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Ranked Baki Mafia

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So unreliable.
Every time I play on this site I get hit by the `poor opening` line, I have no inconsistency about CP, he is not the one who makes his entire play about me.
Give your best reads.
You called CP a vulture for voting you but then you didn't put him in your PoE like you did for me, that's inconsistency.

As for my other reads:
Retro strongest town read rn, feels like solve mode even if attempting to rationalise Juice's play is misguided
The Xenos/Aurelian interaction is odd because I initially didn't like Xenos because the flavour spec felt TMI... he's gotten better tho while Aurelian has gotten worse
I admire Frinckles' confidence, would love to know the meta there from someone who's familiar
Juice's brand of anti-town play is NAI like I've said
Gad had an awful first post but is now merely inoffensive
Mystery mode Gram isn't the play I'm used to, usually as town he tries to lead more I think, he feels more backseat
I remember I was iffy about Magic early but I don't remember why honestly


The Best Dog
when I flip town.
and if you look at sign ups when I asked to be a sub.
and if look at when Ultra asked for confirmations i didn't confirm.
so this is just hot air Sky. just a load of twaddle from someone who pretends to know anything about me


So unreliable.
when I flip town.
and if you look at sign ups when I asked to be a sub.
and if look at when Ultra asked for confirmations i didn't confirm.
so this is just hot air Sky. just a load of twaddle from someone who pretends to know anything about me
I have to say this is very weird from someone who's self-voted and given up. Even for you. I get the feeling you just want an argument


The Best Dog
if you are painting my character in a certain light and claiming stuff on another site is my problem, then yes I am going to bite.


Objectionable Objection
V.I.P. Member
I gotta go to work soon. I'll be packing for my vacation when I get back but i'll still try to find some time to catch up on the thread and share thoughts.

Wish you all luck in the scumhunting


So unreliable.
if you are painting my character in a certain light and claiming stuff on another site is my problem, then yes I am going to bite.
I've known you longer than 90% of the players on this site and what I see is someone who takes shit way too personal. This is one example of that. The fact that you're taking this as some kind of character assassination gives me the feeling that this is a conversation a therapist should be having, not me


The Best Dog
Why do you keep bring stuff outside of game influence. It not a good look to be honest. I don't need you suggesting therapy options to me. We've share the same forum for a while yes. Thats it.


The Best Dog
i dont need some busybody dicatating to me why I am doing things in a certain ways. If you say it is because you think I'm scum fine. but don't make OGI comments. show a bit of respect.


So unreliable.
Well, fine, don't listen to me, just have this happen again and again.

And how is this OGI lol. We've gone beyond "is this player town or scum", that's where OGI is relevant. The point I'm making is you need to fix some serious shit before you can play Mafia at all


The Best Dog
The only people that keep bringing in OGI are players like yourself - that are still clinging on to past. This doesn't happen in every game I play, only in games where people are obsessesed with history.


The Best Dog
We don't like each other. At least be honest about things. And not to pretend to be some sort of behavioural expert.


So unreliable.
Vote Juice

She's done it again, she's successfully baited me into voting her :



Let’s not go down this route pls

Chairman Nibel

Breath of the Wild
V.I.P. Member
I think the first one is a great possibility
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