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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 1: OBD 2027 prologue edition

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Shiro who was able to fight off Hercules: WTF

Yep, like I said, these people will downplay Shirou despite him being able to fight off Heracles and Gilgamesh at all in the Fate Route which makes zero sense as they straight up tell you this pointblank.

Guts clearly scales to the God Hand who control fate. Guess what series Shirou is from? :maybe

they thought guts and monster hunter stood a chance in elden ring so

The fact that they really like downplaying Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Elden Ring comes off as completely weird but it makes more sense when they downplay The Elder Scrolls despite it's feats being obvious as hell even gameplay wise... because it doesn't have 100% the effect it should have gameplay wise...
Despite this is the series where someone was able to cause a Pantheon of Gods to radically change and make someone cease to exist... because they become ultra fucking smart.


I'm certain Garou would lose to Thor... maybe but that information comes from Spacebattles and Astaro who I consider basically with a huge amount of salt.
The others aren't in his league last I checked(or are, Garou is fucking inconsistent not due to his power but the landmass where the fight takes place).


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
I'm certain Garou would lose to Thor... maybe but that information comes from Spacebattles and Astaro who I consider basically with a huge amount of salt.
The others aren't in his league last I checked(or are, Garou is fucking inconsistent not due to his power but the landmass where the fight takes place).
He'd likely lose to Thor if you treat the others as generally in the same ballpark as Garou (Thor's Arc Blades scale to them iirc).
But if not, it's a stalemate.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Like you could probably stretch Saints into being continental-ish, but anything beyond that is basically base Fiamma (aka mr. "I'm gonna vaporize Eurasia") tier, who none of them stack up against in the slightest.

Although, Kanzaki's Yuisen is able to match Curtana Original in a clash, so that'd probably hurt Garou something fierce if it landed on him.

Boy, I haven't seen someone get jumped so bad for stating so stupid in a long ass time, especially moreso now and for Fate of all things:

All I'm doing is analyzing the feats that were provided earlier in the thread- if you wanted to present servants as having a higher level of combat speed, you should have used feats that aren't so quantifiably not ridiculous (in terms of attacks thrown per second at least, the distance travelled is quite impressive).

Again, this is the feat he finds so "quantifiably ridiculous":

Despite the fact that there are a NUMBER of reasons why you don't use animations like this to state why they are "only" 3x faster than a normal real life human(Anime scenes aren't capable of getting across the feats in question through animations, budget, etc.)
There's a reason why the statement must also be used alongside the feat in question, just never by itself(or at the very least in the VN/LN sense, actually be consistently used).

I'll also note that all three of the anime feats provided were pretty consistent in their demonstrated disparity between combat and travel speed, so it seems like the anime's speed levels simply might not measure up to the written version.

"WOW! Actually reading the source material to get a better grasp of the feats in question might actually show how much better the feats are! No fucking way!!!"

Like if this was something from the Babylonia Anime or Camelot Movie, there would actually be some real good sense here since those actually ratchet up the feats and fits the overall scaling better. UFOTable primarily didn't go ultra-hard with the feats here for many reasons and thus only a few feats really stick out in comparison to the source material.

And since I'm not very familiar with Fate and really don't want to get dragged into a multi-page argument, I'm out.

Literally just bitch and run... you know that we would have heckled this man if he tried this shit here...


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

Funnily enough, assuming Goetia doesn't just retgone him at the start due to sensing how powerful he is, I could actually seem him doing decently well. Though Zeus, Cernunnos, and Oberon should be major road blocks for him to deal with.

What is essentially Presence Concealment that even let him sneak up on Othinus (for what its worth), and the God-Killing Stake/Turn Into a Fairy spell (which also worked on Othinus), he shouldn't do too bad.

He's not making it all the way even with moderate wank though.

Dead Lock

Banned Member
i like how they apparently now throw out series using official dimensional statements

so scp saying something is 5th dimensional actually means its infinite d now or some shit

just amazing
You know what scp and vsbw have in common?

They both go about doing things in the most boring way humanly possible.
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