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To Aru vs Kamen Rider

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One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
My dude, do you even know what the fuck you just said? So Othinus, fucking Othinus is weaker and less skilled than the Magic Gods? The same Magic Gods who you JUST FUCKING SAID can't control their power to the point they need to "infinitely infinite" divide themselves just so they don't destroy the Universe? Meanwhile in the same breath, then say they can just do shit like that because concepts have no meaning... until they do?

At this point, I think this is literally just a VSB situation and we are all being taken for a ride... except VSB doesn't wank To Aru as hard as you guys do.

Motherfucker, that's you projecting! I have literally looked at the context you brought up and it's either absolutely nothing, can be seen as a metaphor/simile or the characters straight up talking out of their ass.
You literally denied the very context you brought up before with Touma not being the true chosen for the IB and how IB originally was just to further bitch at me.

You have fucking NOTHING and it's why people treat the franchise as NOTHING.
It's a two-way street, genius.

She's weaker than them (and thus doesn't need the requisite skill/specific circumstances to manifest her full power in the surface world) AND is less skilled than them.

It's not complicated.

Direct me to the exact post you're referring to. I have no clue wtf you're talking about.

Flowering Knight

V.I.P. Member
Legit nearly the entire reason why To Aru is considered as "strong" as it is (and why people here view it the way they do) is because the To Aru stans here go "nuh uh" to any and all possible arguments.

We got dudes here posting feats left in right and all they're doing is stonewalling that would've made the Yhwachposters on fanzverse blush.

Twenty bucks says that if we keep this going for a few more months they're going to be attempting this against someone like Lucifer Morningstar.
It's a two-way street, genius.

She's weaker than them (and thus doesn't need the requisite skill/specific circumstances to manifest her full power in the surface world) AND is less skilled than them.

No, no, fuck off Paxton, shut the fuck up and listen to me:

You guys stated that Othinus is exactly as powerful as she is without Gungnir, that means that Othinus can do all of that bullshit you stated she can do if she didn't have to deal with the 50/50.
None of that comes off ANY differently than you stated what The Magic Gods are capable of, right down to being able to screw with concepts like speed and distance(and somehow being able to hit 2 human sized people with an Arrow as big as a planet and not knock them around but I don't care).

You guys said all of that... and this is why because nothing the "True" Magic Gods does is any fucking different than what Othinus could do and what was demonstrated... was fucking ass.
Not even fucking Corozaon did ANYTHING above Othinus, even her grand final attack was just creating another Gungnir and it did fucking NOTHING even if we say it's because Platinum Accel blocked it, it still was fucking NOTHING.

So when people ask you these things and be critical of these things? This is why. It's just words and comes from sources no one knows, no one can trust and you are not giving people PROPER context. This is why To Aru is seen as a joke here, plain and simple.


V.I.P. Member
Legit nearly the entire reason why To Aru is considered as "strong" as it is (and why people here view it the way they do) is because the To Aru stans here go "nuh uh" to any and all possible arguments.
Your lack of self-awareness is impressive
Legit nearly the entire reason why To Aru is considered as "strong" as it is (and why people here view it the way they do) is because the To Aru stans here go "nuh uh" to any and all possible arguments.

We got dudes here posting feats left in right and all they're doing is stonewalling that would've made the Yhwachposters on fanzverse blush.

Twenty bucks says that if we keep this going for a few more months they're going to be attempting this against someone like Lucifer Morningstar.

They already did it against Nidium and God Head in the To Aru vs. The Neverraine thread a few months ago.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
No, no, fuck off Paxton, shut the fuck up and listen to me:

You guys stated that Othinus is exactly as powerful as she is without Gungnir, that means that Othinus can do all of that bullshit you stated she can do if she didn't have to deal with the 50/50.
None of that comes off ANY differently than you stated what The Magic Gods are capable of, right down to being able to screw with concepts like speed and distance(and somehow being able to hit 2 human sized people with an Arrow as big as a planet and not knock them around but I don't care).

