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Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia

Polar Bear

Sus list :

Scum forcing a sus list ⬆️?
Why psychic?
Defending scum partner ⬆️?
What do you think of Hime rug? With 5 hours left we need to decide on a lynch or at the very least decide on someone we want to push to a claim and then decide whether to lynch them or no lynch. I was thinking yoho tbh but you were one of my only 2 supporters left on that lmao

Other than those 2 I’d be alright with Whicker. I don’t really suspect anyone other than that currently
Hime must be feared
Probably think Hime is town

She’s made a very bullish push on Psychic, saying that she’s 95% scum. She’s also been pushing Gad too. I’d expect some degree of hedging if she’s scum, as she strikes me as more calculated and pragmatic.
Rugrat going against poyser on hime.

Chairman Nibel

Breath of the Wild
V.I.P. Member
I hesitate to vote for Rugrat
I see Psychic and Yoho as both scum
And it's very hard to think we have a 4 scums team
Unless we got a vig, but no sign of it or maybe he was rb twice in a row


yknow, i dont really like how u just had this on hand lol
felt a bit prepared esp since he died last night and has no way of changing his read on u based on how the rest of the day went
feels like u knew youd be in shit today and killed him knowing u could use this
I brought it up the point tbf


So your argument of me being scum is that I played enough games that I shouldn't ask a question even tho I'm not 100% positive that's a terrible argument and makes it seem like you're just trying to paint whatever I say has scum
I don't really read you scum but to his point I think that asking these sorts of questions can often be a scum tactic for weaker players as they will ask these 'easy' questions to try and stay active and blend in


A Simple Man
I don't really read you scum but to his point I think that asking these sorts of questions can often be a scum tactic for weaker players as they will ask these 'easy' questions to try and stay active and blend in

Ah interesting 🤔


If you're not on my town list, you're in play as potential scum, so that'd be you, tugrat, fuji, whicker, polar, orca and yoho

I don't see why I need to give you anything to work with beyond what I've posted - I'm only loosely trying to figure the game out for myself, and I think I have more than enough content for someone to be able to weigh up my alignment

FTR psychic wasn't on Grams suspect list so I think she would only be scum if someone on that list was


1. I didn’t have it to hand. Checking the posts of the scum kill at the beginning of the phase is basic town play.

2. HAZA (not myself) made the case that scum would be unlikely to kill Odo if he was reading them town. It was certainly topical and as the largest wagon at the time, it’s my obligation to defend myself. Nobody claimed that Odo had unmovable reads, so I’m not sure the relevance of it in this argument.

3. Are you seriously trying to make an argument that I’m scum because “Rugrat killed the only player (and most influential player) who was town reading him because WIFOM”? When have you ever seen anyone actually doing that? No im not saying you should read me town for the Odo death, but this is a poor argument to suggest I’m scum.

If we’re being realistic; you’ve decided I’m scum and are just using any argument to support it. If Odo suspected me “Rugrat killed him because he suspected him”; now Odo didn’t suspect me “Rugrat killed Odo because WIFOM”
gram called nibel clear town multiple times throughout the game and stated that there is no way nibel is scum
haza pointed that out and said it would be weird for nibel to kill gram if he were scum considering how strongly gram sided with him

u immediately jumped on that saying that gram thought u were town too

the major difference is that gram never thought u were town for sure unlike he did with nibel
in fact he thought the stick on whicker post was a potential slip as well

i find it sus that u took one post of his and r trying to run with it as a possible defense of urself


gram called nibel clear town multiple times throughout the game and stated that there is no way nibel is scum
haza pointed that out and said it would be weird for nibel to kill gram if he were scum considering how strongly gram sided with him

u immediately jumped on that saying that gram thought u were town too

the major difference is that gram never thought u were town for sure unlike he did with nibel
in fact he thought the stick on whicker post was a potential slip as well

i find it sus that u took one post of his and r trying to run with it as a possible defense of urself
Fairly blatant you have an agenda cba.


I hesitate to vote for Rugrat
I see Psychic and Yoho as both scum
And it's very hard to think we have a 4 scums team
Unless we got a vig, but no sign of it or maybe he was rb twice in a row
the split is likely 10-4

no sk i think considering weve only had 1 kill per night?
3 scum with no serial/hostile indie would maybe be a bit low


not really sure what happened to our vig
perhaps we dont have one or scum have some sort of doctor role?



The Demon King has fallen once again. The Kingdom of Hyrule sleeps soundly. But he will return, inevitably...

Poyser was lynched:

Ganondorf (General Series)

[Triforce of Power] You are passively immune to all and any form of kills and killing abilities. In addition, Ganondorf will obtain a x1 Strongman kill modifier if a factional kill ever fails

[Phantom] Ganondorf may continue to post in mafia chat after his death (but not in the main game chat).

Wincon: You win when Ganon's Army controls the voting majority, or nothing can stop this.

It is now Night 2. You have 23 hours to submit actions
btw someone with flavor knowledge pls tell me if ganon = ganondorf?
idk if this is the gf or ig "stand-in" for it since it doesnt say so explicitly