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Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia


Vote Lynch Whicker

Rugrat, Yoho and Psychic are in my POE and they're counter voting Whicker who's against Poyser. Poyser's also in my POE. What hurts me here is Polar Bear voting for Poyser and I have high suspicions on the guy...

Vote Lynch Poyser


Vote Lynch: Poyser

Vote Count 3 Day 2

Rugrat: Polar > Whicker > Hime > Whicker
Poyser: Whicker > Hime > Whicker
Whicker: Polar > Poyser > Yoho > Poyser
RDK: Whicker > Poyser
Nibel: Polar Bear > Yoho > Poyser
Polar Bear: Nibel > Rugrat > Poyser
Gad: Nibel > Whicker
Gram: Poyser > Unvote > Poyser
Fuji: Yoho
Yoho: Psychic > Rugrat > Poyser > Whicker
Orca: Rugrat > Poyser
Hime: Poyser
Psychic: Whicker

Poyser: 7
Whicker: 5
Yoho: 1

Majority was reached, Poyser will be lynched​
Last edited:
Day 2 ends, Poyser was lynched New



The Demon King has fallen once again. The Kingdom of Hyrule sleeps soundly. But he will return, inevitably...

Poyser was lynched:

Ganondorf (General Series)

[Triforce of Power] You are passively immune to all and any form of kills and killing abilities. In addition, Ganondorf will obtain a x1 Strongman kill modifier if a factional kill ever fails

[Phantom] Ganondorf may continue to post in mafia chat after his death (but not in the main game chat).

Wincon: You win when Ganon's Army controls the voting majority, or nothing can stop this.

It is now Night 2. You have 23 hours to submit actions


@Polar Bear stop tagging me so many times bro, If I wasnt there I wasnt going to show up just because you kept tagging me.

Its super annoying bro.

Vote Lynch Yoho
show up at eod and nobody will need to annoy you it's not hard, your slot would be far easier for us to solve if youd taken a stance there


i dont think yoho is a good direction, he did look shocking eod but poyser was calling for him to be vigged lol