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Game Ranked Castlevania animated series Mafia - Game Thread

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Leprous Monarch
Yes it does lol, from a practical standpoint. Challenging that knowing the person is gonna flip town is going to bring consequence

Again I ask, you don't think as scum she could just accept a single clear? Or is she walled into thunderdoming here?
it's not a thunderdome. if you think she's town you aren't going to change that because nibel flips town. her reason for lynching nibel completely tracks. going and lynching someone else entirely (thus risking turning them against her in the process) doesn't make more sense than just forging ahead with the plausible solve. especially when I'm voting her


by that same token if nibel's scum he could've protected bachi too. and given how hard I went at bachi going into n2, you'd think I'd protect him afterwards! I outright said he claimed magic's role and gave a detailed breakdown of why that was likely.

The only point of the bottom part of that post is to cover hedge cases really, I don't have any investment in that, my main point is that I find it dumb to assume consistent inaction from both vig's, agree or no?


Polarized Noob
Luka teeters on Xadlin all of Day 1

Never votes him and votes me instead

When he sees that me and rug are tied he unvotes probably because he's way too image conscious of that wagon stack
I generally don't like votting like, super a ton. I recognize it mostly means nothing towards me but I like having good voting ratios especailly in a day that long. I also think that me voting you is perfectly fair at that moment.


it's not a thunderdome. if you think she's town you aren't going to change that because nibel flips town. her reason for lynching nibel completely tracks. going and lynching someone else entirely (thus risking turning them against her in the process) doesn't make more sense than just forging ahead with the plausible solve. especially when I'm voting her

Her risk calculus as scum doesn't revolve around what a single person thinks.

Hime probably knows doubling down there is gonna catch her heat. The only time she acted aggressive last game was when it was necessary for her to out Magic.

I also think if Hime is scum, she can allege that you're faking a clear on Nibel and then save actually calling that out for later, and try and go for a different mislynch now. Her calling you out the play now only really makes sense if she is at risk of losing something as scum, and I don't really think her options are closed here, so what you're suggesting here isn't very persuasive to me.


Leprous Monarch
The only point of the bottom part of that post is to cover hedge cases really, I don't have any investment in that, my main point is that I find it dumb to assume consistent inaction from both vig's, agree or no?
disagree. OLU didn't shoot polar. Bachi could've been vigged, SK'd, or both. SK may have a perk for not killing. given the size of the game and the vig/backup vig that'd make sense. I'm not sure why you're trying so hard to prove there's no SK against the preponderance of the evidence.


Hime is much more active here and much more aggro than she was last game, do you not see that at all?

Think some of her points here have been shit, and her usage claim is also shit, but not to the degree I can't reconcile with as town.

I'd much more easily buy she's SK or 3p here. Also have a hard time believing Doc/BP/Bus Drive all exists in one game


Leprous Monarch
Her risk calculus as scum doesn't revolve around what a single person thinks.

Hime probably knows doubling down there is gonna catch her heat. The only time she acted aggressive last game was when it was necessary for her to out Magic.

I also think if Hime is scum, she can allege that you're faking a clear on Nibel and then save actually calling that out for later, and try and go for a different mislynch now. Her calling you out the play now only really makes sense if she is at risk of losing something as scum, and I don't really think her options are closed here, so what you're suggesting here isn't very persuasive to me.
if the split is 6/3 or 7/2 right now they only need a couple more mislynches. you're not making any sense here in assuming there has to be a long term plan. it's another odd stance for you to take.


disagree. OLU didn't shoot polar. Bachi could've been vigged, SK'd, or both. SK may have a perk for not killing. given the size of the game and the vig/backup vig that'd make sense. I'm not sure why you're trying so hard to prove there's no SK against the preponderance of the evidence.

No the evidence is overwhelming if you're capable of assessing the low probability inherent in all 3 vigs never firing

I can't lead a horse to water here, especially if you're just gonna jump to saying I have some motive or whatever

But if you're proposing SK has a perk for not firing then it should be even more abundantly clear that's what's happening. Legit the same thing happened last game with magic


if the split is 6/3 or 7/2 right now they only need a couple more mislynches. you're not making any sense here in assuming there has to be a long term plan. it's another odd stance for you to take.

Doubt there's 3. Maybe with a traitor in play, still feels generous, especially given that duel.

If it's 2 I still don't think that means Hime is readily willing to trade herself, even if I can reconcile that in theory. I have her profiled as a fairly conservative scum player. I don't think her reaction here is out of pocket at all, just possibly her conclusion, and that assumes she's wrong about you. Maybe not!


What I'm observing is behavior from her that's a decent contrast with her scum meta by the way, and while I don't think it's impossible to reconcile her as scum, I feel like you should be more flexible in acknowledging what I'm talking about here

So the fact that you immediately jumped to alleging I'm SK and scum siding or whatever here is setting off some alarm bells. Feels like you're overselling your case a bit here

Who do you think she's teamed with?


Leprous Monarch
I was right on xadlin and Bachi so I'm gonna go ahead and insist any lynch today will have my approval first. At this point I can't trust ultra isn't the SK given what he just tried to pull. I'll take a look at himes past games. I recall her being fairly active scum in MHW
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