You guys said all of that... and this is why because nothing the "True" Magic Gods does is any fucking different than what Othinus could do and what was demonstrated... was fucking ass.
Not even fucking Corozaon did ANYTHING above Othinus, even her grand final attack was just creating another Gungnir and it did fucking NOTHING even if we say it's because Platinum Accel blocked it, it still was fucking NOTHING.

So when people ask you these things and be critical of these things? This is why. It's just words and comes from sources no one knows, no one can trust and you are not giving people PROPER context. This is why To Aru is seen as a joke here, plain and simple.
Yeah, true Gremlin are stronger versions of her. What's so hard to get about that?

Coronzon was stopped in her plan to destroy all of creation, and Flaming;Sword isn't literally equal to Gungnir (it's superior).
You'd know all of this if you actually took the time to read the novel excerpts that are posted instead of wiki articles.

So your point is...? What? That all of this is actually shoe level or some shit because "no big boom on screen"?
That's your argument?

"it's just words"
It's a book, wtf are you even talking about? That's how books work.

"sources no one knows"
Nearly every time an excerpt is posted I include the volume it's from.

"not giving proper context"
See what I said earlier about you plugging your fingers into your ears.

The volumes are right here.
You're so skeptical? Read that shit yourself.
Yeah, true Gremlin are stronger versions of her. What's so hard to get about that?

Hey Pax, pax? Come here, I won't bite...
Okay? Okay.

The story telling us they are stronger isn't fucking enough! There's a goddamned good reason why when Nasu decided to revise the powerscaling, no one knew where to genuinely put the TYPEs until Lostbelt 7 rolled around.
It was the same shit with the retarded Transcedental deal that happened with Bleach due to Kubo using the idea and then dropping it, meaning everyone has a shitty take on the power level system due to it.

Coronzon was stopped in her plan to destroy all of creation, and Flaming;Sword isn't literally equal to Gungnir (it's superior).
You'd know all of this if you actually took the time to read the novel excerpts that are posted instead of wiki articles.

Again, more words that ultimately amount to JACK AND SHIT! So are we stating that Platinum Accelerator is beyond "All of Creation" now? Is he the next being "Superior to God" like Fiamma was after the absorbed the IB? So what is Dragon King Touma? Is he double Superior now?

"it's just words"
It's a book, wtf are you even talking about?

Yeah there's still problems with that regardless, doesn't matter if it's a Book, VN or LN, there's a reason why people have issues with that and authors tend to have their own problems when it comes to those and VS. settings.

"sources no one knows"
Nearly every time an excerpt is posted I include the volume it's from.

With shitty contexts that make no sense unless someone read To Aru... which none of us did. We talked about this Paxton when the very first time, you gave us no context that Touma wasn't chosen for the IB and had outside assistance for that.

"not giving proper context"
See what I said earlier about you plugging your fingers into your ears.

Yeah sure buddy, you do that with every franchise that isn't To Aru.

The volumes are right here.
You're so skeptical? Read that shit yourself.

I'm not gonna read the fucking Light Novels to understand your ridiculous ass context, that's your job and you are failing MISERABLY at it.


Man of Atom
Feat shows the range of influence of their powers. Subconsciously and while cut off from everything else in their own Phase that’s so vast, every hair’s breadth is an infinite space.
And this means what exactly? Their power reaches far, neat, what exactly does that mean for them when fighting someone like Gaim
Not having a physical form doesn’t make you immune to reality warping MB
Its a good thing that I never said it did. I said physically they can't kill him which is why i brought up her spear. blowing up the universe or multiverse wouldnt matter to someone like Gaim who not only doesnt need a physical form but already transcends his own Multiverse.
Power over concepts, time, and laws of physics. That description is literally no different than a Magic God

And the Tangram
Which is why Mighty Novel X would work, that was my entire point.

Othinus just ignored having that done to her by the Fairy spell. After it had already rendered her powerless.
I'll need more context on this because from what I'm reading it turned her into a fairy and then she became a magic god anyway.

