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Game Unranked All Fiction Favorites Mafia (GAME THREAD! GAME OVER!)

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King of Conquerors
lets carry out an exercise. How did psychic in particular win her last two games? What’s her scum MO?

serious answers only
Don't know about the game prior to the last one, but from my PoV I suppose she laid low when she could and tried to minimize her presence otherwise.

Town was already on each other's throats so she just exploited that fact, and also killed the people who had voiced a sus/ vote on them prior to remove the people who most likely would come back for her.

Though, as for intricate details of the play, can't say I've analyzed that much.


King of Conquerors
I guess Gramma wasn't asking me, lmao

I see now that it was directed at tpin

Oh well, don't yell at me gramma senpai



right, you get it

does it look like she’s doing that here?

And do you think this was a relatively straightforward observation to make?


King of Conquerors
right, you get it

does it look like she’s doing that here?

And do you think this was a relatively straightforward observation to make?
Well, you are right, Psychic came out swinging saying people are probably scum, it's a stark contrast to the last game for sure.

Could be a pretty strong tell for sure.

I'll subscribe to it.


Objectionable Objection
V.I.P. Member
Neutral as in I want people to make their own reads and voice their own thoughts and not just push my reads instead of their own.

In short I want no sheeping.
I've got an idea for an interesting experiment I would like to get your approval for before going ahead with.

Given its favorites every role in this game is probably a power role to varying degrees so people saying how happy they are with the role they were given shouldn't be too revealing.

So I would like everyone to rate how happy they are with the role they received from a 1 to a 10 scale (or a 1 to 5 scale if that's too broad). If we have that as a baseline we can see how it gets contradicted later, and try to determine what's the reason for the contradictions


Objectionable Objection
V.I.P. Member
@xenos5 don't think it's such a good idea. There's no need to fish for roles.
Well, the reasons people would have for a rating could also be as trivial as "I'm okay with the abilities but I don't like the character I got" but fair enough


What sort of contradictions do you expect to come from this?


The Nexus

I think scum just gonna kill all the 10s?


The Nexus
I don't believe you thought she was getting a town read for asking Flower a question, no.

I was not being hyperbolic.
I saw her doing something and asked him.
"Is this something she did why you town read her?"


I think it’s fairly obvious the intent was to discredit me/my observation. No interest in actually trying to work out what I was thinking or seeing



I don’t know you (hello btw) but this reads to me as potential fake manufactured scum content and highly recommend you do something relevant instead
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