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  1. Masterblack06

    To Aru vs Kamen Rider

    @Paxton I and others will understand if you dont wanna debate without Astaro here since there isnt that many To Aru debaters on the forum anyway. We can all continue this shindig tomorrow
  2. Masterblack06

    To Aru vs Kamen Rider

    I noticed, I gave him the same benefit of the doubt that I gave you. However you now brought to my attention that you broke the rules even earlier than I thought cause you shouldn't even be seeing them posts fam. So while I understand what you tried to do here, throwing him under the bus did you no favours. Hes going and your going. I try and be lenient with you guys but fuck me man. AND STILL IM GONNA BE LENIENT ON YOU GOOFY ASS DUDES CAUSE IM ONLY SENDING YOU FOR A DAY. STOP TAKING ADVANTAGE OF ME BEING NICE
  3. Masterblack06

    To Aru vs Kamen Rider

    This ain't the firsttime either. I let it go the first time cause I wanted to believe "nah there's no way he just ignored me, he must have gotten context from something" but nah.
  4. Masterblack06

    To Aru vs Kamen Rider

    I was gonna like respond to stuff and shit and actually like really dive into a debate for once but a certain someone thinks I'm some kinda fucking Clown and won't back up what I say @Astaro Do you think I'm stupid? Am I just a court jester to you?
  5. Masterblack06

    To Aru vs Kamen Rider

    Potency and scope or 2 different things fam :JokerSerious: What are you even on, you've seen me argue HOW many times that biggatons don't matter when it comes to hax Accelerator exists and I've seen you guys argue that he can reflect fucking anything. Fucking Paxton argued that he could stop Big Rigs. Don't ever come at me again with that lame ass shit dude
  6. Masterblack06

    To Aru vs Kamen Rider

    A bit better actually, God Genm can rewrite or just turn off other people's powers and abilities and freely set his stats to be whatever he wants. Novel X unironically told him "Your can't hurt me" and "You'll feel pain" and it just worked What does scope matter when it comes to Hax Astaro? Stop thinking in biggatons, this is like the nth time you've done this
  7. Masterblack06

    To Aru vs Kamen Rider

    When I get home I'll start posting feats don't worry though
  8. Masterblack06

    To Aru vs Kamen Rider

    I mean Might Novel X did this against God Genm who had 100% complete control over reality down to thoughts and consciousness being able to just fuck around with that shit however he liked Might Novel X said "lol, lmao even"
  9. Masterblack06

    To Aru vs Kamen Rider

    Better question What do anyone in to aru have that let's them get past Might Novel X just going " Nah fam, you can't hurt me cause I said so"
  10. Masterblack06

    To Aru vs Kamen Rider

    Astaro please
  11. Masterblack06

    To Aru vs Kamen Rider

    Also Kamen Rider by itself is already an infinite multiverse. AND THEN you add Super Sentai The fuck is going on with yall niggas in this thread. Hell Man of the Beginning Gaim already transcended Space-Time and straight murked a nigga who pulled all of existence into himself and was Immortal in thag he just constantly revived. Hell thanks to Zi-O bullshit the man is immune to being erased from existence And Mighty Novel X has his powers on top of Hyper Muteki :heston
  12. Masterblack06

    To Aru vs Kamen Rider

    Also wtf Someone posts info about Super Hero Senki saber affecting the real fucking world and yall response is "that's not that impressive" When the fuck did anyone in to aru meet and save the existence of their own creator and not only save their verse but the entire concept of it and bring it back into existence The fuck are we talking about here. Hell because of what Saber did there the next season of Kamen Rider started with Revice :heston
  13. Masterblack06

    To Aru vs Kamen Rider

    You gonna have to wait it out fam, dudes at work
  14. Masterblack06

    To Aru vs Kamen Rider

    Why we bringing up super hero senki Saber, Ohma Zi-O and Legendary Legend Niggas have to get past Man of the Beginning Gaim and Mighty Novel X
  15. Masterblack06

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    Shadow Magic is a hell of a drug is what I got from however the fuck this stuff works
  16. Masterblack06

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    Maybe it comes down to whether or not the dream person is protecting them or not. If they are a companion their tadpoles cant be messed with cause they are being protected or something
  17. Masterblack06

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    Hence the Tried part, they Tried, it didnt work. I dont know how to be any more clear on this :heston
  18. Masterblack06

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    Well yeah my statment makes sense, People tried it didnt work. Well yeah but Withers is like an actual god, he probably could have straight removed them shits from your head CASUALLY Skeleboy is based like that You could probably skip past everyone to the point you unlock the ability to eat worms and then come back and start killing companions. Though i've never tried it
  19. Masterblack06

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    Your problem is essentially that theres a plot hole in the game But lets say that your plan worked, they kill them, take the parasite out, use any of the forms of ressurection scrolls or spells Them shits only bring you back with 1 hp, they dont heal you. Congrats you revived your friend with a hole in their head, they are now dead again. You only get that one scroll off Gale IIRC, so you only get to bring them back to full health that one time. So maybe it would work then but everyone else is fucked Also, if it was that easy to get rid of the parasite, assuming that you get revived with full HP alot of the plot of the game just doesnt work. Its not that deep, and its not that serious
  20. Masterblack06

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    Yeah you try so much shit to remove the fucking parasite and it doesnt work Aunty Ethel tries to remove it and mentions that your parasite has been tainted with Shadow Magic and as such she cant remove it I would post the video showing the sheer amount of bullshit you go through, losing eyes, drinking weird potions, someone literally trying to physically remove it from your head, they tried to burn it out of their minds with magic, which would kill them in the process, and it instead broke the machine trying to do so, Hell players even attempted to do what you asked, kill a party memeber, remove the parasite, revive them, shit didnt work.