confident in that they're willing to sacrifice an investigative role as the first domino
Who would you go for today?

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
I think that they're also basing their read on you over the theory there's a strong scum team involved, which you fit the profile for

This assumption could be wrong, but it may be an aspect as to why they're gunning for you


I'm also more than happy to put on record that yes, I theoretically could be bussing. And in grams shoes I'd likely be considering that too. So if it helps you keep me around knowing that I won't be able to push that as a defence with this on record, then here it is
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