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Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia


scum will mostly be on whickers wagon
poyser was literally unkillable and scum wouldve been desperate to not get him lynched

The Orca



Lonely at the top
Vote lynch Poyser

gonna hop on this train
Well someone has to break from their vote, guess ill do it

Vote Poyser
Vote poyser
No, shes absolutely right here, his phrasing makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. The fact youre so hard against this bothers me.

Vote Poyser
Rugrat, Yoho and Psychic are in my POE and they're counter voting Whicker who's against Poyser. Poyser's also in my POE. What hurts me here is Polar Bear voting for Poyser and I have high suspicions on the guy...

Vote Lynch Poyser

Vote Lynch: Poyser
The Order of Poyser votes here.
Hime started it, next two are unlikely to be his mates bussing him when Whicker was a valid counterwagon, Whicker/Nibel/RDK could have scum in it though. RDK Hammered Poyser when Whicker was at 5 votes so maybe not him. Which leaves Whicker/Nibel in the Poyser Wagon.Whicker of course was a counterwagon to Poyser so unless we were dealing with two scum wagon hes probably good. Leaving Nibel in the Poyser wagon for me thats off.

As for the Whicker wagon:

Rugrat: Polar > Whicker > Hime > Whicker
Gad: Nibel > Whicker
Yoho: Psychic > Rugrat > Poyser > Whicker
Psychic: Whicker

Based on this my list would be :


Town Lean
The Orca
Polar Bear

Slight Town

Tier 2 POE

Tier 1 POE


Lonely at the top
show up at eod and nobody will need to annoy you it's not hard, your slot would be far easier for us to solve if youd taken a stance there
I was the first dude to point out Poyser was off with his play around my slot lol. I called him out when nobody else did. If youd bothered reading my posts youd actually be able to solve me easily off his flip.


I had irl issues that needed to be taken care off, bite me.
lets not do this

I'm not trying to solve you based on whether you had IRL issues or not, just wont do it

the fact is you had the chance to hammer whicker or poyser and never did anything


Lonely at the top
i dont think yoho is a good direction, he did look shocking eod but poyser was calling for him to be vigged lol
Its almost like distancing is a thing, also interesting that you think Poyser calling for Yoho to be vigged is a good look on him but at the same time Poyser calling for me to be vigged when I didnt even make a single post doesnt register to you to help solve my slot.


Lonely at the top
lets not do this

I'm not trying to solve you based on whether you had IRL issues or not, just wont do it

the fact is you had the chance to hammer whicker or poyser and never did anything
Okay then solve me another way, through my posts.


The Order of Poyser votes here.
Hime started it, next two are unlikely to be his mates bussing him when Whicker was a valid counterwagon, Whicker/Nibel/RDK could have scum in it though. RDK Hammered Poyser when Whicker was at 5 votes so maybe not him. Which leaves Whicker/Nibel in the Poyser Wagon.Whicker of course was a counterwagon to Poyser so unless we were dealing with two scum wagon hes probably good. Leaving Nibel in the Poyser wagon for me thats off.

As for the Whicker wagon:

Rugrat: Polar > Whicker > Hime > Whicker
Gad: Nibel > Whicker
Yoho: Psychic > Rugrat > Poyser > Whicker
Psychic: Whicker

Based on this my list would be :


Town Lean
The Orca
Polar Bear

Slight Town

Tier 2 POE

Tier 1 POE
i didnt start it, gram did
i believe whicker was second and i was third


Its almost like distancing is a thing, also interesting that you think Poyser calling for Yoho to be vigged is a good look on him but at the same time Poyser calling for me to be vigged when I didnt even make a single post doesnt register to you to help solve my slot.
there's distancing and then there's being a strong voice in the game and asking for your teammate to be shot, it's not something poyser would do, he's a good teammate