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Game Ranked Hades Mafia - Game Thread

The Orca

Ratchet avoided Ekko until last possible time basically

The hammer

3 people either not knowing the vote count or playing games...interesting

Of the people off Ekko...Aurelian, Ratchet, Lethal, Melkor, Nibel

People who was on Watson when she took the lead, but flipped late to Ekko or elsewhere or not involved

Poyser, Ratchet, Nibel, Magic, Hime, Lethal

Removing the suspects I've been pushing (Aurelian, Ratchet, Poyser). That leaves Nibel, Magic, Hime, Lethal

Feeling Hime and Magic good for the day...Nibel and Lethal would be the targets
Also add Melkor/RDK

Hans Tweetenberg

I don't see Watson using a claim with low longevity. Especially not if her teammate was the other option for the day.

Her play has been poor I agree but I just don't see her as scum
Let's say if she hadn't fired back at Ekko the way she did, I woulda bought it as Ekko trying to build a fake connection, but the back and forth "no u" just struck me as really really fake

Hans Tweetenberg

I'd love to wagon Lethal but voting the guy isn't gonna accomplish much other than to prompt another one of them super agitated reentrances that reduces his flip to a coin toss

Can we try and extract something more than his hype PR out of Polar perhaps?

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
can everyone give their top 3 suspects pls so we can formulate a proper direction rather than individual leave shit streaks on the wall and admire them.

nibel-as explaind

gad-think id prefer getting a proper claim from him and even in his most recent multiquote i feel like there really isn't many reads being made by him and it just fits the bill as his scum play.

retro(i dont mind her being lynched, but want to use the day for other shit and we'll see if she comes back with anything better than she has which has been mostly surface level "oh look, shiny" shit.

i still dont really get scum vibes from orca. like he seems to believe in the shit he's saying to the full extent and doesn't really care how he's coming across or playing with any sort of agenda.
Lethal - self-explanatory. I'm putting him as a soft scum lean and giving him leniency because of being in two games which is what RDK mentioned iirc. Otherwise, his play is lacking - my gut tells me his play is scummy. Although I won't discount the possiblity he's just auto scum each game by default now.
I can see him killing Craig proactively as a survival mechanism.

Nibel - Reading him is a pain. Him announcing he'll switch up his play (and followed up on it - respect for this ngl) gives him a decent opportunity to simply use this different method as an excuse. Could be as simplistic as a case of just being NAI, however.

This guy is just... a difficult slot.

Xad - It's different this game, tonally town. His overall content is lacking like Lethal's. He has a teeny bit more time to dedicate to the game and it simply isn't enough to gauge him as town yet for me.
Beyond that basis, his reactivity is absent. There isn't a lot of interaction on his part, just follow ups. I'm noting my own hypocrisy here - I suppose it's a rather weak reason, gut says he might be scum.

Ratchet I suspect ever so slightly but he's more null - read may be evaluated depending if his play stays like this. Possibly indie, perhaps. When he's indie he can do far more damage, but it's not something I'm going to give laser focus to right now.

I'm still working on ISOs atm
Finally visiting family so I'll try my best to pop in and dedicate some more detailed analyses

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
I'd love to wagon Lethal but voting the guy isn't gonna accomplish much other than to prompt another one of them super agitated reentrances that reduces his flip to a coin toss

Can we try and extract something more than his hype PR out of Polar perhaps?
I was wondering why on earth no one was talked about his extraordinary enthusiasm

I'm willing to chalk it up as reaction bait

If not, does Gram put post restrictions in his games? Can't remember

Polar Bear

Well pilgrims, after a quick skim through of end of day,

Ultra for sure. Voted up ekko, bailed at the opportune time to ensure ekkos survival, after Watson claimed he moved to dofla and not back to ekko (he had dofla as null and ekko scum at that time 🤔), then only when ekko looked like it was the answer did he finally go back

vote ultra

pilgrims pilgrims, the time is now for we ride to Valhalla on chariots of gold after our victory!!!!


