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Game Ranked Castlevania animated series Mafia - Game Thread

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Lonely at the top
But I think you know that's now what I was proposing, I made it pretty clear I think mafia are gone, so it felt like a leading question, a strawman you could easily knock down
Dude I woke up and saw votes on me and figured you dumbasses were linking me to Craig.


Polarized Noob
I feel like Luka's reads are pretty phoned in today, they're providing reasons but I think their speculation around SK looks very fake, I feel like they're not wrestling with the question very much
I'm wrestling in my PM with something else
I think my reasons are at least decent, Hans did shift from me to Fuji being the SK with really no reasoning backed behind it.

Hans Tweetenberg

I'm wrestling in my PM with something else
I think my reasons are at least decent, Hans did shift from me to Fuji being the SK with really no reasoning backed behind it.
You keep downplaying everything I say. Earlier you said I was "just saying things", now evidently I have "no reason" to switch from you to Fuji when the reasons are clearly out there, why are you acting like this?
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