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Game Ranked Better Call Saul Mafia Game Thread [Game End - Serial Killer Victory]

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Hes not suspecting you for voting Cubey like everyone else, hes suspecting you because you insisted Cubey slipped when according to Polar Bear he didnt.
When did i say he slipped?

I only remember having a thought about a discord image and I asked how scum chats are handled here and i thought there could be a slip there, is that it?
Which was cleared out as someone said that you guys dont do discord for scum chats here.

Also, please let him answer my questions.


Towniest post you've made all game


There's about 20 hours by default if we don't end early
Ending the game early is anti town, why would you?

And RDK is saying it like they wanna hammer me in two hours like it is supposed to be a threat or something lol. It is not.

I believe I'm a great asset to town and as the townies with the biggest post count, i believe it is in the best interest for them to get me lyched, if it is early even better, so why help them?


Lonely at the top
I mean you said he was scum reading you for voting Cubey which is false so I corrected you, he clearly posted in his post that its about some slip.

I asked you two times earlier besides Orca and Polar who pinged you among those that defended Cubey, can you answer that?

The Orca

Absolute worst vote i have seen is Melkor. Ugly. Performance with no conviction behind it imo. I dont think he really wants to vote me. Probably a place holder for scum to move later or just an easy vote and dip lol

That doesn't compute with me. So you think Ratchet is making an obvious soft counterclaiming?

Also i will say that arrogance is a personality trait and should not be in any way be considered as alignment indicative in any way.

It is not a stretch, im inherently arrogant myself as town or scum, it is who i am and no rand will change it, so it could be for everyone else.

You dont? Cause i saw it too

Why Cubey so low in the priority and why Ratchet and Flower are the bigger priority. This list is like you sus Cubey and you sus their pushers too, that does not add up.

I disagree that Flower has played like crap, for you to say that with so much certainty, you gotta know something that i dont.

What do you know? How exactly is Flower playing like crap?

You don't seem to comprehend the reasoning but still try to defend her at all costs...interesting

I'm sorry Orca but I do agree that this right here looks like OMGUS after Melkar voted you. Do you believe yourself as an easy vote to go for?

Well since you are talking and Flower dipped the question

Explain how it is OMGUS

For sure, but firstm may I ask?
How long have you been playing Mafia? this is a genuine question.

I actually need it, please cooperate

You do not. You and Flower have said the same thing, based on what is in the thread. You can answer with what is provided already in the thread

Ok, I will answer, someone has to be the grown up here.

Not about being grown up. You said it was OMGUS, you should be able to explain how without further information provided

I like Melkor's progression here: First he thought just about the same thing Orca did, but then I can see him thinking about it and seeing that such claim is not exactly a move scum would do.

And thanks to this analysis, I see more reasons to scum read you, except, if Cubey is scum, would he be so clumsy as to associate you with his by pleading to you about me and my read on Polar Bear?

Let me know when you want to explain how its OMGUS, you avoided the actual question at hand entirely again lmao

I just told you why it is OMGUS, maybe who lacks reading comprehension is you.

Now, how long have you been playing mafia.

OMGUS stand for "Oh my God You Suck", refering to the impulse to snap vote or accuse your accuser.

You OMGUSed Melkor because his alternative to Cubey was you.


Back to this obvious wolf I go

Vote to Lynch: Cubey

Wow, you are questioning your own perception on reality?

If this is scum!Flower, she snowed me hard because playbook by plaubook, she has played townie in my opinion.

Yes, im questioning my read on you. One thing is when a player is TWTBAW and another is when they are straight up wolfy, I would have given you more of a pass if you were a newbie, but you are not.

Is dotG a luka clone?

They don't know what gaslighting is now lmao

Just a sample. Pretty much your entire post history minus a few posts are horrible


Interesting post. I remember you asking me to townread you, which i assumed you townread me because why else would you ask me that if you thought I was scum?
I didn't ask you to

I said it was in your best interest to


Lonely at the top
Usually when I have a though process I already have individuals in mind, like when Day 1 ended I wouldve already started combing in your case the defenders of Cubey and seeing who stuck out the most, is that not the case for you @.guillo



Just a sample. Pretty much your entire post history minus a few posts are horrible
Why, why are each of those posts horrible in your opinion. And is horrible the equivalent to scum indicative?

Because in my experience, not all posts that i perceive as horrible are scummy, they are jjst horrible


I didn't ask you to

I said it was in your best interest to
Yah, why would you say that if you didn't believe i was town.

Why would you bother to threatening with townreading you if you thought i was scum, instead of pushing me to execute me if you thought i was scum?
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