Well pilgrims, after a quick skim through of end of day,

Ultra for sure. Voted up ekko, bailed at the opportune time to ensure ekkos survival, after Watson claimed he moved to dofla and not back to ekko (he had dofla as null and ekko scum at that time 🤔), then only when ekko looked like it was the answer did he finally go back

vote ultra

pilgrims pilgrims, the time is now for we ride to Valhalla on chariots of gold after our victory!!!!

You're just mad I bag more scum and more hoes because bitches love the Grizz Rizz

Polar Bear

You're just mad I bag more scum and more hoes because bitches love the Grizz Rizz
I fully admit you bad more bc you buss your friends and family. Here in the town of whooville we cherish the friends that come and go as if they are a part of the family

Whooville 4 ever!!!!


Ratchet avoided Ekko until last possible time basically

The hammer

3 people either not knowing the vote count or playing games...interesting

Of the people off Ekko...Aurelian, Ratchet, Lethal, Melkor, Nibel

People who was on Watson when she took the lead, but flipped late to Ekko or elsewhere or not involved

Poyser, Ratchet, Nibel, Magic, Hime, Lethal

Removing the suspects I've been pushing (Aurelian, Ratchet, Poyser). That leaves Nibel, Magic, Hime, Lethal

Feeling Hime and Magic good for the day...Nibel and Lethal would be the targets

You're neglecting the fact that a lot of these vote placements were to get her claim and then they went back to Ekko.

Also even if players weren't voting for Ekko at any given time, do you like, read their posts and see what they had to say ever?

Because not only are you yourself one of those players but you also straight up cleared him for no reason

The Orca

You're neglecting the fact that a lot of these vote placements were to get her claim and then they went back to Ekko.

Also even if players weren't voting for Ekko at any given time, do you like, read their posts and see what they had to say ever?

Because not only are you yourself one of those players but you also straight up cleared him for no reason
Like do you really believe I was clearing him lmao

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
agree with all of this and said as much earlier. I haven't read gad successfully yet on this forum but I feel like he's a bad boy this game
So Gad is Captain Coinflip, as stated previously
primary scum reads:
ekko (performative posting that lacks his special brand of town strategic thinking, throwing a lot at the wall, self-revolving reads)
retro (struggled to generate content on slots besides her own, uncharacteristically shallow and pointed posts when not talking about herself, ekko MQ felt rushed and a response to building suspicion on her slot, potential play for credit)
gad (can't back up any direction he's endorsed or reads he's given)

secondary scum reads:
t-pein (hesitation to vote ekko fits scum meta, complained about 48hr day but dragged his feet when presented an opportunity to accelerate things)
dofla (seemed enthused to play in sign ups but has brought zero energy or content)

feeling good about FOR NOW:
ultra (ekko direction)
ratchet (ekko direction)
tweet (general thoughts)
alco (retro direction and general thoughts)
luka (idk feels obvtown, have liked their post-spam phase posts)
nibel (idr why I had an early town lean here)
xadlin (doesn't seem as paralyzed this game)
magic (I don't see the aurelian angle for scum magic or much positional play going on at all)

on the fence:
poyser (didn't get in early enough on ekko for me, magic vote may have been performative, didn't stick, keeps liking all of my posts)
aurelian (was thinking town but magic has me second guessing this slot)
orca (was thinking town but ultra has me second guessing)

no opinion:

this is where I'm at on everyone. been procrastinating work too much today so gotta go heads down. bbl. fine with coming back to an ekko lynch.

Accuracy on Ekko is a good sign, helps me ISO what Ekko's motives are. I think we're kindred spirits in a way so I'm pretty confident reading his motives despite him being an enigma to everyone else due to his process. Gonna think on this when I snag Ekko's posts that stick out the most

Fair legacy read on me -I get genuinely frustrated and lose my mind (which ironically opens me up to emotional manipulation from scum) when people think the excuses are bullshit, disenguine because of their read on me, whatever else

With the observation over his read on T-pein, T is actually very good at distancing and I can see Ekko and T making that play. I know he sticks to his guns when something ticks, however, so that aspect is NAI

