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Game Ranked Castlevania animated series Mafia - Game Thread

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Leprous Monarch
If she's scum here, what do you think the angle is here on doubling down on calling bullshit on you/nibel?
kinda made it easy for her with my fuck up, which she called a fuck up apparently without thinking through that it would only be a fuck up if I was town, as scum it'd just be a calculated gambit to save a mate


kinda made it easy for her with my fuck up, which she called a fuck up apparently without thinking through that it would only be a fuck up if I was town, as scum it'd just be a calculated gambit to save a mate

I don't think it's wrong to call it a "fuck up" presuming you as scum didn't read last phase or something though. Which is a generous assumption of how bad you'd have to be playing but I don't see why that implies you'd have to be town.

What I was more getting at here is that even after her initial reaction she decides resolving nibel is the way to go. Do you think that's her only recourse as scum?


There's room for some combination of crossfiring or intervention but the odds of that happening consistently are exceedingly low

Sk would probably be magic pussymoding or doesn't exist, logic doesn't dictate that all 3 vigilantes are asleep at the wheel or have attempts at kills fail and never say anything


Leprous Monarch
I don't think it's wrong to call it a "fuck up" presuming you as scum didn't read last phase or something though. Which is a generous assumption of how bad you'd have to be playing but I don't see why that implies you'd have to be town.

What I was more getting at here is that even after her initial reaction she decides resolving nibel is the way to go. Do you think that's her only recourse as scum?
err, sure? why not? she knows she's not getting me lynched and she needs other people to vote with her so she's not going to start pushing others


OLU is a very inconsistent player and probably doesn't say what he's actually thinking half of the time so I wouldn't bank on him not shooting Bachi either

The only thing missing here is that dead men don't speak - if there's a scum Bus Driver in play for example, Hime could have protected Bachi or whatever, etc.


err, sure? why not? she knows she's not getting me lynched and she needs other people to vote with her so she's not going to start pushing others

Well because Nibel flipping town would be automatically condemning wouldn't it?

Does she need that flip to win? Do you not think she could just defer to another option?


Polarized Noob
I don't think that Tempest really "messed up" and I'm slightly confused why Hime is taking that angle. It's pretty blatent that they forgot; not sure why they would take this angle as a wolf or as a town.


Leprous Monarch
Well because Nibel flipping town would be automatically condemning wouldn't it?

Does she need that flip to win? Do you not think she could just defer to another option?
nibel flipping town doesn't condemn her at all. she can say my fuck up made her theory plausible, which it does


Leprous Monarch
I don't think that Tempest really "messed up" and I'm slightly confused why Hime is taking that angle. It's pretty blatent that they forgot; not sure why they would take this angle as a wolf or as a town.
idk what you're saying here. do you think I'm lying?


I don't think that Tempest really "messed up" and I'm slightly confused why Hime is taking that angle. It's pretty blatent that they forgot; not sure why they would take this angle as a wolf or as a town.

No, Tempest claims they didn't see the coordination here. The angle is obviously that he shouldn't have done that, and by CP's own admission if he had read that he would agree.

Fencesitting attempt denied.


nibel flipping town doesn't condemn her at all. she can say my fuck up made her theory plausible, which it does

Yes it does lol, from a practical standpoint. Challenging that knowing the person is gonna flip town is going to bring consequence

Again I ask, you don't think as scum she could just accept a single clear? Or is she walled into thunderdoming here?


Leprous Monarch
OLU is a very inconsistent player and probably doesn't say what he's actually thinking half of the time so I wouldn't bank on him not shooting Bachi either

The only thing missing here is that dead men don't speak - if there's a scum Bus Driver in play for example, Hime could have protected Bachi or whatever, etc.
by that same token if nibel's scum he could've protected bachi too. and given how hard I went at bachi going into n2, you'd think I'd protect him afterwards! I outright said he claimed magic's role and gave a detailed breakdown of why that was likely.


Polarized Noob

nibel cant be town bc gad wouldve shot and scum wouldnt have blocked him if he were going to shoot town and nibel also claims to not have protected himself

if nibel is scum, tempest is most probably scum trying to save a mate
ig if u want to be generous, u can say there mightve been lawyer mechanics present but i feel like we'd have to flip him either way bc its hard to prove

if nibel is sk, tempest can be town

Vote lynch Nibel
Can we please not kill Nibel today, they're generally way more active as a wolf I think
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