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Ranked Baki Mafia

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Objectionable Objection
V.I.P. Member
Xenos if you aren't going to engage me directly that's one thing but since your clearly lurking and reacting to posts, at least do something with other posters. Kind of cowardly imo otherwise
Last time I respond to you this phase.

I have nothing to add about Chou. I don't know him very well, so i'll let others look into him more and see if something comes from the pressure.

The only other thing worth commenting on is the way you blatantly deflected when Grammaton and Sky asked you about the same thing I was asking you for. Evidence from the Eastenders game. Accusing them of agendas rather than actually answering anything. Condescendingly saying "the receipts are already there, look for them yourself!".

It's just a bunch of hot air.

If you want to keep playing victim then go ahead. But pretending you already referenced specific posts from Eastenders when you never did is just a blatant lie. I don't know how it can be called anything other than a generic comparison when you refused to go into specifics.


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
Hans aka Tweet aka KWEH
Ahh, I've only read them as Hans lol
No idea when it comes to Balsamic but if on the smallest chance its true with what she's claiming I'm happy to test their claim by being the one to hammer. How much time is left? I'm about to go to work though and won't be back till 9PM EST.

Also east coast masterrace... Even though I moved to Seattle but let's not get into that.


The Best Dog

this is why you don't sign people up - that haven't confirmed to actually upgrade from sub. thanks for the game.


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
Generally speaking, if I’m not trying to persuade someone, I’ll keep my cards close to my chest because it’s more beneficial to stir the pot and see what shakes loose - we’re not going to be committing to a lynch at that point and my read on Aurelian isn’t strong at all

However I do think people should be voting Chou, hence the elaboration
I concur with the Chou lynch. Worst case scenario, they're not invested in the game and we won't miss much

Vote Chouchou


Don't care. Point was you can engage others otherwise your being a complete coward, no ifs or buts about it. Sitting and lurking the thread and simply spamming reactions to posts you like or dislike is fairly shit no matter how you cut it. You don't have to respond to me after this post but not engaging anything else is weak as shit and game throwing if you are, on the small off-chance, actually town.


Objectionable Objection
V.I.P. Member
im actually a vanilla townie called Hinary. but meh. this is a waste of my time. the negative vibe isn't my jam
Lmao. The Hillary Clinton spoof character?

Very strange to be a fake claim, honestly.


Anyway I'll be back around 9pm EST time, gotta go to work early today. I'll try and lurk from the phone and post if possible.


im actually a vanilla townie called Hinary. but meh. this is a waste of my time. the negative vibe isn't my jam

I just see this as buyers remorse tbh.

I’ve no idea what you’re talking about with ‘negative vibe’ - I made an observation about your play and if you weren’t happy when you received your pm, you should have messaged ultra and not posted ITT


The Best Dog
you can see it as whatever you want lol. Losing a vanilla towne on day 1 really isn't the end of the world, but i y'all can blame yourself for inactive hunting and getting it wrong


The Best Dog
just vote me and you can resolve this slot. i wont post again in this game - so don't take this as AtE


Objectionable Objection
V.I.P. Member
just vote me and you can resolve this slot. i wont post again in this game - so don't take this as AtE
I'll be honest. You're giving me vibes similar to Muugen in the Jojo game I was just in. He also just wanted his slot to be resolved and voted himself at one point.

I and others tunneled him, and it turned out to be a mistake since he flipped town.

I'd rather not make the same mistake again. So while I do think the way you re-entered the thread isn't great i'm willing to give you a bit of leeway.

But giving up and saying you won't post again in the game isn't the way, and I can't help you if you do that. So I would suggest you just take some time to look back through what's been posted so far and see if you can make some reads.


So unreliable.
just vote me and you can resolve this slot. i wont post again in this game - so don't take this as AtE
You want my advice? Mafia is not for you. You get the tiniest bit of pressure on you and you either crumble or go on a really personal rant that only hurts everyone

Hell, if you'd ever been able to take the slightest bit of criticism we'd all still be on WS to this day


Objectionable Objection
V.I.P. Member
Juice self voting :francis:
You want my advice? Mafia is not for you. You get the tiniest bit of pressure on you and you either crumble or go on a really personal rant that only hurts everyone

Hell, if you'd ever been able to take the slightest bit of criticism we'd all still be on WS to this day

You probably know Juice better than I do. Are you saying he almost always does this regardless of alignment?

If you can link a past game where he does this as scum, that'd be even better. Thanks.
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