Ill need more info on what exactly happened when she got hit by the spell in order to properly form a rebuttal
Show me proof a Kamen Rider jumping out of one of our TV screen into our world then. Otherwise, the “real world” no more real than Toaru’s setting that references real world history.
I mean, we've all mentioned multiple times how Saber literally meets the creator of Kamen Rider and Super Sentai, and I think someone posted Ohma Zi-O literally just coming back into existence because the audience watching them remembered him. Hell the Real World is referred to as "The Real World" in the show.

Keep in mind, my original post was saying this is likely a stalemate with both sides having character nebulously above destroying an infinite multiverse
Its not a stalemate at all. Again Unga Bunga isnt the be all end all. If we can't figure out which universe is bigger we look at just what the characters involved can do in a fight and go from there

..he says when he's only mentioned top tier Kamen Riders

Only mentioned top tier

I aint even mention Geats Oneness, Legendary Legend, Zero-Three, Hyper Fumetsu Genm, Zein, CrossGeats, DoomGeats, Asmodeus, Kamen Rider Ghosts extra final form thats even stronger than his Mugen Form (i dont remember the name of it). Like shit son. We aint even mention any side characters or villains till now


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Hey Pax, pax? Come here, I won't bite...
Okay? Okay.

The story telling us they are stronger isn't fucking enough! There's a goddamned good reason why when Nasu decided to revise the powerscaling, no one knew where to genuinely put the TYPEs until Lostbelt 7 rolled around.
It was the same shit with the retarded Transcedental deal that happened with Bleach due to Kubo using the idea and then dropping it, meaning everyone has a shitty take on the power level system due to it.

Again, more words that ultimately amount to JACK AND SHIT! So are we stating that Platinum Accelerator is beyond "All of Creation" now? Is he the next being "Superior to God" like Fiamma was after the absorbed the IB? So what is Dragon King Touma? Is he double Superior now?

Yeah there's still problems with that regardless, doesn't matter if it's a Book, VN or LN, there's a reason why people have issues with that and authors tend to have their own problems when it comes to those and VS. settings.

With shitty contexts that make no sense unless someone read To Aru... which none of us did. We talked about this Paxton when the very first time, you gave us no context that Touma wasn't chosen for the IB and had outside assistance for that.

Yeah sure buddy, you do that with every franchise that isn't To Aru.

I'm not gonna read the fucking Light Novels to understand your ridiculous ass context, that's your job and you are failing MISERABLY at it.
In a nerfed state they can literally do the same shit she can do. The narration and the story itself makes this abundantly clear.

It's an extremely simple concept.

And nice strawman, I never claimed that.
You said the statements don't matter or are inaccurate, so that's on you to prove it.

"With shitty contexts that make no sense unless someone read To Aru... which none of us did. We talked about this Paxton when the very first time, you gave us no context that Touma wasn't chosen for the IB and had outside assistance for that."

Except he specifically was. When did I claim otherwise? Post the exact post/quote you're referring to.

"shitty context"

Coming from the guy who I've not even seen ONCE ask a honest to god question in either the Circus thread or the actual To Aru thread about anything confusing regarding the series?

The thing I've actually done when confused about Fate stuff?

You're not even trying.
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One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Still waiting for Xhom to back up the claim about the IT buffing Imagine Breaker.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
And this means what exactly? Their power reaches far, neat, what exactly does that mean for them when fighting someone like Gaim

Its a good thing that I never said it did. I said physically they can't kill him which is why i brought up her spear. blowing up the universe or multiverse wouldnt matter to someone like Gaim who not only doesnt need a physical form but already transcends his own Multiverse.

Which is why Mighty Novel X would work, that was my entire point.

I'll need more context on this because from what I'm reading it turned her into a fairy and then she became a magic god anyway.

Ill need more info on what exactly happened when she got hit by the spell in order to properly form a rebuttal

I mean, we've all mentioned multiple times how Saber literally meets the creator of Kamen Rider and Super Sentai, and I think someone posted Ohma Zi-O literally just coming back into existence because the audience watching them remembered him. Hell the Real World is referred to as "The Real World" in the show.