Ultra and Ratchet are coin flips this game, but I'm more comfortable reading him as town and I think he's an asset when Ratchet is around because his obstinance outweigh's Ratchet's patience when he's scumhunting him

Tweet I feel comfortable null reading. Last scum game I still can't identify what his tells even are and I'm not sure if this is the only thing I'm struggling with. He's my Ekko in sense - if someone can elaborate on the specific characteristics on his scum play to help me cross reference I'll give you my left tit and kidney

Luka is town lmao

Putting some of these slots on a spectrum because I'm undecided until I see further content or town signals:
Magic is scum lean to a possibly stronger null read. Potential for power wolfing is something that's highly concerning. He seems to have more time to dedicate to playing than the last few games which either a good sign or very bad sign, haven't perfected my read on his meta yet

I like Poyser's persistence, right to scumhunting, instinctual proactivity, saying the right things that gives no sense he's doing it to push a narrative which imo is too bold for scum. But I also don't know his play well either and I think it's only been 2 games? I probably should be less confident surrounding this slot but I think it's highly unlikely he's scum despite my inexperience

Aurelian is town
Orca null
Polar null
hime town to strong null
Lethal is a scum lean, his play this game mirrors his usual play as scum. Or, again, he's impossible to differentiate

Gad also don't know. Tonally town, but highly likely to deep wolf as town. He's an extremely good actor and I'm not going to underestimate that, much like we other players here (utmost respect, not really related)

don't waste a cop on scum gad. cop someone like lethal or polar imo

let's get it

vote Gad

Not sure how scum are gonna fake that claim

Then it would get easily found out in mass claim

Well I think we should just call it a day and lynch ekko here

Still think TPein is in scum range

vote dofla
Incorrect in hindsight; on point with Ekko on hindsight
I can se equity with Ekko and Gad
Retro did kinda drop that claim and take cover didn't she lol

Aight I'm pulling the plug

vote ekko

At the risk of reigniting a debate I don't give a shit about, I thought you weren't scum reading orca?
Other stuff that probably didn't need to be quoted and also I forgot what I wanted to type because this gummy and gin is hitting me

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
3 people either not knowing the vote count or playing games...interesting

Of the people off Ekko...Aurelian, Ratchet, Lethal, Melkor, Nibel

People who was on Watson when she took the lead, but flipped late to Ekko or elsewhere or not involved
I'm generally okay with this post but if your logic applies to those posters, it should apply to me in a sense, no?

Why or why not?


The Nexus
why we lynching retro pein

ekko was at -1 at some point.
Like I said, if he was town he wulda got lynched.
Unless scum was, all the scum team was on kekko at that time which I doubt.

Same here with watson.
Just needed 4 more to get lynched.
scum could had lynched retro but didnt.

Ekko 5 - Gad, Luka, Watson, Tpein, Xadlin

Watson 7 - Alco, Ekko, Tweet, Poyser, Nibel, Magic, Hime

Also Ratchet 100% scum it retro isnt.

The Orca

I'm generally okay with this post but if your logic applies to those posters, it should apply to me in a sense, no?

Why or why not?
The assumption for now is you are town. If Zeus is in the game and dies instead of you, you are outed scum. So for now we can assume your slot is town. Don't like how you progressed through D1, but im good puting you as possible town for now...which means no, the same logic wouldn't apply in your case of the voting, doubly so since you were the counterwagon option

The Orca

ekko was at -1 at some point.
Like I said, if he was town he wulda got lynched.
Unless scum was, all the scum team was on kekko at that time which I doubt.

Same here with watson.
Just needed 4 more to get lynched.
scum could had lynched retro but didnt.

Ekko 5 - Gad, Luka, Watson, Tpein, Xadlin

Watson 7 - Alco, Ekko, Tweet, Poyser, Nibel, Magic, Hime

Also Ratchet 100% scum it retro isnt.
Translate this for me

The Orca

Genuine question.
Anyways, I'm going to go get Drunk and then come back to thread. I'll likely be much more clear then.
Anyone else mildly concerned that this comes when Luka gets some votes and then we don't get drunk Luka back?