Its not a stalemate at all. Again Unga Bunga isnt the be all end all. If we can't figure out which universe is bigger we look at just what the characters involved can do in a fight and go from there

I aint even mention Geats Oneness, Legendary Legend, Zero-Three, Hyper Fumetsu Genm, Zein, CrossGeats, DoomGeats, Asmodeus, Kamen Rider Ghosts extra final form thats even stronger than his Mugen Form (i dont remember the name of it). Like shit son. We aint even mention any side characters or villains till now

It's literally just nebulous "this character warps reality" vs another character that does the same thing

if you're not going to mention specific scale then how would it not be a stalemate, by definition?


V.I.P. Member
And this means what exactly? Their power reaches far, neat, what exactly does that mean for them when fighting someone like Gaim
The range of their power even when their literally not doing anything at all.
It’s a good thing that I never said it did. I said physically they can't kill him which is why i brought up her spear. blowing up the universe or multiverse wouldnt matter to someone like Gaim who not only doesnt need a physical form but already transcends his own Multiverse.
So do Magic Gods

Great Darkness pursues the duo. The "Darkness" chasing Kamijou holds the overwhelming destructive force to overcome even dimensions.

Which is why Mighty Novel X would work, that was my entire point.

I'll need more context on this because from what I'm reading it turned her into a fairy and then she became a magic god anyway.
The spell worked as it was intended and made her a fairy. But as a result, left her with 100% certainty of failure. She pulled a Midora against Minority World basically and knowing now that her next action would fail, simply did the reverse and just willed back her powers and created Gungnir on top of that.
Ill need more info on what exactly happened when she got hit by the spell in order to properly form a rebuttal

I mean, we've all mentioned multiple times how Saber literally meets the creator of Kamen Rider and Super Sentai, and I think someone posted Ohma Zi-O literally just coming back into existence because the audience watching them remembered him. Hell the Real World is referred to as "The Real World" in the show.
Good thing there’s no audience or outside help here. Already said what I needed to regarding the Real World. It doesn’t mean a thing in a Vs debate.
It’s not a stalemate at all. Again Unga Bunga isnt the be all end all. If we can't figure out which universe is bigger we look at just what the characters involved can do in a fight and go from there
Literally what I’ve been doing but also arguing the Cosmology is bigger anyway. Heck, just the Hidden Phase alone is > the Kamen Rider verse


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Still waiting for Xhom to back up the claim about the IT buffing Imagine Breaker.
"You literally denied the very context you brought up before with Touma not being the true chosen for the IB and how IB originally was just to further bitch at me."

Also waiting for him to direct me to this exact post where I supposedly claimed this.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
"I'm not gonna read the fucking Light Novels to understand your ridiculous ass context, that's your job and you are failing MISERABLY at it."

Talk about being lazy.

Ctrl F + whatever word/quote I post along with the volume in question.

Then you can read the entire context for that specific chapter. It's not hard.

You complain about the "context" being given in terms of quotes but when the actual source for those quotes is given to you, you don't even bother to do your own research when it takes a grand total of maybe 10 minutes to find the volume, Ctrl F the words in the quote, and read the section of the volume in question.
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One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
" I legit have to ask so many questions of Kamachi's portrayal of the Archangels, their weapons and God amongst many, many other things because I heavily fucking doubt that the Philosopher's Stone, the cornerstone of what will most likely be what Touma is... is a something within the "Invisible Thing" and Imagine Breaker and is enough to warp the fabric of the Universe..."

Another thing I asked Xhom to elaborate on and yet... nothing.
I don't need or have to prove shit, you just buried yourself the entire time meanwhile now telling me to read some shitty LNs because I somehow cannot understand the context you put down... despite there being nothing as stated by everyone else.

You have no fucking credibility because this is what you always do. Whenever I say the truth, you lose your shit and go into the inevitable passive aggressive seething and coping because you can't prove me wrong and you literally lie and change shit yourself despite you bringing in that very context before.

So no, I REFUSE to even remotely take you seriously until you actually fucking try.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
In other words, you're not going to actually address what I said nor point to where I lied about something.

Because you can't.
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